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  • 2012-10-14 - joined Synthiam
  • 2012-11-18 - created first new question
  • 2013-02-02 - posted a robot project showcase
  • 2013-06-24 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2014-04-16 - answered a forum question
  • 2015-03-31 - shared your first photo in the forum

Latest submissions

Ez-B Fails With I2c Script

Ez-B Fails With I2c Script

This is the first time I have tried using the I2C command and port. The EZ-B browns out (blue tooth is still blinking) when I run the command with nothing attatched at...
Congrats To Dschulpius

Congrats To Dschulpius

3 EZRobot people entered the Instructables robot contest and Dave was one of the runnerups! Very cool! Next time I hope to see more entries running V4s. . Congrats Dave! Show...

Iron Man Suit (Josh S )

@Josh This animatronic suit looks very cool! Perhaps it might give you some ideas, though I know you have your own! I would appreciate a comment/critique! Will your be similar etc. Of course anyone else s comments welcome too Iron Man animatronic suit

News Article , Amazing Hexapod!

This video footage of a hexapod is amazing! May it inspire EZ-Robot builders! Amazing Hexapod

Aussi Forum Challenge And News Article

I know their are many Aussi robot makers on this Forum , so heres the one of these guys ...and get hopping! If seen spitting, its only to power my fuel cell, not being disrespectful

Tameion Nz Off Topic

Greetings Tamion ! I live on the west coast of British Columbia on a small island of 10,000 called Salt Spring Island. My neighbor Doug Archer is currently in NZ having a great time. He writes into his blog nearly everyday and I would like to share a bit of his funny but perhaps revealing insight of NZ! If you see a whitecar/camper doing U turns...

A Robot Named Dj And Others

I know Rich may find some interesting build details from these humanoid robots. You can bet I looked very closely ..... hilarious! For only 39,000 dollars! Humanoid robots wink wink I hope the link works

This Is Some Funny Humor

I am sure(DJ) bedroom looked like these....along with the rest of us what dreams are made of edit: of course I ment .. subject lines

New Thread Not Posting?

Not sure what is going on , but I have posted 2 new Threads with a subject of humor but have not seen it Posted?! Each of these postings contain links . Has anyone else had this issue?

I2cread Clarification(Rich)

From a different thread, Rich has explained I2C better(for me) Rich explains, When I2CRead is the only command on the script line the syntax is incorrect. The Unknown command is a little misleading since the command is known, its just been used incorrectly. Think of it (and any of the other Get commands) as data than as a command. Similar to if you...

Ez-B Hardwired To Pc?

While Bluetooth is the standard for connecting a PC to the EZ Board and V4 is on the way (WiFi) is it possible to hardwire (USB, etc) for those builders who have room for an onboard PC. Perhaps there is a way to emulate the Bluetooth connection thru hardwire/software? I know there is a Type2 with a stronger signal but that is only one part of the...

Dj , Ez-Robot Needs To Be In San Fransico!

@DJ .. Mr. Gupta needs to know about EZ-Robot! Those children could easily learn ARC:) A quick email and a link to EZ-B might be worthwhile! This is an amazing story ! Start up wants to teach kids robotics

More Robosapian Commands

I think @DJ will have the answer for this question... I want to create more commands for the Robosapian then the 26 listed in the ARC Script Commands. Can the for instance, SendSerial(d1,9600,0x04) be sent to the Robosapians IR connection points ? I understand the clock speed is 1/1200 of a sec and 4/1200 of a sec as per AiboHack-Bonyard.. The IR...

Unintelligent Voice Recognition Response

Tired of yelling at your robot? Getting the silent treatment and dumb stare? Windows VR to my knowledge does not have a verbal that was unintelligent response for garbled/low volume/high volume speak . It does try or guess what we want it to say when accepting dictation or commands but I want something better! With the help of a few cheap parts and...

