Artamus, the Rambo Knight Autobot Robot Hack #1 Soft Hack Includes a Hack of the RC Controller only. Requires no modifications to actual robot, allows grandkids (if they want) to add EZ Robot control for movement, VR, and voice synthesis. EZB and hardware can sit on table, not required to be on robot. The 5 volt relay board is an overkill, but I already had it. #2 Intermediate Hack, requires EZB on board robot. This hack allows for movement of the upper wheels and door wings. Not shown in #2/#3 video was the addition of head pan & tilt, and L.E.D. eyes. The two robot batteries, or one, can power this hack. #3 No Regrets, no turning back Hack. It included an H Bridge with more realistic movement ramping up and down, servos on the eyes with blue and red L.E.D.s. Removal of the upper wheels, and building of functional arms with a total of 9 degrees of freedom on each arm. ( this took over 3 months of planning, experimenting/do overs, and building) EZ Robot HDD Servos are awesome, they did not burn up while I was experimenting lifting the large arms. They hold quietly extended at various angles! The total arm wt. each is about 2.5 lbs.(1,134 grams) and they are about 24 inches long. They operate better with a LiPo battery than the 2 SLA 6 volt batteries. The hands are rated at 5 volts, and did not like the 6.5 robot voltage. They operate on a separate pin out board at 5 volts. The Door Wings were moved to the curved sides of the Autobot dashboard, and servos added. After trying Plasma disc behind the mouth, I removed it. I carefully cut the mouth opening, and installed a servo for movement, with blue lighting. The Robot can carry up to 65 lbs. of cargo weight. This has been a very fun robot to hack. Artamus weighs over 40 lbs. Future plans may include a Bosch worm gear motor for waist rotation?
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THAT is amazing, steve. Wow!
I bought the same Rambo Knight Robot. Amazing build @SteveS, I love what you did! I don't think I would have considered taking the arms apart that way, had always thought of 3d printing the forearms, but your idea is perfect.
Thank you very much for the detailed breakdown of the project! It looks like your lost the shoulder wheels in the end, too much trouble?
I'm calling mine "SideSwipe" because he looks just like the Autobot SideSwipe from the movies.
Did you hack control the LEDs and onboard Speak too?
It's an amazing toy even unhacked, isn't it?
It looks like your opted out of the extra stickers too, I'm on the fence about those myself.
steve S your a pro man.never saw such big robot.i like it alot.
You were talking to us Artamus, and we were listening! Wicked job!
Thank you D.J., You and every one at EZ Robot make Dreams come true for all D.I.Y. builders.
Justin, That is great news you also have a similar robot. Sideswipe is a great name for it. Maybe we can exchange future hack ideas. I tried powering the headlight and L.E.D.s directly, but only the headlights worked. Maybe the L.E.D.s rely on a PC board with a sequencer? I am out of ports on my EZB, the door wings have a y cable to use only one port. If I can add another EZB, it would allow me to operate lights on command, and add extra features.
Patrick, Thank you for your comments. Yes, it is big, 51 inches tall (1.3 meters), and 27 inches wide(0.69 meters). Artamus, is the name I gave it after purchasing his voice from Cepstral. The name of the robot itself was Rambo Knight.
Chelsea, That was one of his first assignments, thank you.
Very cool Steve.
Where does this robot come from ?. Excellent hack.
I got mine from here:
That is really freaking hot, great job my man.
bummer not for belgium.your link.
3dPrinterGuy, Thank you for your comment.
rb550f, Mine was Amazon, but through same seller as Justin. Price on Amazon has gone up to $130 plus $100 shipping, mine and grandkids were $99 each and free shipping. Thank you for your comment.
Jerseylance, Thank you for your comments, it was a fun Hack.
Patrick, Sorry, the shipping would be probably be too expensive.
Amazing !
Steve, this is absolutely brilliant, you are truly a great robot builder!
