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  • 2012-04-30 - joined Synthiam
  • 2012-04-30 - created first new question
  • 2012-05-23 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2013-09-07 - posted a robot project showcase
  • 2014-09-21 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2016-06-13 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2016-11-23 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder

Latest submissions

A Gift For My Son

A Gift For My Son

So proud of my son Ben (hes 9). Last night he presented his Hummingbird project at his schools Exhibition of Learning night. He built this project at his schools Makerspace all by...
R2-D2 @ Red Deer Mini Maker Faire June 11Th

R2-D2 @ Red Deer Mini Maker Faire June 11Th

Hey All, Its been a while since Ive participated in the forums. Thought I would share my recent venture this weekend. I took my 1:1...

Connection Question - Multiple V4s

Good Day, Ive been burning myself out trying to get this fixed. Read multiple threads but Im still stumped. I was proficient in the V3s but just recently got back to working with the V4s. I have (2) V4s that Im trying to connect to my router. I originally thought it was a router setting (LinkSys) but Im now on router #3 with a barebones setup (no...

V4 Case Or Mouting Base?

Hey All, Does anyone have a V4 case design other than the EZ-Robot one that is posted? Looking for something different to print, figured Id ask first before I waste time designing something up. If you have a .STL to share that would be great.
Myo - Muscle Activity Control

Myo - Muscle Activity Control

Anyone? ;-) This would be an awesome integration for EZ-B.
Sendserial Format

Sendserial Format

Hey all, Im trying to get my Dimension Engineering KangarooX2 module to work with my Syren10. I can link/tune via the USB connection. It allows me to move and control the Syren10 no...
Wtt: U-Command Wall-E

Wtt: U-Command Wall-E

Hey All, I have a spare Wall-E sitting here. No remote, gutted, ready to to be EZ-Bd. Looking for a possible trade for another robot + cash type deal. Not quite sure what I want...
Nixie Tubes -Simulated?

Nixie Tubes -Simulated?

Anyone familiar with Nixie tubes? Looking to simulate if possible. I found some actual tubes but not sure about all the high voltage drivers ect. Looking to integrate into...

Mp3 Trigger Variables / Sequencing

Hello All, Just working on some setup for big R2s audio setup. Im using the Sparkfun MP3 Trigger. Im trying to use $variables in command strings and its not working. Is ARC capable of this for the Mp3Trigger command strings? Here is a normal command line: MP3TriggerVolume(D7, 38400, 30) I want to do something like this: $Mp3Volume=30...

Sendserial - Carriage Return?

Im still fighting with a serial module. Noticed on the setup commands notes - All commands consist of a channel number, followed by a comma, the command and a newline (Enter key) Does the sendserial command already do this? or do I need to add something in for a new line/carriage return? Command Im trying to send is: SendSerial(D3, 9600, 1,start)...
New 'Kids Arrived!

New Kids Arrived!

A couple of new kids arrived today to add to the Lumpy family. Going to try bleach/whiten the Verbot up a little.

Wtb: Hasbro R2 Interactive

Hey All, Looking for a used R2 Interactive. Must be able to ship to Canada. If you have one kicking around, at a reasonable price let me know. Kris

Mini Ez-B Pre Booking?

DJ / Allan, Just curious if you guys are doing pre-bookings for the new mini EZ-B? Interest list?

Adc Help - Uggg Frustrated

Hey All, Trying to tweak my dome control scripts. My Hot Pot potentiometer outputs a number from 0-212 on ADC7 Here is a few variations of the script Im trying to use. My main goal is to have the dome spin and stop on or close to the number I desire. There is some momentum delay to stop but I can work that out. Here are the scripts snipped from my...
R2-D2 Dome Centering (Hot Pot)

R2-D2 Dome Centering (Hot Pot)

Hey All, Finally got my Hot Pot into R2. It allows me to know where R2s dome is for positioning. Here it is mounted to the frame (Slip-ring through the middle)....
The Revolution Has Begun!

The Revolution Has Begun!

