— Edited
Check this bad boy out! For bench testing servos without all the other stuff. And Cheap!!!
Check this bad boy out! For bench testing servos without all the other stuff. And Cheap!!!
bret.tallent, I have one like it, very useful, I would say almost essential, see this incredible tool for making holes in plastic, wood, thin aluminum, rubber, etc. ..
Hey, how about if we use this thread to share tools and accessories to our laboratories in construction of robots?
That's an excellent idea! I'll dig through all my links and contribute. Do you think we should start a new thread called Handy Tools or something like that? Or keep it under servo Tester thread?
Inetresante would seem to me a new topic for tools, and the rest of guys are encouraged to share tools or instruments for measuring curious. Of course I should say Mr. bret.tallent, since he was the one who opened this topic. Greetings!
Here is something a few of you suing 6V omnibot batteries might like. A low cost LED battery meter.
I found it on ebay for really cheap:
Battery Meter
Here is the place I ordered my Cylon LED lights for Project Magnus.
The Jupiter Store