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Omnibot 2000 Riser
Want to make your Omnibot 2000 bigger? You can print this out and stack em up to the height you need your little guy to grow. The vertical striations are because I only printed it one...question

Ez Hud Is In Development
Initial Prototype. Still need to clean up code, add a few more graphics and text, then add control commands for ARC script.question

New Plugin Idea. Hud Display Camera Overlay. I.E. Terminator Vision
Per Richard R, he suggested a HUD information display to overlay the EZ Camera video....question

Ez Gauge Chart Is Released
The Plugin See script examples. If you have any bugs / issues let me know. Here is the source code and vs2015 solution. EZGuageChart-v0.0.zipquestion

Ez Gauge Plugin Is In Development
Im digging this plugin stuff!question

Ez Line Chart Is In Development
Working on the line chart plugin...question

4 Series Bar Chart
First plugin. Check the plug ins section. Let me know if you can use it. EZ Chart EZChart.zipquestion

4-In-1 Orientation Sensor Mount Stl Cad 3D Printing
The .STL Filequestion

Jd Eyes / Rgb Led Block Using 5 Volts
Is it possible to power the RGB LED block using 5 volts? Is there any way to make the RGB LED block brighter?question

Google Play Application Failed Install
I tried to download the latest version of the application from the Google Play Store however the installation was unsuccessful and reported a...question

Virtual Robot Control - Varible Display Feature Request
Just an idea: Please consider adding a right click add variable display on the virtual robot control. I know...question

Arduino Mega Is Being Powered Through The Uart Serial Tx/Rx Connection
So I want to control the Arduino power using this RFP30N06LE MOSFET and that...question

Static Fuzzy White Noise Sound From Spkr Speaker
Ive by passed the little speaker and have soldered to the SPKR on the board. Im using the original Omnibot 2000 .03W...question

Omnibot 2000 Replacement Tread - Ninjaflex
Got a 3d printer and some Ninjaflex filament. You can print an Omnibot 2000 replacement tread. Enjoy. Thingiverse Replacement Treadquestion

Bumper Push Button Digital Switch
330 ohm resistor used in picture Bumper push button switchquestion

Enhancement Request - Window Pinning. Digital Set Appearance. Virtual Robot.
Window Pinning: I set placement of my controls. I open the window to...question

Script Control - Looping Functionality Question. A Bug Or Brain Fart?
Situation: Ive looked over all the scripts in the cloud and havent seemed to find...question

Android Phone As A Gps, Compass And Tilt Sensor By Sending Uris To The Ez-Builde
Objective: Use my Android phone as a GPS, compass and tilt...No general conversations. Click here to start a conversation.

Ez Line Chart v2
Basic 4 series historical line chart for comparing your robots sensor values over time.Graphs

EZ Gauge Chart v3
Dashboard style gauge chart with red zone display. v0.0 initial release.Graphs

EZ Chart v9
Basic 4 series bar chart for comparing your robots sensor values at a glance.robot

Leversofpowers Omnibot 200 Mod Progress
Just thought Id update you all on my Omnibot EZ-B progress. Im writing code to control lighting effects using an Arduino mega slaved via...robot

Leversofpowers Roboquad Redux
The Wowee Roboquad had a labotomy and now its getting the hack de jour put to it... No remotes, IR codes, waiting, versions, millisecond delay or anything wowee...robot

Leversofpowers Un2003a 28Byj48 Stepper Motor Project
This is a tutorial for implementing UN2003A 28BYJ48 stepper motor controller combo. This motor stepper controller...robot

Leversofpowers Cutting My Teeth. The Floor Crawler
I had been so exclusively focused on the pre-design work for the Wowee Roboquad hack and waiting on parts to arrive from...No live robot hacking sessions. Click here to view the past live robot hacks.
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No 3D printable parts. Click here to view 3D printing robot library.
No features requests.