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Free 3D Sensor Seminar

I partner of mine that I worked with robotics with over the past 10 years sent me this.

Thought I would share it with you guys. Make no mistake its going to be a sales pitch , but you never know what you might learn along the way.


An introduction to using 3D sensors for inspection applications

In this webinar, our expert speaker will show you in real-world examples how to use a 3D displacement sensor with basic tools to solve a wide range of challenging applications. Wednesday, May 20, 2015 2:00 pm EDT; 1:00 pm CDT 12:00 pm MDT; 11:00 am PDT >> REGISTER TODAY

You'll learn how to: Set up 3D displacement sensors to capture information that 2D sensors cannot Overcome poor contrast and lighting conditions to perform super-accurate inspections Leverage your inspection solutions into bottom-line benefits on your production line Identify critical features in a 3D sensor so you can make the right system choice If you are looking to take your inspections to the next level with easy-to-use 3D sensors, register today.

Link to the promotion

They got hit with may regestrations this morning and it brought the server down. they are working on it. so if you get a 502 error just try back later


Upgrade to ARC Pro

ARC Pro is your gateway to a community of like-minded robot enthusiasts and professionals, all united by a passion for advanced robot programming.


Cognex puts on some really good quick seminars. Like you said you never know what you might learn along the way. I use and like their equipment a lot.