Resolved Resolved by Jeremie!

Better Search On Synthiam Community Web Site

Is there anyway to improve search in community using google or any other program?  I can't seem to get the answer I need and I know it must be in Community.  I would like to cut my time in finding things and have better access to all information. The existing system rarely brings back the information I asked for.  I saw somewhere on  a post to use Google on Synthiam.  How does that work.

Any ideas?

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#1   — Edited

Hi! Synthiam’s search is already powered by google. What are you looking for that I can help with?


Here are the questions I am looking for.

  1. In AutoPosition you have frames and Actions.  In actions I add all my frames and write script at the top.  The script is R2D2 sounds to go along with my Robot movement. I have Robot movements repeat checked at the top, It repeats over and over but the script does not. I know I can add repeat code but do not know how to stop the arms and voice action act the same time. If I select stop on AutoPosition it causes the Robot and screen to lock up. I have to reload ARC and the robot to get the system going again. What do I do to get both to stop at the same time without locking up the Robot and ARC?

  2. When you put in the initiation script and zero out speed then put servo location in then speed again robot takes off running and I have to catch it. It is 5’ tall. Quite a feat. It also jerks all the servo’s into position. Everything is not two bad but except for the wheels and head rise servo’s. It’s fast and crazy. What I did to fix this is change speed for wheels and head rise servo to desired speed before servo location script. What is the reason for not putting desired speed in all the servo’s before setting servo location which is what the tutorial says not to do?

  3. What is the absolute way to smooth out servo movements?  I have tried speed, steps and many other options and seem to get to The best I can instead of really smooth.  I am using ARC servo’s. By the way these are the greatest servo’s and are reasonably prices.

  4. I doe not see update like I used to. How do I keep my software up to date and know what the newest update is?

These are just a few of the questions that I can’t find on Community.  There are many more. When I search I can’t get any results when I use two word searches therefore I can’t do any selective detailed searches. One word searches are way to broad and a lot of them are not applicable to the one word search I am using. This does not seem to operate like what I have seen in other Google searches.  Synthiam has a mountain load of information post that have been collected over the year. Thank you Synthiam. I would love to be able to access only the detailed multi word search information. What am I doing wrong?

I hope I am not sounding critical. I hope this is constructive. DJ you and everyone else have been awesome. I just want to make iit easier so I don’t have to ask a lot of questions.

Thanks everyone.


hi ellis

you can change the speed off the head servo's like this excample. servospeed(d0,1) the higher the number the slower the servo will go.


Thanks Norman 6R  for responding. I do already know how to change the speeds.  I can do it in code  or in AutoPosition. What I really need is the ability do do better searches so I can find out how to do special things like my post needs.

Thanks Again

#5   — Edited

Hi Ellis, You can find a check box to "not" check for updates at start up in the options menu. Maybe you have it checked?

Can you post your project? Perhaps we can look it over and see if we can find reasons for your stated issues.

I'll say this, Smoothing out servos in the AutoPosition is mostly trial and error. After some work I was able to get mine pretty smooth. There have been a number of posts by DJ and others giving advice on how to do it. I can't remember the little tricks just know. I feel your pain about the search. It's gotten much better in the past years scene they started using a Google assist. Good luck.

As far as you setting your servo posision to zero in the int script; I keep reading that Servo position is between 1 and 180. If ARC thinks it's set at zero this will cause problems. I try to set my first servo position as close to the actual starting resting position as possible. I even have one servo in my robot to keep from jumping, in the INT script, I set it's position first, set the Speed second then turn on a relay that powers up the servo after these settings have been stated. You may not be able to do this in your robot. Here's that script anyway:

# # Srart and Set servo Speeds & Position
Servo(D1, 80) #Bubble Lifter servo rest postion
ServoSpeed(D1,20) # Bubble Lifter servo speed set
Set(D10, On) #Bubble servo Power 0n servo Power after move command to keep from jumping.

