Upgrade to ARC Pro

With Synthiam ARC Pro, you're not just programming a robot; you're shaping the future of automation, one innovative idea at a time.


Ya I see that too on the live cam,what the hell happened? Poltergeist activity? Should I bring Paranormal robot to investigate? LOL!


There is no such thing as the supernatural... This includes ghosts, spirits, big foot, yeti, abominable snowman, lockness monster, Santa Claus, tooth fairy, easter bunny, elves, witches, chucky, dead people coming back from the grave (aka zombies) , alien abduction or anything else that you can't perceive with your 5 senses...


What? No Santa? What are you saying?:D


...and fortune tellers/palm readers are a serious scam for the weak minded people


inMoov is just taking a break while we charge his base battery:D


your battery is low, your battery is low, your battery is low. Ad nauseam


Nallycat,that voice with a tilt switch "Help,I've fallen and can't get up..."


Lol! I’m gonna use the myo armbands to move his arms and open and close his hands. So jeremie is charging his base battery

There is no such thing as......and fortune tellers/palm readers are a serious scam for the weak minded people

Now there's the RR I remember an love. Welcome back my friend. :D


@Richard R maybe, maybe not. An open mind has the best view.:P

As for old InMoov there, too bad you can't add a small secondary power source so when he's horizontal he randomly twitches...