Bob's Inmoov


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I've always wished I had started a Project Showcase type of thread when I started running my InMoov robot with EZ-Robot. So I'm going to start one now. The first few posts are recaps of the threads I've done, I'll put a link to the original thread so if someone wants to see the discussion they can. Anything I do in the future will be posted on this thread.

Here's the first thread I posted with my InMoov running on EZ-Robot. Original thread -

By — Last update


Upgrade to ARC Pro

With ARC Pro, your robot is not just a machine; it's your creative partner in the journey of technological exploration.


This is a Christmas video I did for EZ-Robots Christmas video competition.

And a "Thank you" video - I/we got the Peoples Choice Award.


This video shows off InMoov's mood ring.


Here's a couple of plates it put together for InMoov's back. The STL files are on Thingiverse.

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Thanks for putting it altogether Bob. It has inspired me.


How long has your bot been running Bob? Seems like I saw it before I even owned a printer.


Geez Bob - when you put all the videos together like this, it's mind blowing to see what you've created. Amazing! Truly remarkable - thanks for sharing


I agree with DJ. Amazing amount of work. Great job Bob.


Thanks for the nice comments, guys. Perry, I started building InMoov in September 2013. Wow, time sure fly's ! Powered it up for the first time in mid October 2013. It's been running on EZ-Robot since the EZBv4 came out.


Wow, amazing work Bob! I love the improvements, especially using micro servos inside the hand instead of the forearm!


I've added some new parts to InMoov.

United Kingdom

Great surprise Bob, on the legs and motorized base unit, looks a really good idea, I like it a lot!

Where did you get the base unit from, did you design and build the base unit from scratch, or is it a brought off the self unit?


Very nice Bob. Yes, please tell us about the base!


Very nice Bob. Awesome. Now if you get it to walk, think that will be the most coolest thing ever:) the new terminator ! Id buy it:)


The base is awesome! It looks very sleek and space age, great work Bob!


I have a similar design set up for ALAN. I always think about Robby the Robot in Forbidden Planet when he arrives in his chariot. Its a logical choice to design a Segway type locomotion until we have plug and play "bipedal walk now" hardware.:)

As always great job Bob.


Thanks again for the comments. The base has evolved as more parts have become available for InMoov. It has a 1" square tubing frame under the plywood base. The robot is fastened to it with some ready rod from the knee down thru the base. The motors are low RPM motors I got off of Ebay, they are controlled with a 2 x 25 Sabertooth motor controller, controlled thru the EZBv4. In the battery box there is a 12V SLA battery, a 12V to 6V converter, the sabertooth and a sound amp. The box and the wheel covers are 3D printed. There's 3 of EZ-Robot new Ultrasonic sensors on the front.

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I believe the most appreciate response Bob is, "Mother of God!" Holy smokes! Everything about your robot is amazing!

I am curious about your 12V to 6V converter because I currently have a need for one, did you build it or buy it? Do you always power your inMoov from a 12volt battery or do you have a AC power source?


@JusttinRatliff, Thanks for the compliments. I am using this 12V to 6V converter; I don't think it's available anymore but I'm sure there are others around. I always use batteries to power InMoov, do you know of an AC power source that I could use?


Thanks Richard, I see they also have a 12V one as well.


Oh. My. Gosh

I don't have words for how AMAZING that base is for the InMoov. It's absolutely stunning! Where can I get legs?!:D


Thanks DJ, the STL's for the legs are on InMoov's site.

United Kingdom

Hey Bob.

Really enjoyed reading through this thread and watching the videos. I remember when you started building this guy. The mods and improvements have really paid off. Truly great work. And the base really looks the part too.


I've been looking to replace the wheels on my InMoov base so I got one of these Hoverboard wheels, I was hoping to run it with a 2X12 Sabertooth controller, however, it has 3 power wires and not being an electronic dude, I'm looking for some help from the community on how to set it up. I have looked at a video that fxrtst posted in this thread post 26; It's being run with an H-bridge in the video and if that's the way it has to be run, OK, but if I can run it with Sabertooth that would be better.

Anyway, looking for some input, thanks.


If it's a brushless motor you are going to need a brushless motor controller... I am going to go out on a limb and say that it won't work well if at all with the sabertooth...


To soften the blow a bit brushless motor controllers are ubiquitous in the hobby world and easily controlled by servo PWM methods. Perhaps something from the RC car world could be used here.

Most of my RC car, plane, helicopter, etc. parts seem to end up somewhere inside my bots.


Thanks for your comments. I'm looking to replace noisy 12V motors I current use and still run them with ARC. I've looked at the Odrive but not sure that will operate thru the EZB. Can anyone recommend an H-Bridge that will run these wheels and be compatable with ARC? Thanks


Hi Bob, Aren't those motors 3 phase though? An H bridge won't power those. You need a controller that pulses them like a stepper. H-bridges are for brushed motors. I think those are brushless. You need a brushless speed controller. They are controlled like a continuous servo from the EZR controller

Here's an example. Maybe not perfect but you get the idea

#40   — Edited

Hello everyone. It's been awhile since I posted anything here but I wanted to share my work on the new InMoov i2 Head Gael has released. After printing and assembling the head, I was able to fit an EZBv4 in the head to control the 18 servos. This left me with only a power cable running down the neck. Then after a couple hours creating some auto positions and a script, I came up with this. I see that people that aren't using Ez-Robot products and Synthiam are having a difficult time programming their projects.


Wow there’s a lot of detail in the design! I’m ultra impressed at 18 servos. That’s gonna have crazy facial expressions! I do miss your posts! Mostly because with such a detailed support section, not many ppl use the forum lately. So it’s nice when the original crew share stuff they’re working on.


Hi old friend. Good to see you're still building and programing. welcome back. Don't be a stranger.

that's a crazy cool new version of the InMoov. I keep saying it and I'm going to do it soon; I need to get into 3D printing!