— Edited
I have question for the use of the SSC32. In the screen shot. under the script "initaArms:' you will see an error message that says " Missing Binary Operator [V2]?0 . Anyone know what that means?
My current setup for CY is 2 arms, 5 servos per arms, all connected to an SSC32 which its set for the 38.4K baudrate. My AutoPosition actions for both arms seem to work fine, just that error message keeps popping up. Any ideas? confused
You will need to post the code for the script. And remember to wrap the code in [ code ] .... [ /code ] so we can read it
Script name "InitArms"
This is pretty much all the code I've written so far to start the arms off in initial position. Again this is for the [b]SSC32[b].
Here is the project file,might be easier to look at. the " Missing Binary Operator [V2]?0 is a strage one? but am still learning the ssc32. Any ideas? or if im just missing something?
yeah - the current version of ARC doesn't support more than 19 servos. That has been changed in the next release of ARC.
I will release it this evening. Stay tuned.
Once you install the update, all v0 to v99 servos are supported for ssc32
Get latest ARC: https://synthiam.com/Community/Questions/9274
Hey DJ, thank you for the info. Will download the latest and give that a try:)
Thanks again DJ ! works much better