Hey All, I scooted (1 1/2hour drive) to the EZ-Robot open house tonight. The new digs look awesome! DJ has done well! So the Revolution has begun! As DJ stated in the...
The Crew

The Crew

I was tidying up the office today. Snapped this pic of the kids. Plans - Omnibot #3 - Newest Omnibot I have . Currently un-touched. Thinking no dome mech warrior. Omnibot #2 - Mr. T. Going for paint...

Open House Party

Any other locals heading to the Open House Party (May 28th)? Im going to take the afternoon off work.

Thanks Rich!

Rich, Goodies arrived today! Thanks again. If you need anything from over here just drop me a line. Kris

Wireless Video Options?

Hey All, Just curious what other wireless video options youve found out there that work with ARC? I need to pick up a bunch more cameras and want to see what my options are. Just searching E-Bay....
Rotary Encoders - Looking For Suggestions

Rotary Encoders - Looking For Suggestions

I think Im going to bite the bullet and get a rotary encoder for my full-size R2 dome. Anyone have some suggestions for one that will...

Scripting Attempt # 1

Hey All, Ive been working on my big R2 recently. It has a Sabertooth 2x25 for the foot drives and a Syren 10 for the dome. So that leaves me with using serial commands to control the dome. My dome uses a Pittman motor. R2s dome has a large gear type setup. The Pittman motor is a bit abrupt for starting and stopping. Ive made my first attempt at...

E-Bay: Omnibot Head

Saw this on E-Bay. Thought maybe someone here might need a replacement. Omnibot Head Replacement

Block User Feature For Forum?

DJ, Is there anyway to add a block user/ignore posts feature to your forum? I know its your own code, so you must be able to customize? Im sure myself and a few others have a few people we would like to erase out of our lives. There is a disruptive force on this forum that needs to go away.

Multi Board Support For Robosapien?

Is Robosapien only capable of working on board 0? Trying to add him to my multi-robot fleet but it doesnt look like I can use any other board #s to run him? It will be a bugger to switch/re-program the current robot on board 0 so I can make him work. DJ thoughts?

Robotic Face

DJ, I recall seeing a post with a newer low cost acrylic cut robotic face/head. Maybe a Dagu product? Were you going to be offering those soon? The RoboticsSquared versions are nice, just pricey.

Rich. Your My Only Hope! ;-)

Rich, I was wondering if you can help me out? I need your programming wizardry. Im using a serial 40 MP3 module. It does not have a built in random feature. Currently I just throw at it a script that it goes through the tracks one after the other. If I stop that script to do something else then call it back it starts at the beginning. Not so...

Merging Script Managers

Hey DJ, Love all the recent releases. With the capability to merge projects now, do you think it would be possible to allow drag drop of scripts between multiple ScriptManager controls? For Example: Im merging (2) Omnibot / (1) Wall-E / (1) R2-D2 projects into a one big multi-robot project. When merging, ARC keeps all the ScriptManagers controls...
I2c Help - Adafruit 16 Channel Servo Driver

I2c Help - Adafruit 16 Channel Servo Driver

Hello All, Just curious if anyone has one of these Adadfruit 16 Channel Servo Driver working with their EZ-B? I realized I needed to...

7 Hdmi Lcd Monitor For Embedded Pc

Hey all, Just noticed this monitor on SparkFun. Would work great for those larger embedded PC robots. Thought I would share.

Servo Spline Type?

Hello, Hopping to find a quick answer. What style of spline are the EZ-Robot servos (Standard and HD)? Futaba? Hitec? I need to order some adapters for my super easy Omnibot arms setup. Any help would be great. Im stuck at work, so I cant go look at the actual servos to search them out.

Sabertooth 2X25 Syren10.

Hey All, Kicking into high gear to get my R2 ready for the Calgary Comic Expo. I did try searching for an answer but didnt find any firm topics on running both motor controllers at the same time. I have had the Sabertooth running with the EZ-B via serial. The 2x25 is for my drive motors and the Syren10 is for my dome drive motor. I know the Syren10...
.And Now Me And My Minions Will Rule The World!

.And Now Me And My Minions Will Rule The World!

Let the building of the army begin!
Ez-B Diagnostics - Help Please!

Ez-B Diagnostics - Help Please!

