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Can ARC work with a Lattepanda's Arduino with DJ's firmware installed with a PCA9685 connected to it to control servo's in the following connection model? Note UNO represents the Lattepanda's Arduino GPIO.
I would be connecting to pin 6 for A4 and pin 8 for A5
Will the standard servo skills work in ARC if ARC is connected to the Arduino or is something else needed? Like the PCA9685 16-Channel PWM Driver Module Library loaded on the the Arduino?
Related Hardware LattePanda
I did this a while back:
This post did not have any relevant information so I removed it.
Yes, I modified the Mick's software and loaded it to my "Arduino uno", and it worked just fine with all the info above. You did watch the video? I used it with the ESP32
I put : // Creat object to represent PCA9685 at default I2C address Adafruit_PWMServoDriver pca9685 = Adafruit_PWMServoDriver(0x40);
Try loading Mick's software to an Arduino "as is".
I not using a Lattepanda , but The instruction say: download the Arduino firmware below. You can program on the Arduino Leonardo that's built into the LattePanda. Adding this firmware lets you connect ARC to the local Arduino and directly control the GPIO.
DJ's instructions - Download Arduino Leonardo Firmware: EZ-Genuino_Leonardo.zip. Last updated 2022/08/24
I just used my Arduino uno with Micky's software modified, compile fine, I don't have my PCA 9685 here so I can't use it here at the farm, but I know it works
Most Arduino have a SDA or SCL
Remember - Nothing would move until I added a separate 5 to 7.5 v power supply, I use on the PCA 9685 above
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did you get it to work yet?
I have not tried it yet I need to pull the Lattepanda out of my V1 head first and setup some type of test bed for it. Space is a bit of an issue for me at the moment.
Sounds good,
I just tested the Arduino uno (with the Arduino code) and the PCA9685 with just 8 servos, as you can see, it works well
thanks, smiller29 for the email
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Well, I finally got a chance to try this on the Lattepanda's Arduino and got the following error so I don't know if anyone can help me with this.
Arduino breaks itself with different versions constantly. Try this firmware: https://synthiam.com/Support/Hardware/LattePanda
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Using the new Arduino IDE 2.0.3 the new firmware compiled ok but when sending it to the Lattepanda I got the following feedback on the screen.
I am not sure this is an issue or not.
Using Arduino IDE 1.8.13 there does not seem to be an issue uploading the new Arduino Leonardo Dec 11th firmware.
DJ, When trying to compile Mickey's package I am still getting the following error.
This package also has SendOnlySoftwareSerial.ccp and SendOnlySoftwareSerial.h which I think your firmware is also using. So I am not sure what to do here any help would be great. I really was counting on using this Adafruit 16 channel servo shield with the Lattepanda in the head.
Sorry, what do you mean by "mickey's package"? I provided a link to the Leonardo ezb firmware. You responded to this issue in some random thread, so I'm not sure what page or firmware you're talking about. Do you have a link, screenshot, or something that can help me?
This is the link to that page.
The goal is to use a PCA9685 16-Channel PWM Driver Module connected to the LattePanda Arduino.
I changed to cast 0 to (byte)0 because your Arduino compiler version is somehow broken. Open source is difficult to work with - you can download the new version that I made for you here: https://synthiam.com/Support/Hardware/16-Servo-Shield
DJ, I compiled the package you created and uploaded it to the Lattepanda. When I set it up in ARC using 57600 Baud with RTS checked and setup the Vertical servo control when I go to pick the port it show a picture of the PCA9685 and I set port 1 which is the port on the board I am using I get no servo Movement.

I connected GND to 23 and VCC to Pin 24. SDA was to Pin 6 and SCL was to Pin 8. Note also tried these on Pins 17=A4,19=A5 had the same issue.The following is a video of what happening when I move the value in the servo control in ARC
That's because you haven't modified the firmware to use that PCA9685. Look at the other thread where nomad got it working: https://synthiam.com/Support/Hardware/16-Servo-Shield
DJ Yes I did to the letter. But I have to tell you his changes don't make sense to me. Because nowhere else in the code are you using pca9685
DJ, this post was in the right place under "16 servo Shield by Adafruit" What I was asking was because your "EZ-Genuino_Uno_Adafruit_16_Servo_Shield.zip (Dec 11, 2022)" firmware looks to be based off of the same code in the "EZ-Genuino_Leonardo.zip (updated Dec 11, 2022)" firmware that has dummy code for Serial1 and Serial2 for defensive coding if it should be added to the "EZ-Genuino_Uno_Adafruit_16_Servo_Shield.zip (Dec 11, 2022)" to make it more robust.
Also your "EZ-Genuino_Uno_Adafruit_16_Servo_Shield.zip (Dec 11, 2022)" firmware does not work for port 0 and Port 1 on the controller because you have: #define _PortStart 2 and it should be #define _PortStart 0
I had attach the zip file with my changes to the other post for your review. If you don't feel I am right it's all good was just trying to help.
Removed as no longer needed.
Here are the changes I posted in the other post for your review.
I removed a few of my comments in the other post because it is clear people did not understand them. I hope at this point you are clear on what I was trying to convey to you.
Good work getting your pca9685 (not the supported Adafruit board) working. I'll post the code. I won't name it 16-channel adafruit as it uses a generic controller and not the adafruit version - it might help others with generic knockoffs as well
I am happy we are on the same page now. Just a note I also tested this on the Lattepanda and it also works.