— Edited
I have a huge inventory of robot parts that need to go. Servos, motors, pan/tilt bracket with servos, batteries, connectors, wires, sensors, resistors, capacitors, Wheel Chair motors and tires, gears and gear sets, linear actuators, tank tracks (VEX), and a giant scale tank chassis - 1/6 scale, plus tons more. Let me know what you are looking for and I will see if I have it. I will also start inventorying my stuff and get a list on here. I thought I would offer stuff up to the community for really cheap before I start putting stuff on ebay.
How much would a LM2930T-5.0/NOPB regulator cost?
I happen to have burned mine up.
let me see
Dude, those are like a buck from radio shack, but I'll see what I have.
I might be interested in your vex stuff (if complete).... what do you have?
What kind of sensors and servos do you have? Also what kind of pan tilt bracket?
my local radioshack sucks. It never has what I need. It has plenty of 7805 and old ardunio stuff. Also, I searched radioshack on line and could not find that piece.
@MovieMaker, you can order that part from Mouser.com for $1.30 plus shipping.
Thank You, robodoc.
Bret, I'd be interested in the tank tracks (VEX) and giant scale tank chassis - 1/6 scale and maybe the batteries too. Could you send me some more info and pictures on them? My email is weyoun7ster@gmail.com
I am sorry for not responding to this post in some time, My family life has been....hectic. I still plan on selling off my inventory. I have servos, linear actuators, batteries, LEDs, speakers, a couple of complete (or nearly complete) robots complete with EZ-B version 3's on them. I will put together a list with pics and post it over the next few days. I also have a set of wheelchair motors/wheels with controller for a LARGE bot. If you are interested in something specific, please email me. bret.tallent@gmail.com
Thanks! And Happy New Year!
Hi, what do you have left? would you send to Australia?
I might be interested in the Wheelchair motors/Wheels if at a good price!
Here are a few pics: I have stepper motors, stepper motor controller, pittman motors, 24V linear actuators, batteries, resistor sets, capacitor sets, LEDs, Giant Scale tank base with tracks and motors (3" X 3' long) , servos and servo connectors/extensions, 6 and 12 wire swivel connectors, I have 3 robots with 3 EZ-B (version 3) and drive sections, step up/down voltage regulator, ESCs, EL wire and controllers, sound cards, mini cut off saw, too much stuff to list!
The VEX stuff I have is one tank track set. I still have this giant drive section from a 1/6 scale tank. 18 inches wide and 3 feet long. The tracks are 3 inches wide, and it includes the drive motors. I also have the battery charger and battery for it (12V).
I have 3 linear actuators that are 50mm of travel and 500N in strength (that's 112 lbs). The other is a marine actuator (water proof). The Pittman motors have the pulleys and are 24V. I also have the rive motors, controller, joystick, and tires from a Jennings wheelchair - they are in like new condition.
The wheel chair motors and associated parts I would take $100 plus shipping. I paid $250 for them.