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  • 2014-03-02 - joined Synthiam
  • 2014-03-03 - created first new question
  • 2014-03-07 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2014-09-06 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2014-09-10 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2014-09-25 - answered a forum question
  • 2014-09-28 - posted a robot project showcase
  • 2014-09-28 - shared your first video in the forum
  • 2014-11-01 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2015-09-15 - created a custom avatar
  • 2018-01-16 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text

Latest submissions


What Kind Of Sensor Do I Need

I want to put a sensor on a robot to keep it from running off the table or down a flight of stairs. Something that can sense the drop off. What do I need for this? is there a way to configure an Ultrasonic sensor to do this? Thanks

Ive Been Trying To Use A Vari

Ive been trying to use a variable like $ScriptManagerStatus but I get the error message Variable not defined and I can see that in the list of variables. I can use the $Autopositionstatus variable and it works great, however, having a $ScriptManagerStatus variable would be good to have as well. Can I create this variable? If so, how? Or does it...
Questions With Object Tracking

Questions With Object Tracking

Playing around with Object Tracking tonight and I cant get it to work. I watched The Robot Program 46, to make sure I was doing it right. I have trained a few...

Why Doesnt This Script Work Any More?

I have just switched over to the new 3 port Ultrasonic Sensors and this script will no longer work. Its the one I used for the 4 port Ultrasonic Sensor. The script always Prints 2 no matter how close I get an object to the sensor. $Center = GetPing(D11,D11) $close = 40 :start if($Center $close) print(1) else Print(2) endif Sleep(2000) Goto(start)...

Adding A Camera Function To An Autopostion Action

I have an Autoposition Action of about 15 frames, after frame 4, I want to have the camera take a picture and then continue on with the rest of the Action. Is it possible to add this camera function into the Action? Or will I have to split up the Action into 2 separate Actions with the camera function in between them? Thanks

What Happened To The Forum ?

Something has happened to the timeline and response notification on the forum. I got a lot of notifications last night about thread updates that dont exist and the newest threads are no longer showing the usual order.

Servo Movement Smoothing

I was just watching a James Burton video and he talked about Servo Movement Smoothing with an Arduino code in the beginning of the video. The servos move quickly towards the required position and then slow down as the position required is approached. It really smooths the movements out. Is this possible...

Servo Dimensions

Ive been recommending to people to use EZ Robot servos. Ive noticed that the dimensions given in the description of the servos is incorrect. Perhaps someone at EZ Robot could put the right dimensions in the Comments Dimensions for all of the servos.
Script To Activate Bing Speech Recognition

Script To Activate Bing Speech Recognition

Ive got the Bing Speech Recognition working and WOW its great! I have been trying to come up with a script that will activate it - so I...

Neo Pixel Ring Tutorial

ooops! @DJ I was trying to upload the Arduino sketch, again into this tutorial and now after saving it, it is no longer public. I can open it but it doesnt show in the list of tutorials and the title has a line though it. What did I do wrong?
4-In-1 Sensor Questions

4-In-1 Sensor Questions

I am attempting to get a 4-in-1 sensor to work as I need it to and not have much success - I need a hand. I am trying to get the 4- in-1 sensor to drive 2 servos to keep...
Community Forum Search

Community Forum Search

Ive been using the Community Forum Search to get more information on the 4-in-1 sensor. I get 114,798 Threads returned and Ive noticed that every post to a thread is showing up...

Random Answers To Questions Or Statements

Heres how I get random answers to questions and/or statements in ARC. Its a simple way that can be expanded on as needed. For example if I say - Goodbye The program responds with a statement from this code; $response = getrandomunique(0,3) if($response =0) Sayezb(have a good day) elseif($response =1) Sayezb(later man) elseif($response = 2)...

Connecting A Neopixel Ring To An Iotiny

Im trying to get a NeoPixel Ring running off of an IOTiny board. On a EZBv4 the TX and RX are connected: D18 Signal Pin on the EZB to RX on the Arduino, D19 Signal Pin on the EZB to TX on the Arduino Which pins would I attach to on the IOTiny or can I run the ring off of the Tiny? Ive tried all of the Digital pins and they dont work. Thanks

Tutorial Update Questions

It was noticed that the Arduino sketch I put in the Neopixal tutorial wasnt working. I have tried to edit it so it will work, however, I cant add a missing line that has somehow gone missing from the sketch. In the sketch there is a line that should read; #include Adafruit_NeoPixel.h I cant add -...
Help Needed With Cognitive Emotion Plugin

Help Needed With Cognitive Emotion Plugin

I have downloaded and installed the new Cognitive Emotion Plugin and configured it as per the instructions. How do I use it? I have the...

