When click help from the main menu. It takes you to this link: https://synthiam.com/Tutorials/Help.aspx?id=2 Which is the link for servo Controls - Horizontal Servo
This doesn't seem appropriate.
Also, the task bar icon for the firmware utility is a shortcut icon? Would you like another icon more appropriate; I could email you one.
On last thing IMHO
Updating... (22,656 Bytes) 11328 (22656) Received Moving from temp to program location (Could this be more specific?)
Firmware Loaded. Reboot EZ-B
I would loose the periods and use time stamps for each of the steps. You have a progress bar at the top which is just as useful as the periods . The word "successful" should be used if the process was completed without error. Also "Reboot EZ-B" is a little confusing. I had to look a little to find out that it meant cycling the power to EZ-B. You should state, "Power off the EZ-B and power it back on". Also, you should confirm that success is indicated by a change in the flash pattern of the blue led.
Just my 2 cents as a fellow programmer...
Thanks for the suggestions
Enjoy the EZ-B! I look forward to seeing your robot
Me too! I was impressed at the level of quality of ARC, much more then I expected.
Thank you
If you download the latest copy, the icons are repaired