Robotocists Go Ape Over Charlie(Article)

Wanted ....Owner of a 3D printer to make a flexible spine! This article made me think of the movie Planet of the apes Interesting the developers have not made it walk yet! Perhaps they should talk to DJ and his JD EZ V4 Robotocists go ape over Charlie

Self Navigating Flapping Drone

For those who havent seen this article.... Flapping Drone!
Swamped With New Robots For Ez-B Modifications

Swamped With New Robots For Ez-B Modifications

My friend? found two RC type robots at a garage sale for next to nothing, a roaring Trex and a V2 Robosapian in working...

Adding D Or V Entries Into Port Summary Control

Greetings DJ, this bug is very very minor. Adding a D10 or V10, the entry is placed in the Port summary list after D1 or V1 as in D0 D1 D10 D11 D2 .....etc same for V entries These entries should/could be listed in order ie D10 following D9 etc I could very well live with this as I know your time is well used for bigger issues. Perhaps one of your...

Email Notifications, All Or Nothing?

I know in the Settings one can set email notification. Is there a way to be more selective for threads. I know once a comment is issued then its subscribed......:)
Watchdog Timer Ez-Board

Watchdog Timer Ez-Board

Greetings, does anyone know(DJ Sures) if the EZ-Board has a watchdog timer and is accessible? There are EZ-Board critical applications like Josh Starnes aquarium. It would be...

Whos Online

Thank you DJ! ...You have provided EZ-B uers with some amazing software and added features to the EZ-Robot website. It would be great to know whos online to be able to chat about other topics or whatever rather then in a new thread...............Perhaps your web master person might be able add that in?..........But now that I think about it, how...

ARC And Scripting Time Management

As robots become more elaborate mechanically the software must keep up. As the monitoring of sensors, particularly, increases, I would like to know what the experianced robot builders opinions are of how to keep the software from hanging up, bogging down etc What is the most time intensive ARC commands and scripts? Also what time limitation does...

Ideas To Create A Whirring Sound

Greetings all, My project has a time machine (H.G.Wells) for the robot(Steam Punk) to use and I would like it to engage levers to activate it. These will turn on plasma lights and a revolving day month, and year. Its a mechanical(an old copper gasoline gallon indicator). Now heres the question: How can I create a mechanical sound to simulate speed,...

Robot Function Priority Stack

This is my list for a robot function priority stack. Opinions will vary and thats what I am looking for At the top of the list is EZ-Builder Highest level overall manager EZ-Board...naturally In order of highest prioroity Voice Recognition/keyboard/touch screen smoke/co2 detection intruder/person alarm/acknowledgement (motion) Electrical system,...

On The Lighter Side For All Walle Owners

Walle wins Worlds Ugliest Dog contest Meet the contestants of the Worlds Ugliest Dog Contest. The 25th annual contest ran at the Sonoma-Marin Fair in Petaluma, California, on Friday, June 21. Walle, a four-year-old mutt from Chico, Calif., won the title and $1,500. This dog looked like hes been photo-shopped with pieces from various dogs and maybe...

Modified Servo Positioning

After looking over the vast amount of Forum threads on modified servo positioning it seems that good ole resistance pots are very popular. I am using many modified servos with DIY gears with my project and would really like a good easy positioning fix. Has anyone tried using hall effect solutions? Cheap! Small!.....I am thinking of mounting/gluing...

Ez Office Receptionist Contest

With DJs endorsement I would like to suggest a contest for members of the forum. Heres the idea, robot builders can submit 1 robot vid with a generalized houmorous greeting that could be DJs new office greeter. Limit the vid time limit, to say a minute and a half. Any one can play who has an inprogress/complete robot speaking, whistling, dancing or...

Adc Sound Wave Vr Script

Greetings Forum, I would like to incorporate an ADC Electret to assist with the windows 7 VR for my talking head FRED. We know that Windows 7 VR is really only good for one person, so it would be nice to differentiate 2 different voices and the robot responds accordingly. Please Guest of Master (DJ Sures) may i have your name and the purpose of...

