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Country: USA
Member Since:

Email: I am a new to this hobby but so far it has been fun to learn so much at my age. I work as an IT manager and come from a programming background for more than 30 years. I have many hobbies I am also a HAM radio operator (KK4LTF), I love to shot long distance, ride my Harley and fish. I just want to make sure when I retire I have things to do... LOL


  • 2022-02-06 - joined Synthiam
  • 2022-02-16 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2022-02-18 - subscribed to ARC and unlocked new features that make your robot even smarter
  • 2022-02-18 - created a custom avatar
  • 2022-02-19 - created first new question
  • 2022-02-23 - started first conversation
  • 2022-02-24 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2022-03-13 - searched the Synthiam support section to learn about ARC features
  • 2022-03-26 - completed the Lets Make a Robot tutorial to learn how to make a robot with Synthiam ARC
  • 2022-05-24 - shared your first video in the forum
  • 2023-02-18 - purchasing an Annual Pro Subscription
  • 2023-04-09 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
  • 2023-04-11 - used Cognitive Face Service to have your robot learn and remember faces
  • 2023-06-11 - created a Robot Skill for the Robot Skill Store

Latest submissions


Can I Use The TCP Script Server Raw Skill To Send Commands To A Raspberry Pi

Is it possible to use the TCP Script Server Raw skill in Synthiam ARC to send commands to and from a Raspberry Pi? If so, could you provide guidance on how to achieve this? I am interested in sending commands to a Raspberry Pi using Python and also in sending ARC commands back from the Raspberry Pi.

What Is The Most Cost Effective TTS And STT Skills?

What are the most cost-effective Text-to-Speech (TTS) and Speech-to-Text (STT) skills when using the ChatGPT skill within ARC? I am interested in setting up a local Language Model (LLM) server for ChatGPT but still require TTS and STT capabilities to achieve my desired outcomes. It appears that many of these skills involve paid services, so I am...

Inflection AI

Is the ARC development team planning to develop a skill for integrating infection AI with another AI chatbot in the near future?

How To Control Tank Tracks Without Skid Turns?

How to Control Tank Tracks Without Skid Turns? I am planning to use an Arduino Uno with EZB firmware and two H-bridge controllers, one for each of the right and left track motors, with PWM speed control. The way I want this to work is with a single joystick control: - For a right turn: the left track moves forward, and the right track moves...

Does ARC Have A Skill That Can Control A N20 Motor That Has An Encoder On It?

, Does ARC have a skill that can control a N20 motor that has an encoder on it using the Arduino UNO running EZB Firmware?

How Can I Use Python Script To Return Values From A Mic Array?

How can I use a Python script to return values from a respeaker mic array connected to my windows SCB that is running ARC? I have python scripts that can return sound direction that I would like to use to trigger movements.  I have the latest Python installed on the window 11 pro PC that also runs the ARC application. Is there anything else I need...

Connecting To Arduino Using A Script

How would you use a script to connect to an Arduino that is connected to your SCB that is running ARC? As part of the robots initialization I would like to connect to all the the Arduino’s programmatically.

Init Script

How would I write an init script that would allow me to set the min and max and speed before it moves a servo to its starting position?  I want to be able to have the robot move slowly when it initializes each servo.   I also want to be able to initialize each servo individually so I can keep the current draw to a minimum.    After the...

How To Add New Functions To EZB Firmware?

How to define new commands functions to Arduino Mega EZB firmware?  Currently I am using the CmdOurCustomCmds 0 for a skill I have made but I would like to add more commands to the below list for other custom commands/functions.  What is the best way of doing this?  Is there a number range that I should use that wont conflict with future ARC...

Can You Use Opencv With Python In ARC?

Can you use OpenCV libraries with python in ARC to control hardware?  I am sorry if this is a dumb question I would like to be able to learn and take advantage of python with OpenCV.
What Causes Dropping USB Connection 0?

What Causes Dropping USB Connection 0?

What causes a USB connection on connection #0 to drop after 5-10 seconds?   I am connecting a Nano loaded with the UNO firmware. This is a new...

What Is The Best Way To Control A Servo With Two Skills?

What is the best way to use a servo with more than one skill?  I am not sure how to ask this question so I will provide an example.   I have the camera skill installed in my project with head tracking turned on using two servos to rotate and tilt the head.   I also have auto position skill setup with movements.  I also have ChatGPT installed where...
Is There Anyway To Control A Dc Motor Like A Servo?

Is There Anyway To Control A Dc Motor Like A Servo?

Is there anyway to control a dc motor like a servo with position feedback using ACR an Arduino?

Monitor The Serial Communications Between ARC And An Arduino Board

Is there a way to monitor the serial communications between ARC and an Arduino connected by USB?
The Speech Is Cut Off Using Bing Speech And CHATGPT And Iotiny

The Speech Is Cut Off Using Bing Speech And CHATGPT And Iotiny

So I ask the BingSpeech What is your name? it sends question to CHATGPT which then provides it...

Can EZB Firmware Be Created For Arduino Nano?

DJ, is there a way you could add firmware support for the Arduino Nano board? I am in need of a small form factor Arduino that I can connect to ARC using USB that has at least 6 PWM and 6 ADC ports.
FSR 400 Force Sensing Resistors To The EZB4?

FSR 400 Force Sensing Resistors To The EZB4?

