DJ, I reviewed your code for the EZ-Genuino_Leonardo.ino and I see you added dummy code for the other serial ports should that code be added to this service also to make it better for the EZB platform?
Related Hardware Arduino Leonardo
what other serial ports?
Here is the EZB firmware for Leonardo: https://synthiam.com/Support/Hardware/Arduino-Leonardo
The Uno does not have 2 UART serial ports. It has 1, which is used for the USB converter, and pins d0 and d1 - datasheet for the Arduino product by the manufacturer explains more. The one serial port is used for communication with EZB to ARC.
Leonardo has two serial ports - one which can be used by the EZB communication to ARC (serial0), and the other is available in ARC as SERIAL1.
Arduino code can be edited - you can merge the Leonardo and Uno pca9685 firmware if you want. It's impossible to host the infinite number of possibilities for every controller and every shield imaginable - I hope that makes sense. However, if using Arduino, you should be able to modify the code yourself to add any custom features that you need. If you change the code, post it, and I'll add it to the pca9685 list.