Multiple Servo Control

I had added the multiple servo control way back prior to Version 2013,01,16 to allow testing of multiple servos, a great addition. I then discovered that the following Versions were not allowing the multiple servo control to load all 14 of my unique saved files! ARC spit out an error window proclaiming it could not load my file because of an issue...
Junkyard Warrior

Junkyard Warrior

The picture of stuff was accumalated at a local small junkyard for 12$! This is what the Forum does to me! Now I am looking for suggestions on what to do with the Hasbro Dino. Someone just...


I am continuing to test my new Kit and servos with various commands. Servo(D*) (=whatever port chosen) works fine, ServoRandom(D) works great, ReleaseAll() works well.....but.......Release(D*) comes...

Load Torque Gauge

I think it is really important to know how much load there is moving/pushing something , whether it is a robot head or arm before throwing on a servo. Is there something like a force gauge to test whatever it is your moving before placing a servo? I hate crossing my fingers and tuning for dense smoke! Your thoughts/suggestions greatly appreciated....
Great Service

Great Service

EZ-Robot kit has arrived! Ordered Dec 29 and arrived Jan 8th just in time for my birthday! After programming for the last 4 weeks doing what I can using EZ script voice recognition and building...
Hard Of Hearing Robots(Like Sum Humans)

Hard Of Hearing Robots(Like Sum Humans)

I had an amazing(dumb?) idea for those robots who are hard of hearing, like most. VR can be frustrating with a mic let alone with the builtin...

Keyboard Control Not Working Until Config

I really like how DJ has provided so many ways to interact with our robots like VR, Camera and keyboard..did I miss any others?...anyways ,I have found that the Keyboard Script with a letter and command will not work after opening your EZBfile until its config and save(without any edits) .Would there be a way to have a Start button to enable it?...

Random Scriptstart Using Ez-Script

The Program Generator does not always functions when the pause is lifted,? After many variations using the interval seconds high low there doesnt seem to be a consistent start of CC(script1,ScriptStart). I would really like to try an EZ Script program to GetRandomUnique and then use the random number generated to Start or exec my preferred script....

Intro(Bot Time)

Greetings all, I go by IRobot58(Glen) and reside on Salt Spring Island . The EZ-Robot product is simply amazing ,working with the ARC only up to this point. DJ Sures has really opened up the world of DIY robotics for every size of robot. He really brings out the Dr.Frankenstein in all of us (in a good way) wanting to develope a fun entertaining ,...

Unable To Load Project

I am getting really nervous because I have been working hard at building a chat bot the last 4 weeks and continue to save as normal. This morning I tried to open my FRED project and an error window came up.. Unable to load Object reference not set to an instance of an object The last script I was working with was the Sound Movement script and was...

Outer Limits Memory

I have reached the top of Mt Memory Everest! What was I thinking! Anyways in an effort to create a chat bot called FRED (Friendly Robot Entertainment Droid) , I have used in excess of 101 Scripts and combined with 15 Soundboards of .wav files to create a massive file of ..wait for it...152 MB (159,718,816 bytes)! It will save or save as at this...

Rss Feed Unstopable

It seems an Rss feed is unstopable until it reaches the end. A ScriptStop will try to stop it, but will only lock it up with (highlighted in green) Stopping. I would like to stop the SpeakRSS whenever I wanted rather then wait until it normally ends, with a Script command or an EXEC. Any leads/suggestions would be appreciated! Glen from Salt Spring...

Metadata File .Could Not Be Found

Greetings Kindered Robotists, I am trying to run the hello world c# example and its returning Line 0 EZ-Builder.exe cannot be found and EZ_B.DLL could not be found. This error is returned in MS Visual C# as well. I have not removed the Dll file or the .exe file nor have I changed the directories. Why cant the system find it. Prior to the...
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