Luis Vazquez
Country: USA
Member Since:
I have been a software developer over 2 decades now. I really love where DJ is going with this and feel a senior developer may be an asset to this community. I can be contacted on Skype using
2013-04-21 - joined Synthiam
2014-02-21 - joined your first forum discussion
2014-06-25 - created first new question
2014-06-30 - answered a forum question
2014-07-27 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
2014-08-02 - posted a robot project showcase
2014-08-02 - shared your first photo in the forum
2014-08-08 - connected ARC to the cloud
2014-08-11 - posted your first tutorial
2014-08-11 - shared your first video in the forum
2014-09-08 - created a custom avatar
2018-05-02 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
2019-04-01 - used the Cognitive Vision Service to have the robot describe what it sees
2019-04-01 - used Cognitive Face Service to have your robot learn and remember faces
2019-04-01 - used the Cognitive Emotion Service to have a robot detect your emotion
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Servo Burning Out
I was showing my wife for the first time how to position Six. and as we were working on it. I smelled that electrical smell you get what things are not going right. looked down and the...question

Microsoft And Arduino
It’s a special day for the Makers’ community. Massimo Banzi is in San Francisco attending Build Conference, the biggest developer event of the calendar year for Microsoft and...question

Wife Is Getting New Measuring Cups And Spoons, What Does This Have To Do With Ro
Ha haha we fell in love with them. ThinkGeek Link to...question

Muscle Wire
I found this ,, I know its a toy but I do think one can learn a bit about this tech for cheep this way. Has anyone else looked at Muscle wire? to similar tech? muscle wire handquestion

The Dragontear Robot Evolution Mad Lab
Stuff coming soon......question

Vision Tracking With Jd
Hey guys.. here is a quick video of jds cam and using it for reading stuff. hope you enjoyquestion

Turn A Sure Compass Into A Bluetooth Compass
Hello gang! I had an idea this morning and put together this little project. I have a few Sure Compasses around and wanted to see...question

Possible Engineering Flaw In Jds Head And Neck
Please see this video community and tell me what you think.question

Ezb3,4 To Arduino I2c
Hello EZ Robot community. I though since you guys have been so good to me in helping with information need, I would take some time to show you guys what Im doing with my Robotics...question

Awesome Fabricator
I dont know how many user here are interested is lager stronger robots but even though this dude is not into robotics he is an incredible fabricator and fun to watch. He has video...question

Ha Ha Ha Robot Hell Baby
This is just crazy! hahahquestion

Something You May Find Interesting
Here is something you may find interesting, I sure did.question

Love The Smell Of Robot Boxes In The Morning
I love the smell of robot boxes in the morning.question

Looking At Linear Actuators
Hello , I am looking at getting a linear actuator and it looks to me like i should be able to use a simple motor controler and one of these ( Ebay Link ) Has anyone...question

A.I Found On Kickstarter
Wow this is looking good. I hope it can later be incorporated into the robots I will be working on. The buy in price was so low i could not help but go ahead and support...question

You Guys Are Up Late Tonight
Was just messing on the site a notice a lot of activities.No general conversations. Click here to start a conversation.
No robot skills. Click here to view the Robot Skill Store.

Luiss Jd Is Getting A Car
Here is my prototype of the JD Shoe box Car. There is more info on how i will use it Hererobot

Luiss I2c Ezb Arduino1 Sensor
Hello all, I wail back I posted some information on using an Arduino as a I2C Sensor controller to use with the EZB34 I will post this in 3 stages .. Stage one.....robot

Luiss Lcd Display For Ezb4 - Using Arduino Mini As Controler
Hello again, I have created an LCD Display for the EZB4. This is a very cheep and easy project. You...robot

Luiss Dt Ezb Weather For Weather Underground Api
I have been using a custom made API handler for my EZ-B projects. After reading a bit on the forums I thought I would make...robot

Luiss R2d2 Project Ready To Document
Hello all, I have been working for the past 6 months with James V. He has been building the physical R2D2 Model as I have been architecting and...robot

Luiss Using A Mq-? Sensor With The Ezb4 And ARC
Hello everyone.. Again I placed the demo into a video. Hope you enjoy. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.robot

Luiss Multiple Sensors On One Uart
Ok this is going to be awesome! So here is my Idea: 1 Sure DC SS503V100 Dual Axis Compass . used for robot orientation and also I will snap shot the...robot

Luiss Using The Sure Dc Ss503v100 With Ezb4 From Ez-Robots
Using the Sure DC SS503V100 with EZB4 from EZ-Robots Using UART Communication We will be using these...No live robot hacking sessions. Click here to view the past live robot hacks.

Turn A Sure Compass Into A Bluetooth Compass
Hello gang! I had an idea this morning and put together this little project. I have a few Sure Compasses around and wanted to see...tutorial

Lcd Display For Ezb4 - Using Arduino Mini As Controler
Hello again, I have created an LCD Display for the EZB4. This is a very cheep and easy project. You will need 1...tutorial

I2c Ezb Arduino1 Sensor
Hello all, I wail back I posted some information on using an Arduino as a I2C Sensor controller to use with the EZB34 I will post this in 3 stages .. Stage one.. right here...tutorial

Using The Sure Dc Ss503v100 With Ezb4
Using the Sure DC SS503V100 with EZB4 from EZ-Robots Using UART Communication We will be using these pins on the Sure Compass Pin 3 (RX)

Text To Speech Movement V2
This is an example (orginally written by Louis Vazquez) program on how to drive a servo using a text a based speech engine... This you would use in place of the

This is an example (orginally written by Louis Vazquez) program on how to drive a servo using a text a based speech engine... This you would use in place of the sound servo control as

JD Vision
This is the requested code I am using to control and interact with the vision syste. Please note : I am new to EZ-Script and would like to point out that i may have not use the most afficiant code

This is an example project to show how to use the Sure Compass with the EZB4 - using UART communication.No firmwares. Click here to view robot hardware and firmwares.
No 3D printable parts. Click here to view 3D printing robot library.
No features requests.