Other robots from Synthiam community

Ezang's Life Is Like A Tight Rope, Do You Agree?
My tight rope robot, squeaking by once again, enjoy

Confoundedhound's Modified Omnibot 2000
I am working on an old Omnibot 2000. It was in bad shape to begin with, so it didnt seem such a crime to give him a new...

DJ's How Do I Shovel My Snow?
With a robot, of course! What did you expect? This is a robot shell that I built with some students in the summer for a...
Whoa! That is so cool.... it's awesome! Great idea and great job!
I wonder if you can do cool things with it like use the camera to make the train stop if there is something in the way....
Thank you Chrissi, I am sure my grandkids will have lots of requests.
great awesome video.to see the camera in action.
Steve, that's amazing! Wow you have quite the setup - It's almost virtual reality driving through the tunnels!
That's making me look for my old N gauge trains.
That was beautiful ! I'm a newbie with model trains myself. Am doing N-scale since I have very little space. That reminded me of a recent train show I attended that had a small wireless camera inside a boxcar of an HO setup and the display was setup above the track for all to see the same kind of view. Awesome!
Nomad, Thanks, the video shows how cool the EZB4 and camera really are.
D.J., I was quite pleased with the performance of the EZB4 and the new camera, the tunnels are fabricated w metal screen, and my WiFi is upstairs. Thanks, I built the layout about 15 yrs. ago, many hours of work.
Robot-Doc and RoboHappy, Trains and robots are fun.
That was sooo cool! I have always found model trains interesting, but this brings it to a whole new level! Your next task will be to create scenery on all sides so the camera footage truly looks like it is following a train through a "real" world. Really great job!
Jason, Thanks for the kind words and encouragement to keep trying new things. I edited my video removing some of my basement junk. It seems funny I had so many ideas to try my new EZB4s with, but the first use was not inside a robot.
What started as an idea to make an observation car, turned into a test, then a video. EZ Robot provides opportunity to explore ideas and have fun! Thanks, Steve S
What fun Steve! Reminds me of riding the train across country when I was a kid. I loved the observation car when we could get up there.
You gotta do some more vids from the "upper deck" of your very cool set up. I know it was a ton of work and a labor of love. I really like the big gray haired life like conductor in the blue shirt. He looks very realistic! Maybe you should put a V4 into him to animate him more.
Next time perhaps you can make the grid lines transparent and use the video record function in the camera control.
Josh, sure like the name. How about RoboSaltwaterAquarium and RoboHomeAutomation!
Dave, that sounds like great memories and a great experience. I have to refine the power wiring protruding out too far on my observation car, started knocking into scenery on the upper deck, tighter areas with tighter radius track. Thanks for the nice comments. The upper has a homemade simulated steel bridge, built w balsa wood, aluminum plates w tin punch to simulate bolts. Great idea to utilize the camera controls and change the grid lines. I have not played w any of those features. I am wondering if record directly, can I upload it to Youtube? Might have better video instead of recording from the PC screen onto my phone? I agree, that conductor needs more animation. Thanks, Steve S
Fun with a couple of our grandkids (more animated conductors).
They loved the new EZ Robot Observation car, especially through the tunnels and when it caught them.
Ah ha! Look at the smiles on those kids faces!