Iotiny And Camera Questions

I am planning a way to put an EZ-Robot camera on a Quad copter and control it will an IoTiny and then stream the video to an iphone app. I have 11 Volts and 5 Volts available on the copter. My question is - what power should I use? or is either one OK? Thanks

4 - In - 1 Sensors At Brookstone

If youve been waiting the EZ-Robot 4-in-1 sensors, they are available 2 for 1 at Brookstone. Its a bit of a problem getting the deal if you are outside the US so phone them to place an order and they will make it work.
2 Wheel Balancing Robot

2 Wheel Balancing Robot

I got a 4 - in - 1 sensor and have put together a 2 wheeled balancing robot. Now I need to figure out some coding. I have the Initialization script and it works good -...
Speech Settings

Speech Settings

I upgraded my system to Windows 10 and now in the Speech Settings control only female voice sounds are available. Is there a way to get male voice sounds or is this something Microsoft did?...
Ez-Robot Facility Camera

Ez-Robot Facility Camera

I dont know why but I kind of miss the camera being on. Is it going to be back on sometime?

I Hate To Ask Again But

DJ, how is the 4 in 1 Orientation Sensor and the Inverted Pendulum coming along? Im working on a project that is going to depend on these sensors - any time frame yet? Also, did you post anything on the EZ-Cloud that shows the scripting you used in the video you posted to demonstrate the Inverted Pendulum? Ive looked around the Cloud for an example...

Connection Questions

I am having problems connecting to 2 EZBs at the same time. I have 2 EZBv4s on my InMoov robot. Whichever v4 I turn on first it will connect to but not the other. I have set the static IPs for both controllers into my router (Asus RT-N12B1) and when I scan the router to see the connected clients, it will only show the first controller that was...
Error Message

Error Message

I am getting this error message and it is preventing me from saving changes to my project. It has a reference to the Inverted Pendulum control that I had a look at and then deleted from the...
Running 2 Ez Cameras

Running 2 Ez Cameras

I am trying to run 2 EZ Cameras on one instense of ARC. I can get a second one to run for a short time but then It quits working and then I get this error message; 8/4/2015 2:38 PM...
Sending A Snapshot In An E-Mail

Sending A Snapshot In An E-Mail

I have the new SMTP Client Plugin installed and working. I have it configured so that if the camera in my robot detects any motion, I get an e-mail and it...
True Autonomous Find, Pick Up And Movemovement

True Autonomous Find, Pick Up And Movemovement

Rich mentioned today that it would be great to see a robot autonomously find an object, pick it up and move it. I agree! How the...

Ha Ha, Now Thats Funny

I have always enjoyed April Fools Day. It really brings the creativity out in people. Those were good ones DJ !

Help Needed With A Code

I have been trying to get this code to work, #Power Up ControlCommand(quot;Script Managerquot;, ScriptStart, quot;Amp Onquot;) Sleep(500) ControlCommand(quot;Auto Releasequot;, PauseOn) Sleep(2000) ControlCommand(quot;Auto Position 3quot;, AutoPositionFrame, quot;Tilt Straightquot;,100,7,4) sleep(5000) ControlCommand(quot;Auto Positionquot;,...

Adc Scripting

I installed the latest ARC today and fired up InMoov. I ran a script with this in it; ADC_Wait(ADC0,lower,150) and got this error message Error on line 5: ADC_Wait requires at least 4 parameter. You passed 3. I uninstalled the current ARC and re-installed a version from 1/18/2016 and that code ran fine with no error message. What is it looking...

Connecting 2 Ezbs To A Mobile App

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone. I thought I would start out the year by creating a Mobile App for my InMoov - finally. Ive got most off it figured out but I need to connect to 2 EZBs to run the robot - no luck. Is it possible to connect to 2 EZBs on a mobile app? If so, I need some help setting that up. Thanks

Set(Digital Port,On/Off) Questions

Im having a problem getting the Set(digital port,on/off) to work. If I run this code, it works....once. Set(1.D22,on) Sleep(300) servo(1.D22,90) sleep(5000) servo(1.D22,40) sleep(5000) servo(1.D22,90) sleep(5000) servo(1.D22,130) sleep(5000) servo(1.D22,90) sleep(2500) Set(1.D22,off) When I run it again, the servo does not move. The code runs...

