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Probably just shop supplies and samples so don't get too excited.... remember the product is being drop shipped from China...


its something for sure.

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bigger foto


My order was marked as shipped yesterday (although I didn't see it until just now) and the tracking info says it went form China to Los Angeles to BC Canada and that the delivery was attempted but Recipient not home. I'm in the US (Ohio) so I'm a bit confused.

I just sent a message to EZ-R co. but am wondering if anyone has any info about this. Are they being sent to EZ-R and then EZ-R re-sending them from there? Any info anyone has would be a great help.



I received my update on Tuesday, saying it had shipped. I received my developer kits today. Super fast shipping. Went from China to me in two days via DHL service. Good luck on finding what is going on with your order.


has anyone got a confirmation on a six? I believe i read that they would be first bots to ship out.


@JenJen122394 I would contact EZ Robot about this if I were you.... Sounds like someone is screwing up on the tracking #s because someone else here has the same problem you have.... What did you order?

Edit It is also possible they are using re-cycled tracking #s (eventually they need to re-use old numbers as they run out) and the previous destination hadn't been cleared from the shipping info yet.... Still, I would contact EZ Robot to confirm...


@RichardR... Jen is my gf. We sent them a message via contact us. I think you're prob right about the tracking issue. I was under the impression that Rolis were going to be shipped at the end of August. I also have some extra HD Servos coming via the credit from last December and figured they would ship together. Thanks again for all of your input. You're alway a big help to everybody. I'm happy to have you as member of this community.