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Import Respeaker USB Mic Array DOA Information To Ez-B
I am going to buy a Seeed ReSpeaker USB Mic Array. I would like to send ReSpeaker sound Direction Of Arrival...question

Moving Head Sound Detector
How do I get my sound detectors to give constant voltage readings on the ADC Graph? I am using the two detectors to see where the loudest signal came from then move...question

Audio Special Effect Voice On The Fly
I am trying to take existing software and create special effect Windows voices on the fly. I am presently using a program called Voxal that runs...question

Change Action Name.
Simple question. How do you change an action name after creating it?question

Question About Wifi Password
I am having problems with connecting to my robot client over wifi. Is asking for a network security key. What for? If I keep trying it says it needs router sign...question

Code To Turn Controller Off
Has anyone written code to turn microprocessor off?question

Respeaker Raspberry Sound Location Question
I have been very interested in having my robot look in the direction of a person speaking. In the above picture you will find a far...question

I Want To Build A Mobile Car R
I want to build a mobile car robot with camera that can be auto charged and be controlled by my iphone over wifi and network. I have a cabin down at my farm...question

Mosfet Control
I have been trying to find a real simple way to control an led light strip with my EZ-B. I have seen several circuits that I could make to do the job but would rather buy a mosfet circuit. I...question

How To Connect Ezb To A Create 2
I have been looking on the forum for a wiring tutorial for the ezb and create 2. There are a lot of ideas and very complicated ideas that seem to work but...question

Team Viewer
I have my telepresence robot Tellie which I want to control securely off site. This is what I dont know. I am using TeamViewer connection to allow my grandchildren to take control of my computer and...question

Telepresence Robot Idea
I would like to have my robot be controlled over internet with a Vr type Headset. Like one that you set the phone inside. I would tie the headset phone motions to the...question

Ezb Diagnostics
Has anyone written or seen a diagnostic program that could verify any problems with an ezb microcontroller. I had a servo burn and want to check all the ports and processor to see if they...question

4 Relay Control
I saw on the message board that I can purchase relay boards that I can control with my Ez-Robot Micro-Controller. After a little investigation, I purchased a Four Relay Module. The...question

Ez-Bv4/2 Vs Ez-Bv4
Can someone explain the difference between the EZ-Bv4 and EZ-Bv4/2 and how to check your EZ-B for what model it is? I am setting up two wifi networks as recommended in tutorials. I...question

Understanding Cameras
I have some questions on cameras that I have not been able to find in Community. 1. I see on several comments that you can use any camera that shows up on windows. I see in the...question

Pc Stick
Hey, has anyone tried out a PC Stick to run the EZB. I think it would open a whole new world as they become more powerful. I am thinking of using one on my second robot Sam. Sam is a Roomba platform.question

Amazon Echo
I have purchased an Amazon Echo and am very impressed with its abilities. I would like to know if there is any way to merge my Echo with EZB so I can get the benefit of both systems through my Echo....question

Training In Ez-Script
I would like to have some help in writing code. A long time ago I coded in Basic. Before Windows. Therefore I have some understanding of coding and can code a little bit with...question

Parallax Hb 250 Motor Controller And Ez-B V4 Microcontroller
I am trying to run two Parallax HB 25 motor controllers and Parallax Motor Mount and Wheel Kit 28962...No robot skills. Click here to view the Robot Skill Store.
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