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Google Home Diy With Raspberrypi


The MagPI magazine #57 contains a DIY project for a Google Home in a Box:

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Copies have been shipped to North America, and are available at Barnes & Noble, Micro Center and other stores. These went on sale on the same day as the UK edition, although stores may not have put them out until today.

I Just got mine for $14.99, you get the magazine plus the kit cardboard, speaker, and a voice hat to build (HAT = Hardware Attached on top)

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final product:

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more details here:

bear in mind you need a Raspberry PI 3, familiar with the PI/Linux system, and this is a DIY project: soldering, patience, etc.

EZ-Builder is not available in Linux although you can develop (.NET) your own custom solutions/ideas with EZR mono SDK and gain control of the EZ-B.


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