A New Dof For Inmoov's Neck/head



I've designed a new neck mechanism for InMoov to add a degree of freedom. It still needs some fine tuning but you'll get the idea.

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wow, that's nice. but what I dont like is the long neck of all Inmoovs. the head is flying over the body ^^!



The inMoov bar has just been raised again. Awesome Bob!:)


Excellent, I have the impression that Inmoov is in a constant and fast evolving mode Congratulations Bob.

United Kingdom

Great work Bob, love the video.

Helps sell the idea of building the Inmoov, which can be constantly evolving!



Thanks for the comments. I will be posting the Part STL's and instructions to make the modification, here and on Thingiverse, sometime over the next few days.


@Bob.... that's very generous of you, thank you... I hope you don't mind if we copy what you've done.... ?

P.S. Sue was very, very impressed and she doesn't know much about robotics at all (just what I have be yammering to her about... which is not much LOL). She said your inMoov moves more life like than mine.... :)


@ Richard R The whole idea of the InMoov project, this forum and others is about sharing ideas, builds and scripts. Sharing the information for this modification is in keeping with that philosophy. It would be great if you and others modify your robots to include this DOF.


You can add your thingiverse profile URL to the ez-robot user account so others can see it and click on it


@Bob.... I hear ya' Can I ask what software you use to design/alter stls? I have been using blender, but I really need to spend more time with it.... I want to learn how to augment and design my own stls....


@DJ Hey, don't knock dumbed down... LOL.... Thanks I'll check Freecad out.... I have to say, I made a coffee mug with blender, but it really isn't that intuitive to use.... I am sure if I spent six months with it I would do ok, but I have better things to do ... like build robots....


I am a beginner and using 123D Design.



stunning.i know two robots that can do this whit there head. and yours is one off them.


Now that my internet is back up! Sometimes I feel like I'm living in the sticks. Oh wait, I do!

Anyway, Thanks for the tip DJ, I will add my Thingiverse info there. I've been using that new Onshape CAD, (onshape.com) It's free! (but you can buy an enhanced version). It's quite similar to Solidworks and having used that in the past, Onshape was an easy transition for me. Check it out they have lots of tutorials to get you going.


in all honestly i believe that the inmoov may just be the future of android robotics it wouldn't take very much more for the inmoov to evolve to the perfect stage of android transition, add some latex skin or what ever they use for the skin, some touch/fell pressure sensors, distance sensors, 4-1 orinitational sensors and inverted pendulums and ext. with the edition of ez-ai with a custom human voice modulations and create a female version and BAAAAM, the next best android ever built. it would be like bicentennial man when he transformed from humanoid robot to android all over again lol. who ever is responsible for creating this humanoid robot is a genius and so are every one else who helps in making all the advancements to the model as well. I look forward in seeing the future of the inmoov move (no pun intended) in the right direction, and id love to know how to buy a complete one with legs lol totally worth the money :D


@ omegaproject, Have a look at Gael Langevin's site, the modelmaker and sculptor who made the Inmoov project available.

Inmoov site


Thanks Bob. I am about to reprint my head and will be doing this. I really appreciate you doing this.


@Bob... ditto... Thanks for this. It works awesome...:)


Tanks Bob, you did a real nice and bright improvement. It makes the head movement realistic and will allow to communicate a wider range of emotions.

Question, is it only me? When I open the stl files in my FlashPrint or 123 Design software the part shows itself as about 1/25 of the real size.


Bob, What size servos are your stl's designed to use? It looks like the standard EZ-Robot HD servos. Can you post a photo of how they are connected to the upper body?

Thanks David


@ David Could you open one of the Bob's stl file from thingiverse http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:845793

and check if the file opens at a normal size?

In my case it looks very small when i open it with my printer SW. tanks


Forget about testing the file, I have just realize my SW was converting inches to millimeter. It is fix now. sorry


I opened them in netfab and they appear normal. let me try from simplify3d.


These are in inches format instead of mm format. That may be the issue you are seeing.


You are right, I just realize and have adjust my SW. Tanks again


@Aerius, I'm not sure why the file opens that way. I guess you will have to scale it up. Use this for a reference - The cylindrical part of the Neck Joint Lower part should be 1.2" in diameter. Get this part scaled right and scale up all the other parts the same amount.

@Dave, The servo holder will hold the HD servos from Ez Robot which is basically the MG995 or the HS 311 or any servo this size. There is one photo on thingiverse that shows the servo Pivot in place. The photo is taken from the back here is another one taken from the front. It's hard to photograph. Drill a couple of holes in the mount and attach to the frontside of HomePlateBack.

User-inserted image


Thank you Bob. I will be printing these tonight and will let you know if I run into anything weird.

Thanks again!


Great, let me know how they turn out. Right off the printer the parts will fit very tight so little sanding of the Neck Joint Lower part will be required. I did this so the parts wont have any play in them. Grease all the joints.


Just for the record, I don't know why Anthony posted a picture of his latest render on this thread, it really doesn't have much to do with the thread. It is not a remix of a design by me but rather a remix of the original design by Gael Langevin the creator of the InMoov robot. Anthony's design will not fit on my modification unless it is modified. I have asked Anthony a couple of times to remove it from this thread - but he doesn't want to. I just think that comments made on a "Project Showcase" thread should be about the project being showcased!


Ok one more kick at this! This part -Throat piston V2 ( from InMoov website/downloads) I referenced was designed by Gael Langevin. @Anthony, if you are going to leave your design on this thread, please change the attribution for the design you remixed to Gael Langevin. Thanks Buddy


@Anthony? What are you doing dude? This is Bob's thread... he doesn't post his stuff in your thread(s). I think you should have some respect....


Hey Bob. I started printing this but had to abort it. I realized that I didn't have enough filament to complete the print. I have more on order which should be here tomorrow. I plan on starting the neck and head again tomorrow. I will let you know the results.


@ Bob, So far so good, I have the upper and lower neck joint done and they fit perfectly,

I'll make a short video when everything will be fit together.

Regarding Antony's modified Throat piston V2, its modification looks nice and is a good idea, except he should reference Gael Langevin as the original author.