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Member Since:


  • 2013-05-01 - joined Synthiam
  • 2013-05-28 - created first new question
  • 2014-02-01 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2014-07-28 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2014-09-11 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2015-05-20 - posted your first tutorial
  • 2016-01-07 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2016-02-26 - created a custom avatar
  • 2019-01-05 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
  • 2020-04-28 - answered a forum question
  • 2022-04-03 - used the Cognitive Emotion Service to have a robot detect your emotion
  • 2022-04-03 - used Cognitive Face Service to have your robot learn and remember faces
  • 2022-04-04 - searched the Synthiam support section to learn about ARC features
  • 2022-04-10 - started first conversation
  • 2022-11-05 - subscribed to ARC and unlocked new features that make your robot even smarter
  • 2022-11-05 - purchasing an Annual Pro Subscription
  • 2023-02-27 - shared your first video in the forum
  • 2025-03-09 - completed the Lets Make a Robot tutorial to learn how to make a robot with Synthiam ARC

Latest submissions


How To Rem Out A Piece Of Code

Hello folks been awhile, But I have  a silly question and cant seem to find it. Question is, when writing a script, say in Ez-script, if I want to rem out  a line of code but not erase it, you usually can put a # in front of the command, but in Javascript, I thought it was a ; that does the same thing. This does not seem to be true. Im gathering...

DE Sabertooth Controller Runs Motors On Its Own

Yes this a stange one.  So, I have the 2x15 Sabertooth controller in use with my Hemi robot (see other thread). Im using the custom movement panel, and thanks to help from everyone I learned how to create serial commands needed to operate the Sabertooth. I have it nicely working with voice commands.   What I am having an issue with is that...
Adjusting Encoders On A Roboclaw 2X15

Adjusting Encoders On A Roboclaw 2X15

Was wondering whos the resident expert here on using the Roboclaw  Motor controllers here?  I am aware that it operates simular to the Sabertooth...
What Java Works With ARC?

What Java Works With ARC?

Hey DJ, Since I have been unable to recreate this whole thing, I wondered one thing, if its not even a thing....Java runtime build into windows ? I believe we need to use...
Is Pandorabot Still Running

Is Pandorabot Still Running

Just was wondering , is anyone else using the Pandorabot ? Seems recently that when I try to use it, the Pandora replies that its unable to process request, please...

No Servospeed With SSC32

I discovered something tonight, while using the servospeed in a script.  I have a servo sonnected to D0. Got the servo to move fast or slow using servospeed just fine per the instructions. Then, with a SSC32 controller, and the same servo now connected to V0, the servo moves at one speed only, The servospeed command has no effect either way. So Im...

ARC On Startup, Workspace Not Setting Up Right

More of an observation than a question maybe? but  can we get rid of the TipTricks window that pops up everytime I open up ARC? I cant seem to turn it off even when Ive selected that little box on the bottom.  when I open the same project over and over, it still pops up. Also, when I open up the same project Ive been working on, it keeps opening up...

ARC Startup Screens-How To Remove?

Question. Im now using ARC finally. When ARC loads, there is atipstricks window that first appears, which I have to click to close, then a Bookmarks window appears, which I also have to click to close before the program continues on. How do I stop these two windows from showing up? Thats the question. I dont see any comfiguration menu that lets me...
Robot Building Safety?

Robot Building Safety?

This is just a quick little PSA (public service announcement) I hope this will be ok  to post here? Always practice safety when building your robot, be it the shop tools you...

Adding Phrases, How Many?

So I got a weird issue, maybe. Its related to the Speech Recongnition tool, for EZB and I could not find an answer to this.  I have been adding phrases to the list, each one of course performs a simple servo movement or performs a script. When I click on the gear icon, it of course displays the phrases including the preinstalled ones. I counted I...

Servo Movement Panel- Unable To Turn Left Or Right?

