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Mini-B B9 For Sale

This one really kills me, but for personal reasons I must sell off my Mini-B - 2 foot tall robot b9 from Lost in Space.

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I combined the Trendmasters robot B9 with a rad drive train and have made a really cool mini B9. His arms work and move in all directions and his claws work (although one arm quit working and I think a servo has come loose). The arms even rotate. The waist rotates, the head/bubble rotates and has the camera mounted in there. He has lights in his bubble and his antenna rotate as well. He also has LEDs in his chest lights and voice box - the lights work in conjunction with his speech. There is also a power level indicator light on his chest plate. He uses a 12V battery with lots of power to drive everything, and a charger jack in the back. The RAD base speed can be changed with a servo on the fly. There are also motion detectors on each side at the knee joints and sonar in the front. I used two voltage step down converters for the servos to run 6v on them for full capacity. I will include a MP3 file of 50 sayings from the original robot so you can program your responses. There is an MP3 trigger with a mini SD card for playback.

Mini-B Build

Short video of Mini-B in action

I have put a tremendous amount of work in on Mini-B and he comes with a lot of nice equipment including the version 3 EZ-B and camera, sensors, servos, drive section, lighting, etc. and a 12V battery. Because of this I am asking $250.00 plus shipping. I will also throw in whatever other parts and stuff I have laying around. If interested in giving this boy the home he deserves, please contact


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Man, your starting to kill me to having to sell off all your bots. It's too bad you can't keep 'em.:( Would love to take one but I too can't afford it.


Happily, Mini-B9 has found a new home. Thank you.



dude! that's a hell of a build and a sweet price. on the quality alone I would have got it....just not a huge lost in space fan.

i'm glad someone got a well done robot. got's to rep for the brand, you know.


I loved the design of this robot since the build tread started. I'm super excited to be adopting Mini-B!