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Yet Another Review Of Ez-B

While searching the web I came across this review of the EZ-B that I had not seen on the EZ-Robot site. @DJ - did not know if you were aware of this one, but here it goes.

EZ-B Review


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Harnessing the power of ARC Pro, your robot can be more than just a simple automated machine.


that THOMAS site who just bought the board a few weeks ago

also posted info about the board in the really big robotics club seattlerobotics not too many like the board,it fairly good board,not the best yet,i see its perfect for small robot toys,love easy to GUI (ez-builder) but thats about it so far. once DJ gets roborealm working ,kinect and the new AI software ,i guess to wait and see,so far the biggest board with the most support,hardware and sales is arduino all most all people in to building robots using it,from what i see on the internet and clubs,but so far i love the LEAF microcontroller,not fast but still works super has more memory, 256 digital I/O ,SPI,I2C BUSS, CAN and alot more,waiting on optical feedback to EZB and ROBOREALM mostly,then be near the same ,mostly depends on roborealm interface, i have 6 EZB and looking to get 6 more wnen makerfare or others lower the price mostly need it for my robot toys,bigger robots LEAF board but also making it smaller about the size of EZB but double height canada takes so very long to get the parts in


so far best selling points for EZB is one a easy to program GUI and small size great for toy robots may be 6 months or more may be less ,when is has the AI software and as good as LEAF ,plus ROBOREALM, LEAF board is maInly for large robots with AI SOFTWARE,the drawback like i said before on the LEAF board is the size,but working on a smaller size LEAF board ARDUINO board is the biggest ever selling board,many remakes of it,plus many many adapters and protoboards ,size there a few some very tiny much smaller then EZB and some bigger drawback not much fairly easy to program just no GUI then LINUX ROS software best software out there,way to many modules if you go to just try to count them,it will take you awhile plus every few days more are added,plus LINUX much faster then WINDOWS DRAWBACK hard to program LISPWORKS AI software used in LEAF kinda hard,but so many examples plus help from the leaf yahoo club

i would like o do a very long review,but takes to much time