Country: USA
Member Since:
Email: smiller29@mac.com I am a new to this hobby but so far it has been fun to learn so much at my age. I work as an IT manager and come from a programming background for more than 30 years. I have many hobbies I am also a HAM radio operator (KK4LTF), I love to shot long distance, ride my Harley and fish. I just want to make sure when I retire I have things to do... LOL
2022-02-06 - joined Synthiam
2022-02-16 - connected ARC to the cloud
2022-02-18 - subscribed to ARC and unlocked new features that make your robot even smarter
2022-02-18 - created a custom avatar
2022-02-19 - created first new question
2022-02-23 - started first conversation
2022-02-24 - shared your first photo in the forum
2022-03-13 - searched the Synthiam support section to learn about ARC features
2022-03-26 - completed the Lets Make a Robot tutorial to learn how to make a robot with Synthiam ARC
2022-05-24 - shared your first video in the forum
2023-02-18 - purchasing an Annual Pro Subscription
2023-04-09 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
2023-04-11 - used Cognitive Face Service to have your robot learn and remember faces
2023-06-11 - created a Robot Skill for the Robot Skill Store
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What Causes Dropping USB Connection 0?
What causes a USB connection on connection #0 to drop after 5-10 seconds? I am connecting a Nano loaded with the UNO firmware. This is a new...question

Is There Anyway To Control A Dc Motor Like A Servo?
Is there anyway to control a dc motor like a servo with position feedback using ACR an Arduino?question

The Speech Is Cut Off Using Bing Speech And CHATGPT And Iotiny
So I ask the BingSpeech What is your name? it sends question to CHATGPT which then provides it...question

FSR 400 Force Sensing Resistors To The EZB4?
Now I have another question for you Jeremie. I need to know if you can tell me how I can attach there FSR 400 Force Sensing...question

Having Issues Setting Up ARC And Visual Studio For Skill Creation
How do I configure Visual Studio Community 2019 and ARC so ARC finds that VS is installed?...question

Iotiny Wifi Is Dropping When The Camera Is Started.
Why is my IoTiny wifi dropping connection when the Camera is started?question

Can The Iotiny Be Made Into An Openai Chatbot Connected To ARC?
Can the IoTiny be made into an OpenAI Chatbot connected to ARC? My thought is yes based on...question

Modify Auto Position While Moving
DJ or anyone else, I have a few questions based on my limited knowledge of ARC. The one thing I have learned about ARC there are many places where you...question

How Do You Invert The Servo Direction In A INIT Script?
How do you invert the servo direction in a INIT script? I need to invert the direction of a servo and I can’t...question

Is There Anyway To Connect The Arduino Mega To ARC Using Wifi?
Is there anyway to connect the Arduino Mega to ARC using WiFi like the ESP32 Dev Kit? I would...question

How Can I Leverage A MPU6050 Connected To A Arduino Mega In ARC?
I dont really know how to ask this question but will do my best. I am working on making a...question

Can ARC Work With An Lattepanda/Arduino With A PCA9685 Connected To It?
Can ARC work with a Lattepandas Arduino with DJs firmware installed with a...question

Can This Work With ARC As A Servo Controller?
32 Channel Robot Servo Control Board Servo Motor Controller PS-2 Wireless Control USB/UART Connection Mod...question

Preferred Hardware
I have a question what hardware provides the best feature set when using ARC Arduino or EZ-Robot?question

OK Can You Use A Raspberry PI Zero Webcam With ARC
My question is there a way to install a raspberry pi zero with a with a webcam on it and be able to connect to it with...question

I thought I posted this question yesterday but it must not of stuck... I would like to display your logo on my Inmoov build on the shoulder plates. So if you are OK...question

Benefit Of Onboard Computer
Hello to all the members of the community here. I am starting to build an InMoov robot project using ezb controllers and want to understand what if any is the...question

How To Design Custom PCBs
In my Inmoov project I need to develop some break-out PC boards for the signal lines and power to different parts of the robot. I have seen others that have done this...question

Best Way To Add Servo Ports To Lattepanda?
My question I hope will be simple to answer. I am using a Lattepanda V1 SCB in my Inmoov build the SCB is located in the head and I...question

USB Connection To EZB V4
OK guys I have another question for everyone can you use the UART on the EZB V4 to connect to a USB rather than the camera port? I want to hardwire my EZBs to my onboard PC...general

The Birth Of The XR-1 DIY Robot
Introducing the XR-1: A New Class of Hobby Robot The XR-1 robot platform, available at Robots Builder, stands out for its user-friendly design, emphasizing...general

We Are Getting Ready To Release Our Next Generation Open Source Robot The XR-2
The XR-2 robot platform, available at Robots Builder, is...general

Website Is Not Saving Posts Correctly
After editing my post, none of the image files are displaying correctly. Instead of showing the images, the post displays the code for the images...general

MRB1 (My Robot Buddy V1) Project
Welcome to my MRB1 (My Robot Buddy V1) I have removed the post because it was corrupted somehow and all the pictures and formatting was lost. This post...general

Can Someone Help Me With The Development Of A ARC Skill?
Can someone help me with the development of a ARC skill? I have put together a Arduino script that is for...No Synthiam robots. Click here to view the featured robot projects.
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No 3D printable parts. Click here to view 3D printing robot library.
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