Talk Servo And Numerals

I have been developing a script that generates a series of numerals and Ive noticed that the Talk Servo Control does not move when it receives a numeral in the Say command. For example: Sayezb(quot; two hundred and fourty eightquot;) # the servo moves and the audio plays Sayezb(quot;248quot;) #the servo does not move but the audio plays Is there...

Auto Position Controls For Specific V4s

I know that having the ability to have 2 v4s on one Auto Position Control, has been brought up in the past and that it is not possible. Could it be possible to add the ability to select a specific v4 for an Auto Position Control? Then a project could have 2 Auto Position Controls each controlling a specific v4.
Camera Control Questions

Camera Control Questions

In a couple of scripts I have commands to start a camera, however, if the camera is already on, when the command to start it runs - the camera stops. Also, in a script, I...

Camera Click Servo Plugin

I installed the Camera Click Servo Plugin, set up the servo info and then when I attached it, it automatically attached to Camera 2. (it wasnt even powered up) I have 2 cameras on my project and I need it to attach to Camera 1. I dont see a way to change the camera to the one I want.

Putting Random Numbers In Order

I am writing code that selects 6 random numbers and then i want to put them/say them in numerical order. Ive got the number selection working OK but then putting them in numerical order is the tricky part. Ive got it so it will select the lowest number from all the numbers but Ive hit a road block selecting the next lowest number. Heres what Ive...
Connection Question

Connection Question

I have had 2 EZB4s connected to my robot for some time now and connecting to them has never been a problem. Tonight, however, I cant connect to the second one. I have one setup in...

Trying To Do A Video Recording

Not having any luck with this script! The head isnt turning as it should. The Camera Control indicates that it is recording, however, I cant find the recording where it says it should be. Any help appreciated. Thanks #start head in this position servo(D1,110) servospeed(D1,0) sleep(500) #start video recording ControlCommand(Camera,...

I Need Help Figuring Out This Scripting Question

I have a few scripts that dont do what they are suppose to do until I run thru them once. Let me explain that - in the script below the robot is doing addition. What should happen is, for example, when I say two the robot should look at its hand, extend 2 fingers and say two and when I say plus four the robot should look at its other hand, extend 4...
Which Wall-E Should I Get ?

Which Wall-E Should I Get ?

Well, I just ordered a Developers kit and an extra controller, looking forward to getting everything. My plan is to convert a Wall-e into a robot, like on DJs video....

How Can Two Commands Be Run At The Same Time?

I am trying to get two commands to run at the same time ( without success ). For example: Left(1,2000) ControlCommand(Auto Position, AutoPositionFrame, Stretch Left, 10,1,1) The program runs the first line, once that is completed then the next line runs. Is there a way to have them run simultaneously?
Sound System For My Robot

Sound System For My Robot

Now that my InMoov is mobile, I need a good sound system for it. I did at one point have it over WiFi to the robot thru the EZB as per d.Cochrans Breaking out the sound...

Speaking Different Languages

Is there a way to have the a different language spoken in a script? Right now if you put in a different language it says it in English or tries to. On other platforms if you put in the Google Language identifier, fr for French, de for german, it for Italian, before your text, it will speak the phrase in that language.
Movement Tracking

Movement Tracking

I am trying to get my Wall-E to follow the color red. The problem is when it sees the red object it turns away from the object. I have everything set up as in the Roli exercise. If I...

Wireless Microphone

I imagine lots of you out there are using some sort of wireless microphone to talk to your robots. Im looking for recommendations on which one I should get.

Ez-Robot Logo

Is there an STL file somewhere of the EZ-Robot logo that I can download?

Battery Monitor

I want to set up a Battery Voltage Monitor script using the values from the EZ-B v4 Info control. Is this possible? If so, could someone please, give me some pointers to get a script started. Thanks

New Help With This Script

I am looking for a little help to finish off this script. The script as it is works, however, I want it to speak the sum of the 2 numbers. I have tried a few different ways but I cant get it. Hey, I pretty proud of getting this far with it. Ive made a comment in the code of what I want it to say. :start $heard = quot;speechquot;...

How Do You Get Two Ezbs To Work Together?