So this is a head scratcher one for me. I am still using ARC 2020.01.05.00 first off.  Im trying to get the robots drive system to make left or right turns, but I can only do forward and reverse. I have a EZB-V4, I have a SSC32 to the EZB. Ive tried a DE 2x12RC motor controller and then a Sabertooth 2x15 motor controller. Both exhibit the same...
Wire Length For The EZB Ultrasonic Sensor

Wire Length For The EZB Ultrasonic Sensor

Hello folks, Figured Id throw this out there and see what others think...Has anyone ever had to install the EZB Ultrasonic sensor (or any...
EZB Software With Internet?

EZB Software With Internet?

Has anyone ele experienced this recently? The current version of EZB software will not start until I have an internet connection first. Its suppose to run on it own...
Who Can Help

Who Can Help

initalvexgrippertest.EZB I need A lil help with some programming. Its been a year or so since Ive written anything. Im trying to set up a simple test with 2 grippers. I can get them to open/close...
Windows Voice Output

Windows Voice Output

So i moved up to windows 10 and recently aquired a new Fusion5 Win10 tablet. What I dont care for is Cortana. But here is my issue. I wanted to test the voice output using the...

Ezb Boor Up Time

I have a question, and it may be odd. This is for those who may have mini-cpu/ laptop, or a tablet on-board your robot. Has anyone ever timed how long it takes for every thing on the robot to be up and running from the moment you apply power? What I mean is, and its something I always notice takes too long... You hit the power switch, your robot...
Hb25- Initialzing Via A Power Cycle

Hb25- Initialzing Via A Power Cycle

I have had a little issue with using the Parallaz HB25 motor controllers I use with Cy. Maybe someone could shed some light on this. It would seem...

What Have I Missed?

Hello DJ and all, Been dealing with a family tragedy over the holidays, finally am having a few moments to stop by to see whats new. Hope everyone else at least had a good holiday season. Will be back soon.

Continues Read Of Ir Sensor

Im a little confused here. Im simply trying to read the value coming from my IR sensor (one of the Sharp IR ones). The script I wrote should should be a simple loop and display the value, can continue to display the value until I tell it to stop. goto(sensor) :sensor $IRSensor = GetADC(ADC4) # Sharp IR Sensor print($IRSensor) sleep(1000) Return()...

Programming Cy 2.0

Evening all ! Now that CY is basically complete on the hardware side (more to add on later) I an now working thru the programming (ugh!). For some time now, Ive played around with little scripts here and there to test different parts of what the hardware should do and am now trying to mash it all together. What I am really trying to focus on first...
Ssc32 Strange Error Message

Ssc32 Strange Error Message

I have question for the use of the SSC32. In the screen shot. under the script initaArms: you will see an error message that says Missing Binary Operator [V2]?0 ....

Making Cy Say Hello

So, I was thinking, I would like my robot to be able to say a greeting (like hello,how are you?,nice to meet you,etc) when its using the camera face tracking. I know how to be able to get Cy to respond with a single word, but would like him to be able to give different greetings randomly. Any ideas? I really wasnt able to find what I am looking for...
Cybot And Running Multiple Scripts

Cybot And Running Multiple Scripts

Cy_MainTest1.EZB Hopefully,the file uploaded ,my first time. Looking for a little help. Since I am still learning much about Ezb script writing, I have...

Jd- How Entertaining

So last night, I headed over to Brookstone and picked up a JD, couldnt resist the low price ya know, awesome! Followed the lessons, got the battery charged, and got him up and running in no time. Hes got some nice dance moved there. What got me though was when you first activate him (after the calibration of course) is how all the servos suddenly...
Meet Cy

Meet Cy

This is Cy. He stands 4feet tall. Uses a Dell laptop for its head and to run the ezb software. As you can see has two arms and two wheeled drive system. Its been fun building and now starting the long task...
Making A Servo Stop

Making A Servo Stop

Im perplexed....:) is there a simple script command that can stop a servos movement when the servo starts moving? I am trying to use a lever switch within a gripper. When I tell the...
Programming And Wiring

Programming And Wiring

Hey all, I kinda have a two part question that I have just wondering.... 1) When it comes to creating the scripts, is there some sort of program flow that helps you create the...

