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Jd Eyes / Rgb Led Block Using 5 Volts

Is it possible to power the RGB LED block using 5 volts?

Is there any way to make the RGB LED block brighter?


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Yes it is possible.

Just keep in mind that while the I2C lines will get pulled up to 5V and it's ok because the MCU I/O are 5V tolerant, you'll need to remember that the Power line (Vcc) on the ez-bv4 is NOT 5V tolerant. The MCU is 3.3V based and will be damaged. You will have to separate the VCC line that goes to the RGB eyes from the ez-bv4.

That all being said, I tried it at the test bench here and it works. The RGB LEDs definitely get brighter.


here a pic that can be usefull.

User-inserted image


@levelsofpower that's correct!


cant wait to see this video.


Sweet, Looks so awesome! I want to try that as well now:) Will you be selling kits?


Well, that might be nice...but it really comes down to operate a store or spend time tinkering with robots. Hmm...not a hard decision.;)

Any way, drill 3mm holes into your RGB animator and stuff the side emitting fiber optic cable into them or print out this coupler. Buy 3mm plastic fiber optic cable from eBay, it's cheap.

The Fiber Optic 3mm Coupler


I hear you, operating a store sometimes takes a lot of time away from the fun stuff.

Thanks for sharing the design files! I'm going to print one out today, waiting for an order of fiber is going to kill though (thanks for sharing that too!).