32 Channel Robot servo Control Board servo Motor Controller PS-2 Wireless Control USB/UART Connection Mod
Related Hardware Arduino Genuino Uno
It looks like it can be connected and Arduino as seen below.
Did your servo motor controller work with ARC?
I don't have your servo motor controller
I use with ARC and with Arduino the PCA 9685 module - can connect many PCA 9685 together for100s of servos
Just throwing out some ideas that work with ARC for many servos
The PCA 9685 module is only 14.50 for two pieces on Amazon now
I did not order it yet because I don't know if it can be made to work ARC. This just looks like a really nice little board with lots of features.
Unfortunately, that product is not widely known and does not have any technical information because they have their software. Their GitHub is closed, and the manufacturer isn't in operation anymore. If you're looking for a robot controller, there are many already supported by ARC natively in the servo robot skill category here: https://synthiam.com/Products/Controls/Servo
If you wish to go ahead and make an EZB with ARC work with that controller, the servo Script robot skill is designed for adding custom support to custom controllers: https://synthiam.com/Support/Skills/Scripting/Servo-Script?id=19068
Lastly, some EZBs support many servos, such as the Arduino Mega. Find supported EZBs in the appropriate section on the website here: https://synthiam.com/Support/Hardware/Hardware-Overview
Thanks, I was provided some information on this controller and source if you want to review it I can share it with you if you would like to review it.
You can find it here: https://rtrobot.org/doku.php?id=software
I have one of those I got for remote control with a playstation remote. It could probably go with synthiam but why not not just use an arduino mega it will have more pins?