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2013-09-07 - posted a robot project showcase
2014-09-21 - connected ARC to the cloud
2016-06-13 - shared your first photo in the forum
2016-11-23 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
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A Gift For My Son
So proud of my son Ben (hes 9). Last night he presented his Hummingbird project at his schools Exhibition of Learning night. He built this project at his schools Makerspace all by...question

R2-D2 @ Red Deer Mini Maker Faire June 11Th
Hey All, Its been a while since Ive participated in the forums. Thought I would share my recent venture this weekend. I took my 1:1...question

Myo - Muscle Activity Control
Anyone? ;-) This would be an awesome integration for EZ-B. getmyo.com/question

Sendserial Format
Hey all, Im trying to get my Dimension Engineering KangarooX2 module to work with my Syren10. I can link/tune via the USB connection. It allows me to move and control the Syren10 no...question

Wtt: U-Command Wall-E
Hey All, I have a spare Wall-E sitting here. No remote, gutted, ready to to be EZ-Bd. Looking for a possible trade for another robot + cash type deal. Not quite sure what I want...question

Nixie Tubes -Simulated?
Anyone familiar with Nixie tubes? Looking to simulate if possible. I found some actual tubes but not sure about all the high voltage drivers ect. Looking to integrate into...question

New Kids Arrived!
A couple of new kids arrived today to add to the Lumpy family. Going to try bleach/whiten the Verbot up a little.question

R2-D2 Dome Centering (Hot Pot)
Hey All, Finally got my Hot Pot into R2. It allows me to know where R2s dome is for positioning. Here it is mounted to the frame (Slip-ring through the middle)....question

The Revolution Has Begun!
Hey All, I scooted (1 1/2hour drive) to the EZ-Robot open house tonight. The new digs look awesome! DJ has done well! So the Revolution has begun! As DJ stated in the...question

The Crew
I was tidying up the office today. Snapped this pic of the kids. Plans - Omnibot #3 - Newest Omnibot I have . Currently un-touched. Thinking no dome mech warrior. Omnibot #2 - Mr. T. Going for paint...question

Rotary Encoders - Looking For Suggestions
I think Im going to bite the bullet and get a rotary encoder for my full-size R2 dome. Anyone have some suggestions for one that will...question

I2c Help - Adafruit 16 Channel Servo Driver
Hello All, Just curious if anyone has one of these Adadfruit 16 Channel Servo Driver working with their EZ-B? I realized I needed to...question

.And Now Me And My Minions Will Rule The World!
Let the building of the army begin!question

Ez-B Diagnostics - Help Please!
Hi DJ, Popped my new chip in today. Still nothing. I went through the diagnostics video and im getting all the right readings. Board upgraded firmware fine...question

Wtb: Omnibot Tracks / Rubber Bumper
Anyone have some spare Omnibot tracks they would like to part with? Also looking for the rubber bumper that connects the base to top. Let me know....question

Cheap Wii (Knock-Offs) - $5 @ Liqudation World
Hey All, Though I would pass this along. Liquidation World has Intec Wave Plus Controller on for $5.00/Ea. This is a knock off...question

Ar Parrot / Roomba Score!
What a weird day. First our IT guy comes down and sells me his minty newish AR Parrot V.1 for $150. Then I go to pick my kid up from the dayhome and she is giving me two...question

Ultra Sonic Mounts
Having mounting issues with your Ultra Sonic? Found these little fellas. Made specifically for the HC-SR04. They mount perfectly to servos. Here is a link to the youtube vid. Same...question

Omnibots Galore!
Holy addictive! Just bought (2) Omnibots this week. I let my 4 year old help shop on SparkFun for mods/upgrades for them. Its going to be a robot fest here! What all have others done to...question

My Work Robot Is Reading My Mind!
Lol I got stuck working the machine today. Im not sure if I control it or it controls me. It was reading my mind today. Please dont sue me DJ for...question

Mike Sennas completed Wall-E. Mike is like the gifted godfather of the R2 builders group. ;-) I could see so many things that could be automated and scripted with an EZ-B kit.No general conversations. Click here to start a conversation.
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Lumpys Lumpys - R2-D2 Build Two-Twos
Hello Again, Ive been asked to post some pics of my R2 build. Ill toss them up. This has been approx. a 3 year project for me. I chose to go the...robot

Lumpys Lumpys Robosapien
I was motivated tonight so I decided to EZ-B my Robosapien. Took about 20min total. Hes up and running via Wii remote. Im running the EZ-B on an external battery for now...robot

Lumpys Lumpys Hasbro R2-D2
Hey All! Finally got some time out in the garage. Sorry that thing called Life got in the way! ;-) Some pics. (Sorry I didnt have my fancy camera with me) Hasbro R2 in...robot

Lumpys Lumpys Roomba Rover
Hey All! Picked up one of those cheapy arduino wheeled platforms. It came with those cheesy yellow motors and yellow rimmed wheels. The wheels did not spin very...robot

Lumpys Lumpys Wall-E
** More pics added 08/01/12 ** I spent the most of Saturday working on my Wall-E. I did the typical carve out the bottom and added the servos. Mounted the sonar. For the arms I...robot

Lumpys Lumpys Omnibot(S) - Spy Vs Spy
Hello All! Omnibot #1 arrived today. Im still waiting on Omnibot #2 to arrive. Soon hopefully. Going with a Black / White Spy vs Spy theme. The...No live robot hacking sessions. Click here to view the past live robot hacks.
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