Thanks Rich, Richard R, and Luis for helping me with the scripting to get these sensors working.
By bhouston
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Bob, you're inmoov is great! I am so jealous. well a little jealous. I am still in the process of getting everything working on my inmoov. I'm not up to your speed yet but might be one day. I don't think as great as yours though.
thanks for sharing your videos are awesome.
@Bob, Very nice! I want to get this ability into my full size B9. Can you post the script for this and the link to any threads on how you installed these sensors?
Here's the script for the Ultrasonic Sensors. I used two HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensors from EZ-Robot. They come with a voltage regulator which make them easy hook up. In the script you specify which ports the Ping and the Echo are attached to. I'm using 2 EZBv4's and have have them connected to Board #1. The servo movements in the script turn the head of the robot.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Sweet. Looks pretty simple.