Now I have another question for you Jeremie. I need to know if you can tell me how I can attach there FSR 400 Force Sensing...
Having Issues Setting Up ARC And Visual Studio For Skill Creation

Having Issues Setting Up ARC And Visual Studio For Skill Creation

How do I configure Visual Studio Community 2019 and ARC so ARC finds that VS is installed?...

Is There A Way To Create ARC Global Vars Within The EZB Firmware?

Is there a way to create ARC global Vars within the EZB firmware that can be updated based on changes being made within the main control loop?   I have made a new version of the ESP32 firmware and would like to be able to set global variables that can be used by other ARC scripts can this be done?  if so can you please explain to provide a sample.
Iotiny Wifi Is Dropping When The Camera Is Started.

Iotiny Wifi Is Dropping When The Camera Is Started.

Why is my IoTiny wifi dropping connection when the Camera is started?

ARC Platform’S

Is there ever going to be a Mac version of ARC released?

Setting Iotiny Speaker Volume

How do you adjust the IOTiny speaker volume?
Can The Iotiny Be Made Into An Openai Chatbot Connected To ARC?

Can The Iotiny Be Made Into An Openai Chatbot Connected To ARC?

Can the IoTiny be made into an OpenAI Chatbot connected to ARC? My thought is yes based on...
Modify Auto Position While Moving

Modify Auto Position While Moving

DJ or anyone else,  I have a few questions based on my limited knowledge of ARC.  The one thing I have learned about ARC there are many places where you...
How Do You Invert The Servo Direction In A INIT Script?

How Do You Invert The Servo Direction In A INIT Script?

How do you invert the servo direction in a INIT script?  I need to invert the direction of a servo and I can’t...
Is There Anyway To Connect The Arduino Mega To ARC Using Wifi?

Is There Anyway To Connect The Arduino Mega To ARC Using Wifi?

Is there anyway to connect the Arduino Mega to ARC using WiFi like the ESP32 Dev Kit? I would...
How Can I Leverage A MPU6050 Connected To A Arduino Mega In ARC?

How Can I Leverage A MPU6050 Connected To A Arduino Mega In ARC?

I dont really know how to ask this question but will do my best.   I am working on making a...
Can ARC Work With An Lattepanda/Arduino With A PCA9685 Connected To It?

Can ARC Work With An Lattepanda/Arduino With A PCA9685 Connected To It?

Can ARC work with a Lattepandas Arduino with DJs firmware installed with a...

EZB Leonardo Serial Ports

DJ,  I reviewed your code for the EZ-Genuino_Leonardo.ino and I see you added dummy code for the other serial ports should that code be added to this service also to make it better for the EZB platform?
Can This Work With ARC As A Servo Controller?

Can This Work With ARC As A Servo Controller?

32 Channel Robot Servo Control Board Servo Motor Controller PS-2 Wireless Control USB/UART Connection Mod...

How To Move Servo With Touch Screen Device?

Wow you are just knocking it out of the park DJ!!!  I made a 16:1 gearbox and it seems to be fast and strong enough I am still make a jig to test if it can handle the weight of the Inmoov arm.  I love all the control this skill provides when it comes to controlling the movement. Have to ask again any way to get those new slider controls for us guys...
Preferred Hardware

Preferred Hardware

I have a question what hardware provides the best feature set when using ARC Arduino or EZ-Robot?
OK Can You Use A Raspberry PI Zero Webcam With ARC

OK Can You Use A Raspberry PI Zero Webcam With ARC

My question is there a way to install a raspberry pi zero with a with a webcam on it and be able to connect to it with...


I thought I posted this question yesterday but it must not of stuck...  I would like to display your logo on my Inmoov build on the shoulder plates.  So if you are OK...
Benefit Of Onboard Computer

Benefit Of Onboard Computer

Hello to all the members of the community here.   I am starting to build an InMoov robot project using ezb controllers and want to understand what if any is the...

Auto Position And Stepper Servo Skills

My question is does the Auto Position skill work with the Stepper Servo skill?   I was asking this question because I was thinking about replacing some of the joints in my Inmoov build with stepper motors with gear boxes.  I would want to make sure I would have the same level of control.
How To Design Custom PCB's

How To Design Custom PCBs

In my Inmoov project I need to develop some break-out PC boards for the signal lines and power to different parts of the robot.  I have seen others that have done this...
Best Way To Add Servo Ports To Lattepanda?

Best Way To Add Servo Ports To Lattepanda?

My question I hope will be simple to answer.   I am using a Lattepanda V1 SCB in my Inmoov build the SCB is located in the head and I...
USB Connection To EZB V4

USB Connection To EZB V4

OK guys I have another question for everyone can you use the UART on the EZB V4 to connect to a USB rather than the camera port? I want to hardwire my EZBs to my onboard PC...

Power On Sequence

My question relates to powering on the robot.  I am designing the power supply to my Inmoov robot and I will be using the LattePanda PC along with EZB V4s and IoTiny.   My plan was to have my LattePanda auto boot when power is applied to it and start ARC and load a project and Init Script.  At the same time the power is turned on to the LattePanda...

Posting Robot Build

I tried to post the start of my Robot build last night under the SHARE A ROBOT PROJECT section with hopes of being able to update it regularly but the website will not take the post.  It does not provide any error or feedback of anything missing so I am not sure what the issue is. My question is should this be put under Share a Robot Project or...

EZB V4 Camera Port Connector Type?

I have a quick question I hope someone can answer for me. I want to make cables for the USB/TTL to the EZB V4 camera port but I need to know type of connectors the camera port is? I think they are JST-PH 2mm connectors but I would like to make sure.
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