Hello ,,
I am testing a new concept in getting information to the robot from the out side world (internet). I have written many programs and put them out into the public domain but have just turned around my whole approach to the issue.
Instead of a bunch of programs running on the user desktop I felt a simple web based portal will work much better and be easy to use by anyone in the community regardless of robotic platform.
I have just put up a test portal and it seem to work well for me and a tester. I am now going to open it up to other who would like to try it out.
Right now I have 3 apps and many more coming on line after the Holiday.
(1) simple weather information from underground weather. so only us zip codes work.
(2) will look up words from Websters dictionary and have the robot define it.
(3) cloud storage for variables.
This is in early beta and has been tested by a few ez-scripters.
This is the beta site. Please let me know how its working for you and if i can do anything to make it better.
Luis Vazquez
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Hi Luis great work! The first two i believe can be done within ARC with ez-scripts, it might save some time doing it this way
. I know you have already completed them but for future apps think about it
Take a look at this to see how i get weather info: Get Weather
It just uses your external IP address to gather weather info based on your location and then so far it only takes the temperature and weather conditions but you can get weekly forecasts if needed.
Nice.. ya was using code like that at one point. What i have built is a platform for writing these little apps. so consuming information now is just a mater of finding sources and writing little plugin apps to consume it and sent it out to the robots.
I'm working on a human language parser with a buddy of mine from Stanford , also i hold a patent on a Neurol network system I want to plug in as well.
I would love to hook up with and talk about what the needs of the community might be.
I also would like to work on the EZ-Script generator and work out more complex code that non programmers can use to paste in and get the robots doing nice stuff.
Hit me up if you would be interested in hooking up , possibly on Skype.
That sounds awesome! I'd love to be of help if I can :-)
Weather underground should support more than just US Zip codes, I use it's API as part of Jarvis. The API is very simple to use and can be used without third party applications using the HTTPGet() command in EZ-Script. I may have uploaded an example somewhere, if I haven't I certainly have an example at home somewhere.
Looking up words from a reference is also very likely to be simple by using HTTPGet()
Also, the EZ-Robot cloud should be able to store variables sometime in the future. The EZ-Script commands are already there for it.
Not that I want to discourage you or anything but I don't see any reason to reinvent the wheel and I subscribe to the old adage Keep It Simple Stupid.
I do understand , I was afraid i may have show this to the community too early but need testers.
What I'm building is a frame work for adding services. Yes right now the weather is a simple one but that were I wanted to start. With some simpler items to test the frame work and the data connections.
I have a wish list that came from community members that I am working to add now.
If you might have a suggestion of something that is either difficult to do in EZ-Script or not possible , I would love to hear about it and see if there is not a simple solution.
Dude, you're asking the wrong person for something that's difficult or not possible to do in EZ-Script
Once thing which has been mentioned a few times on the forum and in some emails to me directly is the sound servo which doesn't move with words but more with volume. I know a fair few in the community would love something which parses sentences and phrases, breaks down the words to their phonetic sounds and then moves a servo to suit... there's a challenge
It's funny your saying that .. I'm working with someone right now to do just that. Its been slow because were in 2 countries and have had trouble getting together as he has the bot and I only the code. Its been tricky because there are 3 var that have to be tweaked for the local machine timing and 2 more for the speed of the servos. but we are getting really close.
Oh another code block I'm working on is to allow a library of words that you want replaced with your own spellings. So if it does not pronounce your name right you can play with a phonetic spelling till your happy and have it replace that word.
You get what I'm talking about.
It's something I wish I had time to get on to but recently I've had very little time for anything. It would be possible in EZ-Script (I think) and the idea I have for it involves setting up the Auto Position control for mouth movements. Making frames and actions for each different sound then using ControlCommand to fire off the relevant actions when required.
Depending on the robot, but if the face was more human like with servos for expression this would work out to look very good since (and it may just be me here) my whole face moves when I talk not just my lips
Just an idea there to consider if you want to, or disregard if you don't, even my ideas are "open source"