Artamus gets his new bigger battery, 1st time I have purchased this brand. I have had some success connecting to two EZB's in AP Mode (actually 2nd one is a tiny) using a USB WIFI dongle. Occasionally it has lost connectivity, and I have to reboot the laptop, then both WIFI and WIFI 2 will be listed again. I will purchase another tiny to be dedicated to this robot, then he will be able to operate the last 3 digits on his left hand, and more. In this video, ARTAMUS states he will defend Humans against the Decepticons. Thank you for the comments, and feedback. Toymaker, your robots have been an inspiration.
i feel saver allreddy.idd you need big batts for such a big robot.
why you mentioned the transformers... I need to hide this thread
If I was a robot I'd want to look and act like this.
Thanks for the comments Patrick and ptp. I wasn't looking for an Autobot when I found this, I was online looking for parts to another robot build, 7 of 9 Borg. When I saw it, I knew it needed a hack, and an EZB "transformation."
Artamus said, "thank you Dave, the B9 Robot Builder".
Hi Steve!
Really cool robot you got there! Nice job as usual....
Hello Rex, Thank you for your comment. Great to see back on the forum, and with an idea to use an EZB for an interesting application. Steve s
Wow...checked Ebay and those ride-on robots are going for almost $600 !
Did you try the link in post #9?
Amazon link Rex, Amazon still has available, but price is up to $350 plus $5 for shipping.
Yeah tried the link but it is no longer available there.... stress
@Steve S
Little bit too expensive for me..... I will be following this thread. Your work is outstanding!
This is available at Hammecher Schlumberger for $99.95
see post #9
If you look close at the Hammecher Schlumberger add the product is no longer available....
Hammecher Schlumberger still has these, I just got mine today and it works great! Now to add an EZ Robot V4 to make it into a real robot! Buy it Here! I found the remote that comes with it and it drives very well. I wouldn't even try to drive it in grass with the small wheels it has in the front. They are showing out of stock again.
Dave, That is great, looking forward to your build, you have built some nice robots. Very fun robot to hack. It handles my 55lb. grandson on the carpet, but not suited for grass. Not sure if it will fit in your cool new robot ride. I think that makes 3 community builders, that have them. Steve S
Steve, Looks like a great robot to hack. It will have no trouble if you want a computer on board and it comes with cool lights already. Where did you get the hands you used?
@mcsdaver oh wow....did they get some back in then sell out again?.... already? I just checked a week ago.....
stress stress
left hand
right hand
Dave, Here are the links. I ordered mine separate, there was another site that listed both right and left together for a lower price, but I preferred the polished acrylic fingers. I did have to repair the right hand, one screw was stripped, laying loose in the packing. Also had one bad servo which I replaced with a Radio Shack servo that fit without modifying. Supplier refunded me $20. Make sure none of the fingers are assembled too tight, and test them one at a time. This was a US supplier with free shipping. If you have any other questions, I will try to help. Steve S
Lal and Artamus get into Halloween as Little Red Riding Hood, and the Big Bad Wolf. I got this idea about 2 or 3 weeks ago, and have been trying different things since. Artamus required special D.I.Y. hardware to activate his mouth/snout, including an EZ Robot HDD Servo, servo lever, triple cube EZ bit under his tongue, and a fabricated plastic insert for his snout. His full wolf mask came from Goodwill. His eyes are from toy glasses. Lal’s red hood is made from a toy bag, and her red scarf that hides her Star Trek dress emblem and trim, is a stretch band from my P.T. rehab. Both robots received new scripts to interact together for Halloween. Voice for both robots came from Artamus scripts on his computer, making it easier to create interaction on Lal’s computer. Alexa narration was done with Alexa Blueprint Skills. There were many funny out takes, and do over’s on the different scenes.
so freaky cool.the look of lal face is endless,
Very cool!
Now that was a scream. In more ways than one. Thanks for all the hard work! Very fun!
Nomad 6R, Thank you for your comments about Lal, I think the L.E.D. eyes helped her a while back.
Mcsdaver, Thanks for the comment.
Dave Shulpius, Thank you, it was fun work. My grandkids enjoyed the Halloween Robots, and I hope it sparks their interest in robotics.
Lal and Artamus have their batteries charged, getting dressed, and ready for tonight! Happy Halloween! eek