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Omnibot Tires

Anyone have an issue with the rubber tires on their omnibot falling apart? What did you/can you do to fix or replace the rubber?


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Not yet, but my Robie Sr's rubber treads don't look so hot even though they haven't fallen apart yet. So I'll probably need to go down this road sooner or later...

Here's some quick thoughts for replacing:

  • Big rubber bands
  • Rubber car belts (cut to size)
  • Large silicone washers
  • Plasti Dip painted into where the rubber treads were on the wheels

Hope these inspire someone!:)


Thanks, I was thinking of cutting a flat rubber bungee cord and gluing it around the wheel. But these are interesting too. I actually don't have a problem yet but was looking at an omnibot on ebay that had one bad leg...

United Kingdom

I found some rubber bands that fitted the wheels quite tightly or so I thought? When omnibot turns they started to come off the plastic wheel and jammed in between the wheel and the housing the torque that the moters generate is significant so I had to cut the bands off. I eventually got some new ones from another Omnibot so be very interested to hear how you get on gluing something else on or the plasti dip whatever that is. But rubber bands just stetched over don't work


Hmmm. Possibye an inner tube cut and glued with contact cement? Or maybe an idler belt cut to size and glued? I really don't see any option that doesn't involve glue. Possibly a bunch of O-rings that can be stretched over?


@winstn60 - WOW. I hadn't thought the torque would be that significant... Guess rubber bands are out.

Plasti Dip? Why THIS is! Guess they don't have it in the UK? It looks like really neat stuff. Not sure if it'd harm the Omnibot plastic though...

@bret.tallent - "Contact cement"!! That's what I couldn't think of for gluing. Thanks. Glad to hear your Omnibot doesn't have broken rubber tires. :) The inner tube and idler belt sound promising...

How about an old cut-up wet suite?


Hey guys , dont know if you have a hobby lobby nearby but there are casting kits you can buy which allow you to take a cast of the tire on one good wheel ( by good i mean in one piece enough to make a mold of) then after your cast is made pour in your rubber compound ( or if your really cheap use epoxy resin as a binder and plastic shavings or rubber powerder used to make bouncy balls in quater vending machines you can chop up in a blender)


No problem , had to fix a couple toys like that. Ill find a link to see a example of the kit


Example of mold making supplies, you could copy a whole robot with a half gallon of this stuff, its great for making castings incase you ever need to mold a replacement part. Theres liquid plastic out there too if you want them to be clear hard plastic' just let me know i will link it.


@bret.tallent - If you do the mold, let us know how that turns out. I have a Hobby Lobby right down the street from me.

I had one other idea... it's probably one of the more difficult to pull off. Maybe you could find some rubber toy tires where the rubber was removable from the hub. They'd have to be the same diameter as the Omnibot wheels. Then you could slide the toy tire rubber off the hub and use that rubber on the Omnibot wheel? confused


I'm picking up an omnibot 2000. Not sure what shape the tires are in... But If I need to I'll be making a silicone mold and casting some up. I'll post up my progress if I need to go that route.


Speaking of , i need o buy a omnibot 2000 , anyone have one for sale? Thx


I didn't need any right now, was thinking of buying a bot that needed them but spent my money elsewhere.


If anyone of you ever finds a working solution on the rubber threads, pls post a photo here! Also, and this is off-topic, if someone ever gets to mold/copy Omnibot 2000 arm gears - would be great to know how. Regards, Mike


Rubber compound.used.for.casting , , you can slice.a.tread out flat , make a.mold then cast rubber compound in the mold. Remove the New tire tread and glue seam with a few.drops of rubber cement.:) brand New tires.

United Kingdom

Hey guys, I know it's a bit of an old post now, but I've been experimenting at making moulds and casting the old tires and it works great.

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If anybody needs any replacements, let me know as I'd be happy to make some for people.

United Kingdom

PS I have moulds for Omnibot and Omnibot 2000 tires. Also, I have a Robbie Junior bot, so if anybody wants them, I could cast those tires too:)



I could use a set for one of my Omnibot's.

Can you drop me an E-mail? lumpy692002 @

Let me know how much $$$$