Using The Sure Dc Ss503v100 With Ezb4


Using the Sure DC SS503V100 with EZB4 from EZ-Robots

Using UART Communication

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We will be using these pins on the Sure Compass

Pin 3 (RX) on Compass to the (TX) pin on EZB4 UART

Pin 4 (TX) on Compass to the (RX) pin on EZB4 UART

Pin 5 (OPT) on Compass to the (3.3v) pin on EZB4 UART

OPT is set HIGH by adding the 3.3v to change the device from I2C to UART communication.

Pin 22 (+3.3v) on Compass to the (3.3v) pin on EZB4 UART


Step 1

Using the Sure DC SS503V100 with EZB4 from EZ-Robots

Using UART Communication

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We will be using these pins on the Sure Compass

Pin 3 (RX) on Compass to the (TX) pin on EZB4 UART

Pin 4 (TX) on Compass to the (RX) pin on EZB4 UART

Pin 5 (OPT) on Compass to the (3.3v) pin on EZB4 UART

OPT is set HIGH by adding the 3.3v to change the device from I2C to UART communication.

Pin 22 (+3.3v) on Compass to the (3.3v) pin on EZB4 UART

Pin 24 (Gnd) on Compass to the (Gnd) pin on EZB4 UART

This is all the wireing needed. I'm not sure how long the wires can be but i have tested it with 4 foot of wire and had not issues with it.

(updated video)

A little video showing the scripts in action.

Also you can get all the code from the public cloud.

Hope this helps.


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