I took a peak at your search history, and you're using a single word. Even in google if you type a single word, there's not enough information in that word to get a response. It'd be similar to walking up to a stranger and saying "position". That person isn't going to know what you're actually asking, or if it's a question at all. Try using more than one word, for example 3 or 4 words.

As for your Auto Position question. If you want the code to repeat in the auto position, put it in a loop. Such as...


Sayezbwait("I am speaking and repeating")


Once a new Auto Position action is started, or that one is stopped, the last running script will also stop.


Thanks Dave and DJ for getting back to me.

First Dave I was maybe missing something.  first I set the speed to zero as tutorial stated.  Then I entered where I want my servo's to start as tutorial.  Then I entered correct speeds for all the servo's.  I found that any servo I have that moves very far runs full speed to servo start position.  I found that for them I entered my correct starting speed in my first list of speeds and it fixes the problem.  Is the tutorial wrong?  It seems to me you would want to first set your servo speeds to the speed you want them to operate at.  Then you would want to enter location you want them to start at but the tutorial says not to do that for some reason I don't know.  Below you will see the tutorial I had my questions with.

Name of Tutorial is "Connection"

Tutorial:  # This will clear the servo speeds for initialization.

ServoSpeed(D1, 0) ServoSpeed(D2, 0) ServoSpeed(D3, 0) ServoSpeed(D4, 0) ServoSpeed(D5, 0) ServoSpeed(D6, 0) ServoSpeed(D7, 0)

The following will move the servos into desired starting positions.

Servo(D1, 90) Servo(D2, 40) Servo(D3, 90) Servo(D4, 90) Servo(D5, 38) Servo(D6, 82) Servo(D7, 40)

The following will now set the servo speed for these servos which will be

#used from now on.

ServoSpeed(D1, 2) ServoSpeed(D2, 3) ServoSpeed(D3, 1) ServoSpeed(D4, 2) ServoSpeed(D5, 1) ServoSpeed(D6, 3) ServoSpeed(D7, 2)

Second DJ I am very confused about the statement that I only show one word searches.  I have tried 1-2-3 words.  Mostly only 1 word searches return anything for me.  When I try most two word searches I get " Showing results 1 to 9 of about 0 No results found. Please review your query. Even when I get a  response for a two word search, the results I get are not applicable to my search.  I really do try to use search often when I am working on my Robots.  I have now gotten in the habit of only thinking two or three word searches don't work or do not bring anything applicable back.  That is my fault.  I will try again to use the multiple word searches.  My main concern is not being able to efficiently access the extremely valuable information on Community.  It would sure get a load off of your team if we could better search for exactly what we need.

DJ thanks for the code.  I am sure it will work and will try it.  I did find out that if I want something to happen at the end of the actions, I can enter a script on the last action edit screen.  The only problem I have then is once I get it going I sometimes can't get the thing to stop.  I am still working on it.

Tomorrow I am responding in more detail about my project with video and script.  I hope this will show you better what I am doing.

Thanks for all the help.  Ellis


I just wanted to get the information on my question above on the initiation script.  What will happen if I take out all the speed 0 and move the real speed where it was?  Then I would be setting the servo's to the speed I want on startup then tell the servo's what position they need to go to under real speed.  The tutorial said not to do this it wouldn't work.  What answer is correct?  The tutorial way or the way I want to initiate with no speed 0?



From what @DJ has told me in the past, the servos need to be initialized to a value (position) before the speed is adjusted. The speed calculation needs that value as a starting reference. This is why most of our previous robots started at a calibration position (such as 90 degrees).


You got it. You’ll find more info in the ezscript manual


I will consider this answered. I still do not understand why when I put the slower speed first it solves my initiation problem. This keeps my robot from jerking to starting position. Just must be right by accident.

Thanks for explaining several of the things above.


If you do want to try a Google Search of the contents of the site, just add site: to the beginning of your search.  As DJ said, you should see hte same results, although the result format will be different and perhaps more usable for you.  (the site: tag is useful in Google for other sites that don't have good internal search engines).
