Mini 6 fabricated Robot This is my next EZ Robot, after helping my grandson Hunter build his first robot. I have always liked the Six by EZ Robot, so I wanted to build a mini. Thank You EZ Robot and D.J. Sures. My Six is powered with a EZB3 controller. It is made with very simple parts, micro servos, aluminum stock, concrete anchors, Numerous screws and bolts, Dollar tupperware type bowl, 2 in 1 Bluetooth speaker. "Lots of trial and error!" 12 custom fabricated aluminum brackets 42 center punches 42 holes & deburring I have to say it has been very rewarding, could not include everthing I wanted to build now, have many new ideas to add later. Hope you like my latest EZ Robot. Steve S
By Steve S
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Nice mini six! J
Brilliant! I am really impressed!
That is so much fun. I love the tupperware; I have a waste bin stored up for my roomba 4000.
Steve, really great job and cool looking robot!
That is sooo cool! good work!
Very awesome Steve! I'm impressed! When I read in the parts list "concrete anchors" I thought, what in the world...then I saw the pictures, brilliant to use them as the feet!
Nice fabricating Steve... Mini Six needs a bigger brother now.... All you need is 12 Heavy duty servos from the store and a larger tupperware bowl.... I am with you... when you make something from scratch it is that much more rewarding and satisfying....
very cool.
Thank you for the positive comments. Six is such a fun robot. I believe EZ Robot is going to have a great response from users with their Six Robot. People like the movements when it is walking or performing other actions. It is going to be a hit with the public! I have several LiPo batteries and charger on order from the store. My mini Six can actually carry the 6 pack c battery pack (WT. 310 grams), but does much better just with the BT speaker that weighs 140 grams. The store LiPo battery is 61 grams vs. the 160 grams for 6 AA . The wt. of my mini Six is 355 grams without batteries and BT. I used a small scale to compare components including the body which offered low wt. and good structural rigidity. I am hoping to trade program files and routines with other Six users because It is going to be popular. Let me know if anyone has any new routines. Open to any suggestions also. Thank you, Steve S
Nice work Steve, love the Mini 6!
Six has been hanging around other robots and has picked up a progressive vocabulary.

EZ Robot designed a great robot with Six. I hope you like the latest adventures of my fabricated mini 6, it is fun for me!That's some great animation and verbal action going on with your mini 6. Is there a Micro six on the way ?
Thank you Robot-Doc, That means a lot coming from you. I have a lot of things ordered from the store, but no Micro. We have so much to look forward to! Steve S
somebody is a pro here.
Thank you Patrick, Not a pro, just having fun with EZ Robot. Did I say Six was a versatile bot? Even if it is a mini, Luv it! Six is also my grandkids favorite. Trying to keep sparking their interest in robotics. Steve S
Hey Steve, Nice work! What fun! Your joy and interest in building a cool little robot is really showing through with this one. I love the little guy.
i copied the video on my facebook so i can see and hair it often.
steve is it possible to get the link from the sound your mini has. i mean the funny sound he makes.
Thank you Dave, Your feedback is appreciated. It has been fun. I hope some of my excitement is absorbed by my grandkids.
Thank you Patrick, I wanted to give my Six a communication sound besides regular speech, similar to R2. I think the "funny sound" you are asking about is the "e-brrr.mp3" sound, already posted in a public file shared by D. Cochran, Wall-e. After listening to many R2 and Wall-e sounds, I thought the e-brrr sound fit my mini 6 the best. File merge, soundboard, deleted sounds not needed. That is how I brought CaptainAnn,s snoring sound to Six, a wav file I created from scratch (yes that is me snoring). I will eventually post my mini 6 file, like I did with my CaptainAnnDroid. Thanks Steve S
ah then i will look it up
Thanks for posting these videos of the mini 6 Steve.
I am really interested in having a ESL school here in South Korea purchase a SIX to run a robotics class to learn English and wonder if you or others here can answer a few questions....
Will the voice commands work if I set it up then have children give the commands ?
I want to have students sit in a circle with cards that have commands for them to read out and have the robot perform.
If I also have large icon type images on cards and the children hold them up.....can I program the robot to walk around.....looking for the card named? find who has the picture of scissors"
Greatly appreciated any input on this idea.
Thanks Cheers Wayne
there's a QR code detector built into ARC. you can put the QR code on the card and then put an image with it. when to robot detects said card, you can make it say the name of the object on the card when it sees the QR code, or you could have it spin in a slow circle when you tell it to "find a card". as long as the children speak clearly, ARC should have no problem detecting what they say. hope i could help
Thanks Sudo Using QR code should offer lots of variation to the lessons. How good is ARC at setting up to detect actual objects?
I know from the videos that a red ball works.....can it detect a cap or a shoe. Maybe only based on color ?
I know I will enjoy learning all the possibilities via hands on although right now I am building a case for purchasing the robot as as an educational tool beyond "robots are cool"
somebody on the forums had a object detector that worked really well, but i think he isn't giving it out right now. as for color, yes. you can make the camera track the color and even make to robot follow/walk towards it.
by the way, you don't need the EZ-B to do most of the camera operations. you can use a webcam and experiment with the camera controls through ARC until you have a chance to get the EZ-B.
Wayno, That is great you want to incorprate robotics into your students classroom. Yes the voice commands will work with children, but the percentage of correct performance drops dramatically with younger children. My 8 yr old grandson expected his robot to respond the same with him, as it did with me! Younger children have trouble giving commands in a strong and consistent manner. Training improves Windows VR. The children will still be impressed and delighted if they tell you the correct response and have you speak it. If the children are older, they may have better results. I am sure you find many ways to use SIX in your classroom. EZ Robot is a great product and kids love it! Steve S
Thanks Steve....really appreciate your comments. That helps me gain a better picture of what I can expect and how I may have to run the class.
It will add to the motivation to speak up loud and clear and so who can get the robot to do the selected action!
After watching the "Humans Need Not Apply " video on youtube I feel it is important for all children to have a good understanding of robots!
I look forward to posting video of the class in action later this year!
Mini 6 now has a small cargo belly that can hold Lipo batteries. My fabricated mini 6 sure likes performing his new song & dance, along w/his new Lipo battery. His performance was enhanced! Along with the Turnigy 1.7 Lipo battery, he now has a low voltage alarm, both from HobbyKing. EZ Robot is so MUCH FUN!
Thank you Patrick, We have so much to look forward to! Can,t wait till EZB4! Steve S
its amazing how the sound mini six.
Patrick, I am running the mini 6 from the small Acer Iconica w/soundlogic BT speaker. Both are great! Steve S
are you planning to make the famely bigger?(robots)
Yes, eventually Patrick. I have one more EZB3 (might be saving it for another grandson), and 2 EZB4s that will be shipping soon. I was surprised of the performance of my new 2 cell Lipo batteries over my old Ni-Cd and Ni-MH packs. Also have a parallel cable to double up the Turnigy 1700 Lipos if I want more run time. The low voltage alarm plugs into the balance leads.
Mini 6 and JD, This has to be one of my funniest videos. What ever could go wrong, did! Mini 6 had numerous voice recogintion extra issues, I kind of thought what to do next but kept recording. JDs singing was flawless, but cut short, because my Iphone memory was full! His microphone ball did fall off. Had to publish twice to youtube. My rural internet is running so slow. I am having so much fun with EZ Robot! Steve S
That is just hilarious !
steve s
your jd is persistent,he keeps playing his act.haha