Just thought I would show a little video of Max showing his moves. Let me know what you think.
By Ellis
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Other robots from Synthiam community

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Oooops, forgot to attach the video. Looking forward to seeing max!
Here is the URL
Max is GREAT!
Very impressive arm design and super fluid animations. Congrats on making such a wonderful robot! One of my favorites
Thank you so much. I really means a lot coming from you. I will keep working on it. Your inspiration really helps.
Very impressive...nice build! Give us more!
Yes like Mickey666Maus said!
Oh is that ServoCity.com hardware?
Yes. I bought the aluminum servo blocks to add strength and extra bearings smoothness. It was kind of mind boggling figuring all the construction but after installing, uninstalling then installing again I got it. I am done with structure and am now working with program movements. The arms can do just about anything. All they need now is programming and settling on movements I need. Ez-Robot makes that a lot easier. I just wish more people knew about its powerful capabilities.
I was surprised that the other day I upgraded my ezb and Norton Security flagged the software as unknown. Norton said it only had 5 customers that had downloaded software from this company. I think you may want to call them.
Nice build !
That is a Arlo base ! I have one too.
I'm working on a robot Arm (warm gear motors instead of servos) I would love to see more pics/details of your Arm build, what kind of servos ? how many DOFs ?
Here is a closeup of right arm and its movements.
@Ellis, how can I reach you to ask a few detailed questions?
I just got back on the site.
Send me an email and I will return to you my phone number.
Here is the information ptp you asked for. It took a little time to create. The servos I used are listed below. The pictures following are of the servos. Servos are listed top to bottom. first picture to last picture. All are Hitec servos.
Hs5495BH HS5685 HS 5495BH HS5685MH HS 5495MH HS430BH
Pictures need to be rotated clockwise once to get the right perspective.
@Ellis, Thanks for the pictures, I'll visualize them
to understand the joints angles.
No problem. I was impressed with your profile concerning engineering.
Outstanding! I love ServoCity. The hardest part about working with their building products is figuring out what to choose from.
I have another question. Does anyone know of a sensor system that can send information to Ezb. I want to use both of my arms to remotely control my robots arms. I will be using a VR headset to see my actions on my robot. Any help would be appreciated.
@Ellis Huh? Can you clarify? ARC sends info to the ezb.... Maybe it's possible to run a bluetooth device through a UART port of the ezb but since I am not sure what you are asking, maybe it's moot to you...
EDIT Do you mean a Myo armband or Joystick? Then yes, ARC supports both...
I just looked at the Myo. It looks like a possibility. I would need one for each arm. does ezb have a interface for this item?
What I really want is a device that can strap to my arm and follow my arm and hand movements. These movement signals would be sent to the ezb controller to control each servo. My arm motions would perfectly be mirrored by my ezb robot.
I could then add a vr headset with mic and make my ezb robot do what I want it to do. This type of control will make remote control of my robot seem human.
Any more ideas?
Before investing in expensive myo's, use wiimotes.
Thanks DJ. I am taking a look. My problem is I do not believe the wiimotes will track all the movements of my arms. I have six servo's that accomplish realistic human arm movements that I need to control.
I am thinking about using a two cameras (dimentional view ) aimed at the operator that can track arm movements. Much like the Kinect monitors arm motion. then use the movement info to control servo's. What do you think?
The ultimate goal will be able to build a robot that can mirror a humans movement.
This is exactly the results I want. Imagine a robot being able to be controlled like this. A handicapped person could drive a robot around the house to go work. Even fine work with fingers. Any ideas?
I'm familiar with the Kinect, and the main issue is to translate 3d joints to plain angles.
it's possible and i'm working on a user interface. btw (I hate user interfaces) although there are a lot of noise and inferred values translating to bad angles.
I'm not familiar with VR but you can get superior results when you add body sensors e.g. black gloves and the arm sensors shown on the video.
is not cheap stuff...
I'm new to the boards so please excuse my lateness to this thread. Wonderful robot. The flexibility and fluidity of the arm movements is impressive... any updates on your progress?
I am upgrading to new ezrobot he servoes I love the quietness and strength.
I am also adding a linear lift so upper body can grow up or down depending what it’s doing. Overall it will be around 5’ up and 3’ down.
Has anyone successfully come up with a movement device so robot can be controlled by human movement.
Hmmm, are we celebrating new years early? That sentence doesn't make any sense to me... Can you re-word and elaborate? Do you mean something like you mentioned before?I once made a metal frame that I strapped to my arm.. Each joint like elbow, wrist and 2 fingers had a potentiometer measuring the angle of movement. When I moved my arm the pots at each joint translated that angle movement correspondingly to a robot arm I had built (which also had an elbow, wrist and gripper). I later included a shoulder joint as well... It was kind of like doctors doing remote surgery with an advanced robot arm, if you get the picture..
Sorry for confusion. Yes I am still looking for a system that will allow my arm wrist and finger movements to be replicated on my robots arm wrist and fingers. I know the technology is available but not a reasonably priced complete system.