Just thought I'd update you all on my Omnibot EZ-B progress. I'm writing code to control lighting effects using an Arduino mega slaved via serial to the EZ-B. I'm about halfway done with the LED/NeoPixel effects programming.
Sorry for the obnoxious music it's was either that or the sounds of a head cold.
By leversofpower
— Last update
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That's great work on the LED eye effects. How thick is the lens ?
Those are clear cabochons from eBay. Approx 10mm thick at center. Infinity mirror design. Ear stalks are PIR motion sensors.
That's awesome! The little antennas on the side of his head give the omnibot an entertaining personality as well. Those big eyes give him the look of curiosity
That is a really neat looking head! Great work.
looks really cool
@levers , do you have pics of the inside of your omni face , I'm interested as to how everything fits in there.
@jstarne1 I do. Check here: Inside Head Pics
So far this blows all other omnibots out of the water.
Thanks! It's truly amazing the things we can all accomplish these days with some perseverance. These are the early days of the robot revolution! Hopefully we won't be counting on Sarah Connor tho...
This is an awesome build. I love your creativity of putting those antennas out to the side and lighting them up.
I echo the thoughts of everyone else. That's a great looking robot, and loving the Neo ring eyes. Very cool indeed cool. Great job so far.
how about some pictures of the flip side of the wires coming out of the head and the neck mechanism. You have done a GREAT job so far.
There is only a ribbon cable and two power wires comming out of the head. That setup makes taking off the head much easier then when it was a bunch of prototype wires.
That is a Great Design.
Could you give us a link to the PIR (eyestalk sensors) Please?
@leversofpower, I am trying to get a neo pixel ring to be controlled thru an Arduino uno from an EZBv4. Do you mind sharing how you have done it? I have the ring running on the uno but I need help with the wiring between the uno and the v4. As well as a EZ script to run/trigger the Arduino script. Thanks
I second what bhouston has posted. I purchased the neo pixel rings couple of months back thinking v4 could control. Now kinda stuck. Thanks
If that isn't enough give me your email and i'll send you zipped project.
Follow this thread as well.
After you study it if it is not apparent then let me know.