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How To Make Jd Move

Did anyone create Auto position/Actions to make JD move: Step Forward Step Back Turn Left Turn Right

  1. Is it possible with the existent servos ?
  2. Adding one extra servo to each leg could help ?



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  1. Visit

  2. Press the LEARN button on the top menu of the website

  3. Scroll down and locate the JD Course. Press the button to begin the course.

In the course are lessons. Each lesson steps you through getting JD up and running. Once you have learned to assemble JD, Fine Tune the Servos and Connect, there will be a short lesson on how to make JD move. There is an Example Project for JD which you will be instructed to load.

Once you have completed the steps to have JD calibrated and moving, the last lesson of the course (Before trouble shooting) will direct you to the Activities Course.

The Activities Course contains lessons to begin learning how to program JD to do different things.


...and shake it all about... do the hokie polkie and turn yourself about? Of course it was the first thing I added to the auto-positioner when I got my JD...:P

*** Damn it @DJ... you ruined my joke with your quick response... ***:D


I was trying to demo quickly the JD, and i went to the actions and i didn't see any of those moves.

I'm not talking dancing, or entertaining, the first question i got was how to make JD walk back and forward.

I'll check the missing lessons to find about the walking movements.


@ptp... Those actions are very easy to make... Create (if they are not already created) some frames and then string them together into an action... It's very easy... You could probably do it in about 30 minutes or so...


The JD tutorials are the most important ones on the site, because calibration is critical to his proper operation, but if you really need a shortcut Load the sample JD project. It has a pre-configured movement panel.

Bit don't be surprised if JD falls down if you haven't done the calibration.



I did the calibration and the fine tuning before doing the actions, i was afraid of the servos being in wrong positions or locked (i got 2).

So far so good, i downloaded the JD project from the web, update the bits, and i was quickly checking around, testing as much as possible to identify any issues with the kit.

I'm under stress (i have the kids behind me) i expected to have the actions ready to use, they are basic.

the kids gave up, when i said i needed to go to the learn/videos section....

For me is much more stress having the kids looking around than having the clients behind me when i'm coding.

It seems i need to investigate more, i'll try later.

  1. The JD project can either be downloaded from the EZ-Cloud or is included in the ARC installation. The most important thing is the Learn section and the JD lessons. This is covered in the learn section.

  2. The JD Lessons will introduce the example project, as well as how to make JD move.

  3. We have put a lot of effort into making the lessons - which is why they are presented every single place you can find on here and in the getting started guide:)

  4. Do the hoookie pookie and turn yourself about:D

  5. Investigation isn't necessary. Simply click on website, select the LEARN from the top menu and take the JD course.

Less than 1% of people refuse to engage in the valuable lessons that we painstakingly created. It's a mystery to us why less than 1% of people ignore/refuse/overlook the efforts that we have put in place to introduce the lessons. Do you have any feedback on what can be done differently or in addition that would have you to engage the lessons before posting?

That would be helpful. Less than 1% is still great, and much better than any other product forums that I monitor. However, how do i make it 0%? I'm always looking for ways to make it easier easier easier:D

We have been considering locking software features until the tutorials have been completed.



Finally some light ... like i said before i was under stress to demo as much as possible in a short time period.

I going to start from begin:

  1. I asked: "Did anyone create Auto position/Actions to make JD move ? Forward, Back, Left, Right"

  2. Someone should said something like "What you mean with an Auto Position/Action ? Those actions already exist."

  3. I would reply: In the Auto Position control in the Actions group, i see 33 actions, no Forward, Back or Left so where are those actions defined ?

  4. some could say if you press the settings property and then Actions tab you will see the all actions 38 (33+5), and if you want to execute the missing actions press the arrows.

  5. i would write something: i don't see any property in the action definition to hide from the main list, i'm assuming those 5 actions are hard coded to not appear in the list.

Sorry for the confusion, if no one raised or notice this behavior, the problem is me.

Even before asking the question, i made a few tutorials, it was not obvious for me, and only now, i start opening and closing properties i noticed the missing actions and the mystery is solved.

I detailed my findings, just in case someone hits the same wall.


Every control has a ? question mark. In this example, the Auto Position question make can be pressed to bring you to this page:

That is the manual page for the Auto Position control. There is a blurb about the movements being hard coded.

You cannot hide any actions from the list. This will never be a feature. Hiding actions does not have a productive use case scenario, as the actions are listed in a listbox with confined size. More or less actions in the list box has no interference with screen realestate or behavior.

There are no missing actions. The actions that you refer to as "missing" are bound to directions. For example, forward is a direction, so is left, and stop, etc.. These directions are bound to how a robot moves. As stated in the lesson which introduces the Movement Panel definition, that is how a robot moves. To move a robot, use the direction arrows. The direction arrows are bound to the movement. For example, similar to a video game joystick, the UP arrow is forward. The RIGHT arrow will turn the robot Right, and so on...

There can only be one movement panel, which is defined in the manuals and you will also be presented with a message when attempting to add more than one Movement Panel to a project. A Movement Panel is bound to the directions, which i stated above (i.e. forward, left, right, stop, reverse). When a Movement Panel is added to your project, any reference of Forward will use that movement panel.

It's best to start with the JD Course in the learn section. You can access it by pressing the learn option from the top of the website. Once you have completed the JD course, there is a blurb that instructs you to move on over to the Activities course. The activities course is also listed on the learn page. Both can be accessed by pressing the learn button on the top of the website, or following the instructions in the Getting Started Guide.


the point 1) is a duplicate of this question/post:

I failed searching the forum first.

features like:

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