— Edited
I'm trying to connect to EZ-B through code (Console Application) without success.
this is the code:
namespace EZConsoleApplication1
using System;
using EZ_B;
internal class Program
private static EZB ezb;
private static void Main(string[] args)
ezb = new EZB();
Console.WriteLine("Connecting to EZ-B v4...");
if (!ezb.IsConnected)
Console.WriteLine("Unable to connect to EZ-B v4");
ezb.Servo.SetServoFineTune(Servo.ServoPortEnum.D0, 90);
first i tried the EZ Windows SDK, then i used the nuget package.
the program compiles, no errors, but when i run i get the following exception/error:
also i tried to run the exe file outside Visual studio and the exception is the same.
machine: Visual Studio 2013 Framework .net 4.5
Please follow the instructions in the README.TXT that is included with the SDK package.
my bad..
the application needs to be compiled for x86 only.
No prob
- also ensure the files are copied as well. The reason for x86 is due to speed optimization. There are no 64 bit values used in the sdk, which is why x86 makes execution faster