— Edited
Has anyone built a self balancing robot. I am interested in building one with EZ-Robot. I am interested in the script and how you built it. Thanks for your help.
https://synthiam.com/Shop/AccessoriesDetails.aspx?prevCat=105&productNumber=1360 it's pre order but worth waiting for IMO
There is a new component being produced that will make an inverted pendulum robot very easy with ARC. I don't think anyone had one yet except for ez-robot employees. There will be a component of ARC that will make it easy to use.
cohran d new component ?what you mean
@nomad.... the new component is the inverted pendulum
i made the wheel case sofar.the rest is waiting on parts.
wheelbase ez mip
I'm back in calgary and working on the inverted pendulum test this weekend
I have jeremie's prototype here to test with. Should get around to it pretty soon
love to see the prototype.
I know I keep professing patience but OMG the wait is killing me. and breath. soon soon
Great. I am really looking forward to the new release. Will this somehow be available script to be used in a developer format?
I just now ordered the pre-release.
DJ for this crowd soon enuff is to far away Last year would not do
We want it ALL and we want it now The stuff you did not invent yet is what we want last week LOL
Here is what I want to construct with ARC. What do you think. I think it would be possible.
Wheelie Robot
Haha - yes yes, being an empathetic individual, i feel your pain! I am also super eager to get the inverted pendulum in your hands. I'll be working on it this weekend - although, any minor hardware changes will require Jeremie and he's on holidays until next week. I hope to have a video and tutorial up for early next week.
@DJ What? You give Jeremie vacation? Recall that boy and chain him to his desk.... It's not much different as he sleeps at the shop a lot anyway....
no no, no vacations till all the work is done
Haha - well if it helps, i haven't had a vacation in 3 years. Contrary to the fact that i spend time at my cabin in the summer, i still work. In fact, it's sad because i work at my cabin more than i work here.... due to less distractions.
So what you want to hear from me is that i'm doing to my cabin - because that means more work out of me!
Did anyone get to look at the link I posted earlier concerning what you think of making a similar robot using ezb v4 microprocessor and the new pendulum accessory. If not here is the link again.
Pendulum Robot
@Ellis... Yes, of course you can make a self balancing robot using the ezb4 and the inverted pendulum.... That would be the whole point of the inverted pendulum... @Nomad (forum member) has already build one and is just waiting on the inverted pendulum in order to finish his self balancing robot... I am going to make one as well once I get my EZ Robot order....
the robot looks cool with rising head.if you skilled enough you can make excact desame.am newbie so i make it easier.
ez mip
I was just wondering about self balancing device and plugin. I ordered one over a year ago. I still get notifications telling me we haven't forgoten you from Ezb. Where are we. I really want to try it on Max.
You were contacted about either receiving a refund or keeping the order for the future. Presently we are having significant challenges and have put the project temporarily on hold. It will be ressurected this summer for further development.
Wouldn't the high speed communication expansion board solve the latency problem that currently prohibits self-balancing?