I found one of my robots that i put together 7 years ago.On the old robots website. Experimental Omnibot Robots from the 1980's
Experimental Omnibot - This is a mix of an Omnibot 2000 and a Emiglio/Scooter. It is still controlable via the Omnibot 2000 remote control and even the motorized arm still works.
On that site you will also find DJ Sures Omnibot 2000 XP.
By rb550f
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That's a nice one bro! Probably the first omnibot I actually like...how tall is it?
Approximately 32 inches tall
wow you created Omniglio i have been wondering who created it. i was originally going to recreate the omniglio robot but i decided to make omega, but this is one really awsome robot. i would have love to seen this robot in action
Well here is another Emiglio based robot I now call CP. It has an emiglio torso with a shrper image evac lower drive train..Ezb v3 and a Chumby touchscreen internet device. Pan and tilt motion inside clear acrylic dome.
Wow now that is and awsome emiglio based robot. Very technologicly advanced looking I give a 10/10 rating. You are really good with robots