Synthiam Robot Showcase

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Remote control robots or add telepresence capabilities with Exosphere
Remote control robots using your phone or PC, or grant access to others for collaborative control.
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Sythiam Swag
"I build robots" Hoodie

"I build robots" Hoodie

This heavy hooded sweatshirt is perfect for robot builders. The material mix of cotton and polyester provides warmth...
Train Vision Object By Script by Synthiam
By Synthiam

Train Vision Object By Script

Enable real-time object vision training using scripts

Happy Crawler 5/18/2021 and new combination robot 6/9/2021 by EzAng
By EzAng

Happy Crawler 5/18/2021 and new combination robot 6/9/2021

Metal legs adjusted to walk A short Video for now, Servo City Parts, 4 servos, ARC programming -  IoTiny, Battery, etc... Took a while to...

Fxrtst's Introducing Alan

Fxrtsts Introducing Alan

Edit:  Kickstarter campaign failed in 2015. In 2023/24 you too can build an Alan by joining my Robotics Masterclass. Learn as you build. Available soon....
Dave's First Real Look At My Ez-B Controlled Full Size Lis B9 Robot

Daves First Real Look At My Ez-B Controlled Full Size Lis B9 Robot

Hi all, Id like to share a video I just took of my full size Lost in Space B9 robot...
Jstarne1's Omnibot 2000 , Rad 2.0 Vacuum Bot

Jstarne1s Omnibot 2000 , Rad 2.0 Vacuum Bot

This project has evolved some , the basic rundown is Im modding two Omnibots , one a regular the other a larger 2000 model. I will...

Jstarne1s Diy Regulated Power Supply 12V , 5V And 3V From Pc Psu

Hello EZ Robot members. I came up with the idea to post this mini project because my roommate needed a power supply to power leds and also 12v fans. Lots of members really need a good high amp dc bench power supply on a budget. My roommate went to a local electronics supplier and recently paid 90 dollars for a 7amp 12v DC power supply. Pc power...
Cochranrobotics's Inmoov - D.Cochran Style

Cochranroboticss Inmoov - D.Cochran Style

I have decided to start my InMoov project. I think I will call him Spock out of respect to Leonard Nimoy who passed away on the day that I...

Jstarne1s Power Wheels Gets A Dose Of Awesome Ezb, Makeover , Motor Mods , Camera , Real

Hey Community , i really dont do enough fun projects. As you may notice many of my projects have a utility function. Squeegee mops, jarvis vacuums, smart marine fish tank is... well smart lol. So this is just for fun and I hope others enjoy it. I have already contemplated using it as a demonstration tool to get kids interested in technology. . Dang...
Rich's Project Hearoid.

Richs Project Hearoid.

Now I have the EZ-B kit and the Hearoid its time to start my Showcase thread. I still havent decided on a name for him yet, all suggestions are welcome. I won this robot on...
Perry's Inmoov Conversion

Perrys Inmoov Conversion

Hello all, I wanted to start my own thread to discuss my Inmoov and my conversion to EZ Robot. I appreciate all the work by the MRL guys but I struggle with it. I am...
Bret's Next Hack - Robot B9

Brets Next Hack - Robot B9

Now that I have finished B.O.B., my get your feet wet bot, I have begun my next hack. This next robot will bridge the gap between Bob and my ultimate big robot. I am...
Toymaker's Introducing The Altair Ez:2 Robot

Toymakers Introducing The Altair Ez:2 Robot

Introducing the ALTAIR (Affordable Latest Technology Artificially Intelligent Robot) EZ:2 Robot The first unveiling of the EZ;2 Robot...
Robot56's Astromech Droid

Robot56s Astromech Droid

Hello everyone so i have begun building my full size astromech droid! I know that this project is going to take a long time but I feel it will be worth it in the end. My...
Tezsmith's Giving A Meccano G15 Ks An Ez Makeover

Tezsmiths Giving A Meccano G15 Ks An Ez Makeover

Hi there, my name is Tez, I have just completed EZ-Robotifying my G15 KS. Not a technical term but sounds good anyway. All...