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Spinmaster Meccanoid Robot
Anybody seen this guy yet.Looks interesting.He is shown on Youtube 2015 CES show.question

Looking For Omnibot 2000 Part
I am looking for a part for my Omnibot 2000.It is one of the carry handles just below its head. There are two of them.I have the right one looking from front.My...question

Dual Motor Driver
I have a dual motor driver that has 6 pin connection for motor control...pin 1 ground ..pin 2 pwm2..pin3 dir2..pin4 pwm1...pin 5 dir1.....pin six +5v...how should i connect this to ezb...question

Holiday Robot Contest
This my robot I created for the holidays.It was created from a Christmas ornament,a Brookstone rover and an ez v3. Happy Holidaysquestion

Blue 1.3 Iic/I2c Serial 128X64 Oled Lcd Led Display Module For Arduino/Stm32/51
I am trying to send text to an i2c oled display.I have scl and...question

Inspiration Logo
Here is a little EZ- robot logo I was playing wanting to create some stickers and small banners.question

5V Relay Board Control
I purchased a four channel 5v relay board.The problem i am having is that i can turn on digital port and turn on relay but if i set digital port off the relay stays on..Im...question

I2c Camera Module
Would it be possible to use an i2c camera module with EZB v3 or v4.? I found this on Ebay..640x480 VGA CMOS Camera Module OV7670 FIFO Buffer AL422B SCCB compatible wit I2C $13.90 High...question

Servo Does Not Move
On ezb 3 i set added one servo to d3 port.I then set min and max values and can move the vertical servo with up/down with mouse.I click save and then i get no response from servo...question

Ezb Version Reports Invalid Version
I get a message that i have wrong ezb version when trying to connect to my project for ezb3.;;Here is the debug message..... 7/14/2014 2:43 PM -...question

Dagu 4 Motor Track Base For Sale
I have for sale a Dagu Rover track base with 4 dc motors and the Dagu 4 channel dc motor controller with encoder support.This is the same base as Roli but...question

How To Connect DAGU Motor Controller To EZ-B V3?
I have the DAGU 4 channel motor controller. Has anyone connected it to the EZ-B v3? *Message from EZ-Robot: We re-wrote your...question

Ez V4 Camera
Do I have to use the camera sold with version 4 ez board or can I use a different usb wifi camera?question

Video For Project Showcase?
What. Is the easiest method for posting project videos?question

Omnibot 2000 As An Adult
Omnibot 2000 with original functions plus an ez b controller . it uses an omnibot 2000 and an omnibot torso for added height.The eyes are 2 usb logitech usb cameras.Inside...No general conversations. Click here to start a conversation.
No robot skills. Click here to view the Robot Skill Store.

Rb550fs Ez Robot Attacknid 6Lr
I have completed this robot. It is an Attacknid robot modified with an EZB V3..It stands 18 inches high. Has a 12 volt lithium battery and dual h-bridge motor...robot

Rb550fs Meet Moshi
Meet MOSHI (Mobile Service Human Interactive) formerly a Hero JR body only...Robot is driven with an Omnibot 2000 modified drive train.Currently using a VEX controller for...robot

Rb550fs Okio J5 Style Robot Project
This is OKIO J5 style robot made from an upright vaccum cleaner. The head i made from a dremel accessory toolkit and led eyes ,2 servos for eye...robot

Rb550fs Meet Go 2
This is my newest project robot GO 2...It has a built in Windows 10 tablet and EZB V4 controller...Stands at 30 inches and weights in at 18 lbs.....Has high traction smooth and quiet...robot

Rb550fs Romnibot
Here is my Robie jr /Omnibot project I just started. I used the lower drive train from an Omnibot. Installed head rotation servo and a ping ultrasonic sensor on front bumper..Still has all...robot

Rb550fs Tars Robot Concept
I started working on a TARS concept robot.This only simulates walking action.The robot is made from foam board and stands at almost 5 feet tall. Uses a single servo for...robot

Rb550fs Jo Robosapien Project
I started working on this Robosapien project with making a new head from a 3d kids space projector. Fabricated face shield form tinted plastic and added leds....robot

Rb550fs Meet Ewa
This is my 16th robot project EWA. Built from a Walle Ucommand toy. It has a 3d printed head from Xlrobots. I added a cooling fan to the front for a more industrial look. He has led mouth...robot

Rb550fs Meet Tk
I have started work on my 15th robot project TK . It is 31 inches tall and has a 12 inch diameter base. Weighs 12 pounds with 12v sla battery. Body is constructed from acrylic beverage...robot

Rb550fs Genus: Crabius Roboticus
Here is another creation part Attacknid and part Robosapien. His name is HERMY. Controlled via EZB v3.I use the Robosapien script to control the arms. I...robot

Rb550fs Ez Robot Rover V2
Here are design updates on my EZ robot rover. The drive train is made from a Sharper Image EVAC. Uses EZB V3...Used a laptop fan on back for cooling all of the...robot

Rb550fs Found An Old Freind
I found one of my robots that i put together 7 years ago.On the old robots website. Experimental Omnibot Robots from the 1980s Experimental Omnibot - This is a mix of...robot

Rb550fs This Iq My Personal Robot
I designed IQ as a proof of concept robot.It is made of foam core 5mm thick board with .020 styrene plastic sheet overlays. He is 4.5 feet tall and can...robot

Rb550fs Ez Robot Rover
Here is another of my projects.Will more info. I have changed his head to a clear dome.Blue strip around neck is EL tape...New backpack with ezb, made from an alarm clock...robot

Rb550fs Moshi Is Alive
Well i finally got EZB 4 installed and connected inside MOSHI. Everything works great.I have a few cosmetic items to do and add additional sensors to install.I replaced the...robot

Rb550fs Ez Robot Attacknid
I started a new robot project using an Attacknid combat creature.The Attacknid uses two motors for locomotion,Simple Dual hbridge connected to EZB and lithium batteries...robot

Rb550fs Brookstone Ezb Teleprescence Robot
I put together a teleprescence robot using a Broostone rover 2.0.It stands 39 inches high and has a 7inch android tablet.I am currently...robot

Rb550fs Super Omnibot
This one of my 10 robot projects.This is ready for ezb v4..It has all of the original features of omnibot 2000.New drive system with worm drive motors.Blue tooth am/fm sound...robot

Rb550fs Android Palbot
Here is a replica of the famous Android Palbot. It has a Brookstone rover for mobility. Ez robot to control head and arms.No live robot hacking sessions. Click here to view the past live robot hacks.
No user tutorials. Click here to view all user tutorials.

BMAX is super sized omnibot 2000 platform heavily modifiedapp

Audio Test
This is the audio test i did..Adio is lots after executing 5 to 6 verbal commands.app

BMAX is super sized omnibot 2000 platform heavily modifiedapp

Proof of concept humanoid robot. Made with styrofoam board and styrene plastic overlay.Stand approx 4.5 feet. Arms are made from Robosapien robot.. Gutted inside of arms and added micro servos. Iq has the abilty to...app

A rover type robot with ezb v3No firmwares. Click here to view robot hardware and firmwares.
No 3D printable parts. Click here to view 3D printing robot library.
No features requests.