— Edited

When I execute this command or any other commands in the ARC the roboquad responds appropriately. I am executing this enum or any other and it does not appear to respond. Any ideas?
Private Sub EzB_Connect1_OnConnection() Handles EzB_Connect1.OnConnection
Timer1.Interval = 250
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
If (EzB_Connect1.EZB.IsConnected = False) Then
End If
CheckBox1.Checked = EzB_Connect1.EZB.Digital.GetDigitalPort(EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum.D0)
CheckBox2.Checked = EzB_Connect1.EZB.Digital.GetDigitalPort(EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum.D1)
CheckBox3.Checked = EzB_Connect1.EZB.Digital.GetDigitalPort(EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum.D2)
CheckBox4.Checked = EzB_Connect1.EZB.Digital.GetDigitalPort(EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum.D3)
CheckBox5.Checked = EzB_Connect1.EZB.Digital.GetDigitalPort(EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum.D4)
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub
Only that one command doesn't respond?
I tried several commands(Roar, Volume_Down, Twitch, etc.) in the button click event. I could not get any to be actuated.
There was another roboquad version that someone had with issues. It appeared to be different controller with different signals. I wonder if there are three versions?
You have the gnd connected also? I still have mine at the office which works great!
Did you disconnect the wire to the receiver? So only the ezb is connected?
You have the gnd connected also? Yes. Did you disconnect the wire to the receiver? Yes. So only the ezb is connected? Yes.
A very basic hookup, just two wires... I followed your tutorial for hooking it up.
The quad works just fine in ARC.
I close ARC and open up VS2012 and run the project and it does not respond to the SDK commands. I can shoot some video of it if you want something more tangible...
Original thread , I found that there were 3 revisions of the RoboQuad, wowwee changed manufacturers