Combining Ezb Programs

Hey DJ, or anyone else..... Need a lil help here, Using the EZB software, is there an easy way to combine bits and pieces from different programs to into one larger program? What I want to do is this; I created a small program using the RGB Animator. I also created another program that runs a Arlo mobile base. I also created another program that...

Ability To Print A Script

Hey DJ, How hard would it be to add in the ability to print out script files created from each program? I am trying to take bits from different script programs to combine into another program ( or being able to cut, copy, and paste from one script file to another would be great). Certainly being able to print a script out to use a reference would...

Ezrobot At Brookestone

Just wanted to say how cool it was to walk into the Brookstone here at our local mall today and see some EZrobot parts on a shelf, so of course had to buy a couple of items. Sadly I noticed that there was no robot out on display. The only robot that they did have in stock was that six legged guy. Im also hoping that Brookstone will eventually carry...

Ezb Not Showing On Tablet

Wondering if anyone has had this issue. I have a Dell Venue 8 Tablet with Windows 8 installed. It seems that the V4s wifi signal will not show up on the tablet. Yet the tablet connects to my wifi network just fine. Also, I happen to have two other Dell laptops with Win7 and the V4 connects up just fine with them. Anyone else have a similar issue...
Ezrobot Tshirts

Ezrobot Tshirts

Hey, I just noticed one item missing from the store. Ezrobot Tshirts ! What better way to get the word out ! I know Id love one

Hb25 Motor Controllers

Hello there, Hey, this may have been asked before, but has anyone had any luck controlling two Parallax HB25 controllers ? I am trying to experiment getting the two wheels to move correctly via the continues servo control panel, and seem to be having issue with the start/stop values,etc.. Im sure there is something im missing. For now I just want...

Scripts: Proper Syntax Editing?

I need a little help here. Im trying to understand how to write and edit scripts. Have been looking into the tutorials but cant find the right answer, and Im sure its a simple one. To start... I simply want to make my two continues servos w/ wheels move forward/reverse/and turn via voice commands. I found a little script test program that does...

I Finally Got One

So I finally ordered my very own V4 development kit, and was happy to receive it the other day. Nice packing, and have already powered it up and connected to the computer with ease, amazingly. The only thing Id have to say I was little disappointed with, is that the camera and the ultrasonic sensor do not arrive in their own plastic enclosures, yet...

Ezb Is On The Way

Well, I finally did it. Ive ordered my first V4 (the dev kit, went thru Robotshop to get it) and it shipped out yesterday. Should be here in a few days, cant wait. Look forward to seeing what I can do with it.

Wowee Mips Robot

So, I have finally got new notebook computer, a Dell with Windows 7 on it. Even downloaded latest EZ builder. Has anyone had luck with trying to control that new Wowee MIPS robot. Im just finding out it requires Bluetooth. Sadly Im unable to get the Iphone APP to download either, so I cannot test anything that way. Im assuming I need a Bluetooth...

The Older Ezb V3 Units

Anyone got a EZB V3 they might want to part with ? I have an older Acer Netbook with Xp on it. Id hate to throw this out since WIn8 is out now,Id just rather use the XP as is along with the V3( and the sonar and old camera). Im not worried about doing anything too fancy just yet, so a V3 will do just fine for now. I assume I can still download the...
Does Your Robot Do Anything?

Does Your Robot Do Anything?

So I was just wondering what everyone uses their creations for? Im talking about what real- world application does/will it do besides just run around the rooms and...

ARC Users Guide

Is there a Printed [Hardcopy] of the ARC software available? I find reading thru an instruction manual alot easier then trying to reference a video tutorial everytime I have a question on how to use the software. Its so much easier to just grab the book when one needs an answer on the fly...
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