Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by Jeremie!

Autoposition Question

How to I make a AutoPosition action finish each position before going to the next frame?  I have tried to find it or figure it out but haven't found it yet.  So I decided to ask a question on forum.  I know it should be easy.  Just do not yet know how to do it.



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#1   — Edited

Hello @Ellis,

There are two ways:

  1. increase the delay on the frame itself i (you may also want to adjust the steps as well to get a smooth response)
  2. Add a pause frame between frames

Thank you Jeremie.  I was thinking I might be able to use the (wait) command somehow to make one frame finish then start the next. If I use the (delay) that will force the first frame to finish then start the next frame?  I need to use a large delay in each frame correct?


I believe the wait command is usually used to wait the entire action to finish before starting the next, it's not really related to frames unless you are bypassing the AutoPosition control and controlling frames yourself.

The pause frame or adjusting the delay value of a frame can both give the frame enough time to finish. Sometimes the pause frame can be a 5 second delay, sometimes it can be 250mS it all depends on how long you need and servo speed you have selected.

When adjusting the delay value of a frame it doesn't have to be very high like 50mS in order to complete but as I mentioned you make have to change the steps from 3 to a higher value to smooth it or make it move faster. It will take a bit of trial and error.


I tried delay 150 and 30 steps.  That did not work so I am assuming I need to raise the delay a lot higher.  Like 1000.  I will let you know how it works.


Tried 1000 delay and it didn't seem to make it any better.  When I start the Action none of the frames seem to finish.  I would really like to find a way to make the each frame finish before the next one starts. Ellis

#6   — Edited

Well if the delay value isn't working for you, add a pause frame (then adjust the pause time). Pause frames can be added like regular frames, they are in the frame column. Once added, then adjust the delay value like you would on a regular frame. If you would like an example, check out my Live hack 9 that I did on Friday. I used a pause frame between all the frames.


I will try that Jeremie.  Thanks for the ideas.


#8   — Edited

It’s best to view the Auto Position manual page to read the correct terminology AND hover over the question marks on the software to read what the options do.

What youre asking about is the servos physically responding slower than the servo commands for each step between frames. This is because the servos on your robot have a physical speed limit and that’s not a limitation to the software - it’s a speed limit for the servo.

In the case that you’re experiencing, a servo is physically moving slower than the steps between frames. In this case, add a pause frame between frames in the action.

You can then select the length of time (in milliseconds) to pause before the next frame. The Pause is a built in frame that pauses.

Do do not modify delay or steps for this reason, because that’s not what they’re for. Modifying the delay or steps for this situation is like changing the temperature on your stove to hear the television better. :)

Simply place a PAUSE frame between frames in the action to provide time for the servos to physically move before the next frame is instructed. You can edit the PAUSE time for your custom requirements.


Thanks DJ.   How Do I creat the pause frame or is it already created in AutoPosition.  I have read the autuposition tutorial several times.

I did get the my robot to act nice by using delay, steps and speed but if the correct way is a pause frame I want to use it.


Hi Ellis,

To answer your question about how to add a pause between frames; Look inside the AutoPosition Control you are using to make your actions by clicking on the Gear Icon. Then click on the Actions tab. In the center window called Frames you should see a Pause already listed there. Just double click on it and it will be added in the right window to the end of the Action that you have selected from the left window called Actions. If you want to adjust the pause time just highlight the pause in the right window and click on the edit button to the right of this window.

Hope this helps.


Yes that really helps. Thanks for everything.