Per Richard R, he suggested a HUD information display to overlay the EZ Camera video. Something like this:

Or this for the kids

Can a png file with an alpha channel be specified in ez script to overlay a EZ-Camera image? If not is that a possibility? Have I missed something?
I would like this very much...
You can start with something like this...
I whipped up that example plugin for you.
Good idea. Am I correct the only overlay you can do now its text?(right-clicking camera image in control)
The closest you could get is through the mobile interface currently.
Oh yeah! Might be time to try and earn my yellow belt.
I kick started your plugin. Make sure you have the latest ARC, it includes a few new methods for custom overlay.
I updated this plugin and the source code for an overlay:
Here's a video of the plugin....
Here's another opensource plugin that i created requiring the latest ARC update. It overlays images as augmented reality. Source code is available also:
This made me laugh with joy; LOVE IT!
Ha. Nice, it always comes back to iron man. Just a matter of time before you invent the EZ battle suit. Imagine the sweet sound of all those servos...
Just checked out the augmented plugin. Looks like everything is there to proceed. Just a matter of some gdi+ and infographic controls.
Since I'm just getting started if anyone has any ideas or hud designs just let me know.
Here are a few source images I've got so far:
Whoa - those are some sexy interfaces!
I kinda borrowed the rainmeter graphics when I made my overlays.
A little off topic. Anyone have a dalek eyestalk overlay ?