Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by Rich!

Need Help With A Random Script

I am trying to get the following script to repeat 5 times;

get a response value

$response = GetRandom(0,5) If($response = 0) Sayezb("What should i say") ElseIf($response = 1) Sayezb("i really should say something") ElseIf($response = 2) Sayezb("Ok i think i have said enough") ElseIf($response = 3) Sayezb("something") ElseIf($response = 4) Sayezb("What's up") EndIf

Not sure what to add.


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United Kingdom

$x = 0
RepeatWhile($x < 5)

# get a response value
$response = GetRandom(0,5)
If($response = 0)
Sayezb("What should i say")
ElseIf($response = 1)
Sayezb("i really should say something")
ElseIf($response = 2)
Sayezb("Ok i think i have said enough")
ElseIf($response = 3)
ElseIf($response = 4)
Sayezb("What's up")


Try that however check syntax etc. as that was from memory not from ARC.


Say Rich, I sent you a couple of emails last week, did you see them?


@bhouston... Rich has been busy feeding the poor and bottle feeding stray kittens.... ;)

United Kingdom

Yeah I got them but haven't had chance to read them yet, been busy lately (those darn kittens). Will read them when I can dude.