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Looking 4 Elvis Alive Microhone Controller
Looking 4 Elvis Alive microphone controller If anyone has a functional WowWee Elvis Alive controller, I may be interested. Thank youquestion

Down, But Not Out-Bing Question
Down, but not out-Bing question Missed a step carrying a box to the basement, broke my Tibia and Fibula bones, later developed severe Gout in both feet,...question

Woot Parrot Ar 2.0 Drone Factory Refurbished

Strange Pop-Up On Existing Robot File?
Strange pop-up? I was operating an established and previously run program on one of my robots when this appeared? I am not sure what to think...question

Blue Smoke?
Blue smoke? After working with EZ Robot servos for 3 years, I finally saw smoke, although it looked white. The magic was how fast it developed. I found the problem, and it was me! The manual...question

Request For Multiple Rows, Vr Commands Under Speech Recognition Choices?
I have a request for more than standard VR one row commands under speech...question

Help With Jd
Help with JD, JD is calibrated, fine tuned, latest ARC, and example. When he is connected, the int. starts calibrate frame, which looks ok. (all 90 degrees) see pic. The shoulders servos appear to...question

A Welcomed Surprise
A Welcomed Surprise! My order showed processing order. I have no complaints receiving my long anticipated EZB4 order 11-3873 from 11/13. I have been having so much fun with EZB3,s...question

Any New Community Ezb4 Robots?
Just checking to see if there are any new EZB4 Robots or conversions? I know it is just starting. I have been following Daves posts. Can,t wait to hear from...question

Ann Droid?
Ann Droid...purely animation or robotics? This bot is cool whether it is an animation or actual robot! The acting is questionable with the green screen stand backs. Maybe this can be a 2015/16 EZ...question

Brainstorming Ideas For Movable Real Ears On My Robot
I want to build ears for my robot. Brainstorming for any help or input ideas on building moveable ears for my...question

New Soundlogic Small Bluetooth Unit
Just wanted to share with the community. I am programmed to look for robot parts! We purchased this great sounding little BT unit @ Menards clearance...question

Windows 8 Update To 8.1
This is a tutorial and update with my windows 8 updating to windows 8.1 free update that takes a long time, and ARC. I could not connect to ARC with my old parameters. I had...question

$ 5.00. Robosapien @ Garage Sale
I am thinking about EZB conversion, or just letting grand kids play, maybe both. I also got them a cool solar powered 24v go kart. My dog is not sure about...question

Can Not Load My Robot On New Version Ezb? Help
I moved up to the new version of EZB but can load my robot project? It gives me choices my library, public. My project is not...question

Roomba Platform
My name is Steve and I am excited and looking forward to receiving my ez robot kit that I recently ordered. I have 2 roomba 4210,s (Serial 4210 041116 E 5765). I think they are too old to...No general conversations. Click here to start a conversation.
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Steves Captain Proton Startrekvoyager Tribute Robot.
I have always loved the StarTrekVoyager Holodeck episodes of Captain Proton. So Retro and Cool. Created a tribute...robot

Steves Navigation Test Robot With Intel Realsense T265
My Navigation test robot with Intel RealSense T265 on a first Gen IRobot Create using an EZB, and my wifes older...robot

Steves James, Commodore 64 Retro Robot That Learns And Uses Voice Recognition
Been trying to keep busy, so I dragged my 35 year old Retro Robot...robot

Steves Marcus The Expressive Android
Marcus the Android with life like expressions and movements modified from a Wow Wee Elvis robot. The robot gets a complete rebuild, hack, and...robot

Steves Elvis Gains An Extra Degree With Ez Robot Hdd. Elvis Alive Robot Hack With Ez
Elvis Alive Robot Hack with EZ Robot, lotiny...robot

Steves 2 Ft Biped Walking(Shuffle) Robot
[font=Calibri][color=#000000]Omni wheels[/color][/font] [font=Calibri][color=#000000] I purchased the parts for this project over 9 months...robot

Steves Artamus, The Rambo Knight Robot Hack
Artamus, the Rambo Knight Autobot Robot Hack #1 Soft Hack Includes a Hack of the RC Controller only. Requires no modifications to...robot

Steves Resistance Is Futile 7 Of 9 Borg From Star Trek, My Recreation
Yes, it is another Star Trek character, and she thinks, she is Irresistible. I...robot

Steves Lt. Commander Datas Child Lal
Lt. Commander Datas child Lal My latest project which is powered by a EZB4, is a re-creation of Lt. Commander Datas android daughter Lal. It is...robot

Steves Elvia The Ez Robot Powered Android-Elvis Hack
Elvia the EZ Robot powered Android-Elvis Hack I have been away from robotics for a while, spending time with my...robot

Steves Robot Captain Ann Droid
This is my first showcase of my robot. Her name is Captain Ann Droid. My last robot was built 25 yrs. ago. When I told my wife and daughter I was going to build...robot

Steves Mini 6 Fabricated Robot
Mini 6 fabricated Robot This is my next EZ Robot, after helping my grandson Hunter build his first robot. I have always liked the Six by EZ Robot, so I wanted...robot

Steves Ez Robot Railroad Observation Car
This is my latest EZ Robot project, first w EZB4. Using a EZB4, camera, and servo to direct the view on the Silverton O Scale Railroad. I...robot

Steves Lynx Robot 1996? Reborn W/Ez Robot
This is my latest project. Vintage Lynx Robot Arm(1996?) reborn with EZB Attending a HAM Fest in Peoria, Illinois, amateur radio and...robot

Steves Rolling Bot Ez Robot Experiment
Rolling Bot EZ Robot Experiment, This is an experiment using EZ Robot after watching Hackaday mini gravity robot. I wanted to see what EZ Robot...No live robot hacking sessions. Click here to view the past live robot hacks.
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