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2013-05-01 - joined Synthiam
2013-05-28 - created first new question
2014-02-01 - joined your first forum discussion
2014-07-28 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
2014-09-11 - connected ARC to the cloud
2015-05-20 - posted your first tutorial
2016-01-07 - shared your first photo in the forum
2016-02-26 - created a custom avatar
2019-01-05 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
2020-04-28 - answered a forum question
2022-04-03 - used the Cognitive Emotion Service to have a robot detect your emotion
2022-04-03 - used Cognitive Face Service to have your robot learn and remember faces
2022-04-04 - searched the Synthiam support section to learn about ARC features
2022-04-10 - started first conversation
2022-11-05 - subscribed to ARC and unlocked new features that make your robot even smarter
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2023-02-27 - shared your first video in the forum
2025-03-09 - completed the Lets Make a Robot tutorial to learn how to make a robot with Synthiam ARC
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Adjusting Encoders On A Roboclaw 2X15
Was wondering whos the resident expert here on using the Roboclaw Motor controllers here? I am aware that it operates simular to the Sabertooth...question

What Java Works With ARC?
Hey DJ, Since I have been unable to recreate this whole thing, I wondered one thing, if its not even a thing....Java runtime build into windows ? I believe we need to use...question

Is Pandorabot Still Running
Just was wondering , is anyone else using the Pandorabot ? Seems recently that when I try to use it, the Pandora replies that its unable to process request, please...question

Robot Building Safety?
This is just a quick little PSA (public service announcement) I hope this will be ok to post here? Always practice safety when building your robot, be it the shop tools you...question

Wire Length For The EZB Ultrasonic Sensor
Hello folks, Figured Id throw this out there and see what others think...Has anyone ever had to install the EZB Ultrasonic sensor (or any...question

EZB Software With Internet?
Has anyone ele experienced this recently? The current version of EZB software will not start until I have an internet connection first. Its suppose to run on it own...question

Who Can Help
initalvexgrippertest.EZB I need A lil help with some programming. Its been a year or so since Ive written anything. Im trying to set up a simple test with 2 grippers. I can get them to open/close...question

Windows Voice Output
So i moved up to windows 10 and recently aquired a new Fusion5 Win10 tablet. What I dont care for is Cortana. But here is my issue. I wanted to test the voice output using the...question

Hb25- Initialzing Via A Power Cycle
I have had a little issue with using the Parallaz HB25 motor controllers I use with Cy. Maybe someone could shed some light on this. It would seem...question

Ssc32 Strange Error Message
I have question for the use of the SSC32. In the screen shot. under the script initaArms: you will see an error message that says Missing Binary Operator [V2]?0 ....question

Cybot And Running Multiple Scripts
Cy_MainTest1.EZB Hopefully,the file uploaded ,my first time. Looking for a little help. Since I am still learning much about Ezb script writing, I have...question

Meet Cy
This is Cy. He stands 4feet tall. Uses a Dell laptop for its head and to run the ezb software. As you can see has two arms and two wheeled drive system. Its been fun building and now starting the long task...question

Making A Servo Stop
Im perplexed....:) is there a simple script command that can stop a servos movement when the servo starts moving? I am trying to use a lever switch within a gripper. When I tell the...question

Programming And Wiring
Hey all, I kinda have a two part question that I have just wondering.... 1) When it comes to creating the scripts, is there some sort of program flow that helps you create the...question

Ezrobot Tshirts
Hey, I just noticed one item missing from the store. Ezrobot Tshirts ! What better way to get the word out ! I know Id love onequestion

Does Your Robot Do Anything?
So I was just wondering what everyone uses their creations for? Im talking about what real- world application does/will it do besides just run around the rooms and...No robot skills. Click here to view the Robot Skill Store.

Robohappys Introducing....HEMI Or HHCB1 (Home Health Care Robot)
Hi Gang ! So Ive finally got my project to a point to where Id like to show what I have...robot

Robohappys Adventurebot4wd
Decided to give the robot a little boost, so im gonna do some reconfiguring. First up, Ive decided to give it sorta a 4 wheel drive upgrade. As you can see, four wheels...robot

Robohappys Cybot2.0
Hi guys, Thought I would show off my robot again. This is Cybot 2.0. The big change I did was get rid of that big laptop of a head and went with something a bit more normal size I...No live robot hacking sessions. Click here to view the past live robot hacks.
No user tutorials. Click here to view all user tutorials.
No firmwares. Click here to view robot hardware and firmwares.
No 3D printable parts. Click here to view 3D printing robot library.