I have got two EZBv4s connected to my project. As you can see in the code below, I have an Ultrasonic sensor connected to controller #1 and I am trying to get it to move a servo one controller #0. When I run it, the servo does not move. Am I missing something in communicating between the two controllers? $trigport = 1.D0 $echoport = 1.D1...

Ultrasonic Sensor On Adc Ports

I am trying to get a HC - SR04 Ultrasonic sensor to work off of ADC ports and having a little difficulty. Before I go any further into frustration - can you run this sensor off of ADC ports?

Iphone/ Ipad App

Is the Mobile interface available for use on an iPhone or iPad? I think I saw somewhere that it going to be soon, just wondering if it is available yet.

Deleting Object Tracking Images

I have a few images in Object Tracking that I want to delete and cant. I imagine there is a simple way to do it. Could someone please clue me in. Thanks

How To Keep Score

I am writing a script for playing a game with my robot. I am stumped on what to put in the script to keep score. How would i do that? Thanks
Mayday Mayday Mayday

Mayday Mayday Mayday

HELP! When I try to open my project file I get this; I was doing some script writing and the program started acting weird, so I saved the project and shut down ARC. Now I cant...

Trying To Get A Pir Working

I feel like a blind man wandering around in the bush at night hoping to find my way home! So heres where Im at with this project, Ive put some comments in so you can see what Im trying to accomplish. Any and all help will be appreciated. :loop #timer to power down $x = 0 RepeatUntil($x = 30) $x++ Sleep(1000) EndRepeatUntil repeatUntil(1=2) #what...

Trying To Use An Adc Port For Pir

I am trying to use an ADC port to get the signal from a PIR sensor. I have in my script: $PIR = GetADC(A7) and I get this error message; Error on line 26: Missing String Quotes or Invalid Expression: A Is it possible to use this port for this purpose? If so, what is the proper syntax to use it? Thanks
Running 2 Robots In Client Mode At The Same Time

Running 2 Robots In Client Mode At The Same Time

I have 2 robots and I have each one setup to run in Client mode. When I try to run them both at the same time, I can only...

Help Needed Converting This Script From Python To Ez-Script

I have switched my robot over to Ez-Robot and I need some help converting the following Python script over the EZ-Robot language. if (data == lets do some math): math() if (data == one): one() global first first += 1 print(first) if (data == two): two() global first first += 2 print(first) if (data == three): three() global first first += 3...

Need Help With A Random Script

I am trying to get the following script to repeat 5 times; # get a response value $response = GetRandom(0,5) If($response = 0) Sayezb(What should i say) ElseIf($response = 1) Sayezb(i really should say something) ElseIf($response = 2) Sayezb(Ok i think i have said enough) ElseIf($response = 3) Sayezb(something) ElseIf($response = 4) Sayezb(Whats...

Sound Servo Error

I continue to get a Sound Servo error. I have been unable to solve this problem on a project I have been working on, so I started a whole new project to try to trouble shoot it further. In this new project I only have 3 servos connected; 1 for Pan; 1 for Tilt; and one for the sound servo. When I run scripts involving these 3 Servos I get no error...

No Speak

For some reason I cant get any Speech to play. In a script for example I have; Sayezb(speak like a human). However when I run the script I get no sound It doesnt Say it. I have the Speech Settings setup. The speaker is working, I hear it on startup.

Sound Boards

Is it possible to transfer sounds from a Soundboard(PC) to a Soundboard(EZB) ? I want to use some of the Wall-e sounds that other builders have shared on EZ-Cloud but they all are on Soundboard(PC). I want the sounds to come thru the EZBv4. Thanks

Copy And Pasting Scripts

Rookie question. I cant copy and paste a script into another one, is this possible to do in ARC? I highlight the script I want to move and right click but nothing happens.

Error Message

I am getting the following error message; 9/9/2014 9:42 PM - Sound Servo Error: Object is currently in use elsewhere. What does it mean and what do I need to do to solve the problem.

Learning Synthiam ARC Scripting

I received my new EZB v4 and my developers kit a couple of days ago. Nice stuff! I plan to convert my robot from its current OS over the EZ-Robot. This will be challenging as it has 26 servos, a camera and a PIR sensor. I have been working on a couple of EZB scripts and I have been successful in getting a robotic finger to move, using the Auto...

