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2014-03-03 - created first new question
2014-03-07 - joined your first forum discussion
2014-09-06 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
2014-09-10 - connected ARC to the cloud
2014-09-25 - answered a forum question
2014-09-28 - posted a robot project showcase
2014-09-28 - shared your first video in the forum
2014-11-01 - shared your first photo in the forum
2015-09-15 - created a custom avatar
2018-01-16 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
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Questions With Object Tracking
Playing around with Object Tracking tonight and I cant get it to work. I watched The Robot Program 46, to make sure I was doing it right. I have trained a few...question

Script To Activate Bing Speech Recognition
Ive got the Bing Speech Recognition working and WOW its great! I have been trying to come up with a script that will activate it - so I...question

4-In-1 Sensor Questions
I am attempting to get a 4-in-1 sensor to work as I need it to and not have much success - I need a hand. I am trying to get the 4- in-1 sensor to drive 2 servos to keep...question

Community Forum Search
Ive been using the Community Forum Search to get more information on the 4-in-1 sensor. I get 114,798 Threads returned and Ive noticed that every post to a thread is showing up...question

Help Needed With Cognitive Emotion Plugin
I have downloaded and installed the new Cognitive Emotion Plugin and configured it as per the instructions. How do I use it? I have the...question

2 Wheel Balancing Robot
I got a 4 - in - 1 sensor and have put together a 2 wheeled balancing robot. Now I need to figure out some coding. I have the Initialization script and it works good -...question

Speech Settings
I upgraded my system to Windows 10 and now in the Speech Settings control only female voice sounds are available. Is there a way to get male voice sounds or is this something Microsoft did?...question

Ez-Robot Facility Camera
I dont know why but I kind of miss the camera being on. Is it going to be back on sometime?question

Error Message
I am getting this error message and it is preventing me from saving changes to my project. It has a reference to the Inverted Pendulum control that I had a look at and then deleted from the...question

Running 2 Ez Cameras
I am trying to run 2 EZ Cameras on one instense of ARC. I can get a second one to run for a short time but then It quits working and then I get this error message; 8/4/2015 2:38 PM...question

Sending A Snapshot In An E-Mail
I have the new SMTP Client Plugin installed and working. I have it configured so that if the camera in my robot detects any motion, I get an e-mail and it...question

True Autonomous Find, Pick Up And Movemovement
Rich mentioned today that it would be great to see a robot autonomously find an object, pick it up and move it. I agree! How the...question

Camera Control Questions
In a couple of scripts I have commands to start a camera, however, if the camera is already on, when the command to start it runs - the camera stops. Also, in a script, I...question

Connection Question
I have had 2 EZB4s connected to my robot for some time now and connecting to them has never been a problem. Tonight, however, I cant connect to the second one. I have one setup in...question

Which Wall-E Should I Get ?
Well, I just ordered a Developers kit and an extra controller, looking forward to getting everything. My plan is to convert a Wall-e into a robot, like on DJs video....question

Sound System For My Robot
Now that my InMoov is mobile, I need a good sound system for it. I did at one point have it over WiFi to the robot thru the EZB as per d.Cochrans Breaking out the sound...question

Movement Tracking
I am trying to get my Wall-E to follow the color red. The problem is when it sees the red object it turns away from the object. I have everything set up as in the Roli exercise. If I...question

Mayday Mayday Mayday
HELP! When I try to open my project file I get this; I was doing some script writing and the program started acting weird, so I saved the project and shut down ARC. Now I cant...question

Running 2 Robots In Client Mode At The Same Time
I have 2 robots and I have each one setup to run in Client mode. When I try to run them both at the same time, I can only...question

I have been trying to get Pandorabot working without any success. I looked for the example the is suppose to be available but cant find it. Could someone that has some experience with Pandorabot give...question

Servo Power Supply And Connections
Do the 3 servo wires have to be connected to the EZ-B v4, or can the power wires of several servos be connected to a common power source with only the...question

Inmoov Robot And Synthiam
Hi, I have built an InMoov robot and I am wondering if I should be controlling it with ez-robot products. I currently control the robot with python scripts through My...No general conversations. Click here to start a conversation.
No robot skills. Click here to view the Robot Skill Store.

Bhoustons Bobs Inmoov
Ive always wished I had started a Project Showcase type of thread when I started running my InMoov robot with EZ-Robot. So Im going to start one now. The first few posts are...robot

Bhoustons You Never Know What Happens When You Leave The Room
I left my phone on video record and captured this. Hmmmrobot

Bhoustons Rubiks Cube Solving Robot
I found this robot on Thingiverse; and thought it would be a fun project. Check it out theyve really created a great...robot

Bhoustons Another Inmoov Modification
I redesigned the Top Stomach Pistons for quicker movement. The STL files are on Thingiverse.

Bhoustons A New Hand For Inmoov?
Ive been working on a new hand idea for my InMoov robot. I seriously hacked the Exiii Handii. Their original design had the thumb and index finger moving...robot

Bhoustons Inmoovs Touch Sensors
The other day DJ suggested an easy way to make a touch sensor, see this thread So I started playing with that...robot

Bhoustons New Eye Mechanism For Inmoov
Check out

Bhoustons My Inmoovs New Base
Heres a quick look at the base Ive built for my InMoov robot.robot

Bhoustons A New Dof For Inmoovs Neck/Head
Ive designed a new neck mechanism for InMoov to add a degree of freedom. It still needs some fine tuning but youll get the idea.robot

Bhoustons Inmoovs New Gripper
I found a design for a robotic gripper on Instructables, so I thought I would make one for my InMoov. The basic design was done by Techiebot heres the link to it;...robot

Bhoustons Robotic Arm
Heres a quick introduction to my Robotic Arm. If you have any questions - Id be happy to answer them.robot

Bhoustons I Added Something To My Inmoov
I added something to my InMoov, can you tell what it is? I am flattered that EZ-Robot used my InMoov in their latest ad.robot

Bhoustons Inmoov Doing Math
A short video of my InMoov doing math. Thanks to the Community Members who helped me out with the script for this using my EZ-B v4 and ARCrobot

Bhoustons Inmoovs Sensors
Thanks Rich, Richard R, and Luis for helping me with the scripting to get these sensors working.robot

Bhoustons My Inmoov Running On Synthiam
Initial test of my InMoov robot running on the new EZBv4. I have 24 servos connected to one v4 and all are running OK. Thanks for everyones...robot

Bhoustons My New Robot
Heres a short video introducing my new robot. Thanks for everyones help to get this far with it.No live robot hacking sessions. Click here to view the past live robot hacks.
No firmwares. Click here to view robot hardware and firmwares.
No 3D printable parts. Click here to view 3D printing robot library.
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