
How to define new commands functions to Arduino Mega EZB firmware? Currently I am using the CmdOurCustomCmds 0 for a skill I have made but I would like to add more commands to the below list for other custom commands/functions. What is the best way of doing this? Is there a number range that I should use that won't conflict with future ARC development?
Should this use sub commands like the CmdEZBv4 Commands under the CmdOurCustomCmds ?
#define CmdOurCustomCmds 0
#define CmdReleaseAllServos 1
#define CmdGetUniqueID 2
#define CmdEZBv3 3
#define CmdEZBv4 4
#define CmdSoundBeep 5
#define CmdEZServo 6
#define CmdI2CWrite 10
#define CmdI2CRead 11
#define CmdBootLoader 14
#define CmdSetPWMSpeed 15
#define CmdSetServoSpeed 39
#define CmdPing 0x55
#define CmdSetDigitalPortOn 100
#define CmdSetDigitalPortOff 124
#define CmdGetDigitalPort 148
#define CmdSetServoPosition 172
#define CmdGetADCValue 196
#define CmdSendSerial 204
#define CmdHC_SR04 228
#define CmdGetFirwareID 253
#define CmdSoundStreamCmd 254
// CmdEZBv4 Commands
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define CmdV4SetLipoBatteryProtectionState 0
#define CmdV4SetBatteryMonitorVoltage 1
#define CmdV4GetBatteryVoltage 2
#define CmdV4GetCPUTemp 3
#define CmdV4UARTExpansion0Init 5
#define CmdV4UARTExpansion0Write 6
#define CmdV4UARTExpansion0AvailableBytes 7
#define CmdV4UARTExpansion0Read 8
#define CmdV4UARTExpansion1Init 9
#define CmdV4UARTExpansion1Write 10
#define CmdV4UARTExpansion1AvailableBytes 11
#define CmdV4UARTExpansion1Read 12
#define CmdV4UARTExpansion2Init 13
#define CmdV4UARTExpansion2Write 14
#define CmdV4UARTExpansion2AvailableBytes 15
#define CmdV4UARTExpansion2Read 16
#define CmdV4I2CClockSpeed 17
#define CmdV4UARTClockSpeed 18
#define CmdV4ResetToDefaults 19
// CmdSoundStreamCmd Commands
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define CmdSoundInitStop 0
#define CmdSoundLoad 1
#define CmdSoundPlay 2
Related Hardware Arduino Due/Mega
It appears you answered your question.
As documented, just make sure your custom commands fall under the CmdOurCustomCmds (or EZB Command 0 (zero))
To add new functions to the EZB firmware for the Arduino Due/Mega, you can indeed use the
(Command 0) as a starting point for creating custom commands. This is a designated area in the firmware for user-defined commands, which helps avoid conflicts with existing or future ARC commands.Here's a step-by-step guide on how to define new custom command functions in the Arduino Mega EZB firmware:
Identify the Custom Command Range:
Modify the Firmware:
command.else if
statements within theCmdOurCustomCmds
block to handle your new custom commands. For example:Compile and Upload the Firmware:
Update Your ARC Skill:
command followed by the specific custom command number you defined.CmdCustomAction1
, you would send a packet withCmdOurCustomCmds
followed byCmdCustomAction1
Regarding the number range for custom commands, there isn't a specific range reserved for user-defined commands. However, it's essential to choose numbers that are not already in use by the firmware and are unlikely to be used in future updates. Using sub-commands under
is a good approach, as it organizes your custom commands under a single parent command and reduces the likelihood of conflicts.Remember to document your custom commands and maintain a list of them to ensure that you don't accidentally reuse numbers for different functions in the future.
I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.
A good example would be to look at DJ's Balance Robot firmware for the Arduino Mega, which is what you are using. The changes will be similar; here is the link: synthiam.com/Support/Hardware/Balance-Robot
Thanks for confirming this for me.
This is long but you can skip through it ... It's a live hack where i demonstrated extending the ezb protocol for the wheel encoder.