Text To Speech Servo Movement

I am starting this thread because it seems that a few people are having issues with this and perhaps we can get it working, I am trying to get the mouth of my robot to move according to the text I put in a command. So what ever I type in, the robot will speak those words (audio) and the mouth (jaw) will move similar to a humans for the given words....


I have been trying to get Pandorabot working without any success. I looked for the example the is suppose to be available but cant find it. Could someone that has some experience with Pandorabot give...
Servo Power Supply And Connections

Servo Power Supply And Connections

Do the 3 servo wires have to be connected to the EZ-B v4, or can the power wires of several servos be connected to a common power source with only the...

Mouth Movement With Speech

Ive been investigating switching my InMoov robot over to ez-robot control. Im liking what Ive seen so far. Question; Is it possible to make the mouth of a robot move in sync with speech/sound with ez-robot software? Thanks, Bob
Inmoov Robot And Synthiam

Inmoov Robot And Synthiam

Hi, I have built an InMoov robot and I am wondering if I should be controlling it with ez-robot products. I currently control the robot with python scripts through My...
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Bhouston's Bob's Inmoov

Bhoustons Bobs Inmoov

Ive always wished I had started a Project Showcase type of thread when I started running my InMoov robot with EZ-Robot. So Im going to start one now. The first few posts are...
Bhouston's You Never Know What Happens When You Leave The Room

Bhoustons You Never Know What Happens When You Leave The Room

I left my phone on video record and captured this. Hmmm
Bhouston's Rubik's Cube Solving Robot

Bhoustons Rubiks Cube Solving Robot

I found this robot on Thingiverse; and thought it would be a fun project. Check it out theyve really created a great...
Bhouston's Another Inmoov Modification

Bhoustons Another Inmoov Modification

I redesigned the Top Stomach Pistons for quicker movement. The STL files are on Thingiverse.
Bhouston's A New Hand For Inmoov?

Bhoustons A New Hand For Inmoov?

Ive been working on a new hand idea for my InMoov robot. I seriously hacked the Exiii Handii. Their original design had the thumb and index finger moving...
Bhouston's Inmoov's Touch Sensors

Bhoustons Inmoovs Touch Sensors

The other day DJ suggested an easy way to make a touch sensor, see this thread So I started playing with that...
Bhouston's New Eye Mechanism For Inmoov

Bhoustons New Eye Mechanism For Inmoov

Check out
Bhouston's My Inmoov's New Base

Bhoustons My Inmoovs New Base

Heres a quick look at the base Ive built for my InMoov robot.
Bhouston's A New Dof For Inmoov's Neck/Head

Bhoustons A New Dof For Inmoovs Neck/Head

Ive designed a new neck mechanism for InMoov to add a degree of freedom. It still needs some fine tuning but youll get the idea.
Bhouston's Inmoov's New Gripper

Bhoustons Inmoovs New Gripper

I found a design for a robotic gripper on Instructables, so I thought I would make one for my InMoov. The basic design was done by Techiebot heres the link to it;...
Bhouston's Robotic Arm

Bhoustons Robotic Arm

Heres a quick introduction to my Robotic Arm. If you have any questions - Id be happy to answer them.

Bhoustons I Am Working On A Robotic Arm

I am working on a robotic arm that, with voice command, will find a specified object, pick it up and do what ever the command is. For example, a person with limited mobility might need a drink of water, how great would it be to have the robotic arm locate the glass water, pick it up and hold it out for the person to the water from a straw and them...
Bhouston's I Added Something To My Inmoov

Bhoustons I Added Something To My Inmoov

I added something to my InMoov, can you tell what it is? I am flattered that EZ-Robot used my InMoov in their latest ad.
Bhouston's Inmoov Doing Math

Bhoustons Inmoov Doing Math

A short video of my InMoov doing math. Thanks to the Community Members who helped me out with the script for this using my EZ-B v4 and ARC
Bhouston's Inmoov's Sensors

Bhoustons Inmoovs Sensors

Thanks Rich, Richard R, and Luis for helping me with the scripting to get these sensors working.
Bhouston's My Inmoov Running On Synthiam

Bhoustons My Inmoov Running On Synthiam

Initial test of my InMoov robot running on the new EZBv4. I have 24 servos connected to one v4 and all are running OK. Thanks for everyones...
Bhouston's My New Robot

Bhoustons My New Robot

Heres a short video introducing my new robot. Thanks for everyones help to get this far with it.
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