Hi DJ, Popped my new chip in today. Still nothing. I went through the diagnostics video and im getting all the right readings. Board upgraded firmware fine...
Wtb: Omnibot Tracks / Rubber Bumper

Wtb: Omnibot Tracks / Rubber Bumper

Anyone have some spare Omnibot tracks they would like to part with? Also looking for the rubber bumper that connects the base to top. Let me know....

Scriptmanager Randomness

Hello, Is anyone experiencing so weird randomness with ScriptManager? I find if I have moved any of my scripts up/down it acts kinda weird afterwards. Almost like the script description has moved but the data table doesnt realize it. Ill Post my OmniBot Script up. - Omnibots If you run Start, wait a wee bit then run Random-Pause you get some...

Wtb: R2-D2 Interactive

Hey All, Looking for a R2-D2 Interactive for my next project. Gotta be a good deal. Drop me a line if you have one. Lumpy692002 @

E-Bay Omnibot

Somebody should scoop this. Ships USA only.

1/4 Hub

Hello, Looking for a source for a 1/4 hub to fit a Pittman motor. Servocity has what I want but they want $36.00USD to ship it to Canada. Lynxmotion has a set but want $25USD to ship it to Canada. Anyone with a source that charges fair shipping? Heck even a pre-paid International Box (Small) is...

Q4 Controller

Saw this posted on the R2 forums. This would be a neat controller to interface with the EZ-B. Q4 Controller


Mmmm. New goodies in the store!

Wall-E Head Movement Help!

Hey All, Im trying to finish up my Wall-E build. I have the track/motors, arms, sonar all done. Trying to tackle the head. All I want is simple left/right and up/down. Ive been browsing the forum and looking at as many builds but havent got a clear picture of how people are doing this. I can do the left/right easily, its the up/down that Im not...

L298n Ez-B Question For Dj

Hi DJ, I followed your tutorial along pretty much one for one for the L298N. In my attempt to keep things neat and tidy I had the H Bridge setup for D16-D19, and attempted to put the PWM control on D15. Dead in the water. No nothing. Double checked everything then finally put away for the evening in frustration. Gave it another whirl tonight. On a...
Cheap Wii (Knock-Offs) - $5 @ Liqudation World

Cheap Wii (Knock-Offs) - $5 @ Liqudation World

Hey All, Though I would pass this along. Liquidation World has Intec Wave Plus Controller on for $5.00/Ea. This is a knock off...
Ar Parrot / Roomba Score!

Ar Parrot / Roomba Score!

What a weird day. First our IT guy comes down and sells me his minty newish AR Parrot V.1 for $150. Then I go to pick my kid up from the dayhome and she is giving me two...

Speech Recognition: Script For Any Command

Hello, Does anyone know how to use this field under the Speech Recognition config? I tried typing a name of one of my scripts but get an error everytime. Couldnt find any info in the Script Help. Anyone?
Ultra Sonic Mounts

Ultra Sonic Mounts

Having mounting issues with your Ultra Sonic? Found these little fellas. Made specifically for the HC-SR04. They mount perfectly to servos. Here is a link to the youtube vid. Same...

Mp3 Trigger - Set Volume

Hi DJ, Hope your having fun at Maker Faire. I finally got my MP3 Trigger in from Sparkfun. Its up and running. A question, maybe Im missing it in ARC or its not possible. 1) Is there any command line to set volume for the MP3 Trigger? All I can find is the drop down on the MP3 Trigger control panel. I do not want to run external triggers to control...

Mps Gas Cap Switch

Hey All, Trying to work this MPS Gas Cap into my R2 project. I want to use it as a fail safe switch in case R2 makes a break for it. I want to use it in reverse of what it is advertised for. Basically I want R2s power to be on when the plug is in and shut off if the plug is pulled. Ive tossed it together on my bread board and it does run at 5V no...
Omnibot's Galore!

Omnibots Galore!

Holy addictive! Just bought (2) Omnibots this week. I let my 4 year old help shop on SparkFun for mods/upgrades for them. Its going to be a robot fest here! What all have others done to...

Gps For Ez-B?

DJ, Anyone, Would this GPS work for interfacing with the EZ-B?
My Work Robot Is Reading My Mind!

My Work Robot Is Reading My Mind!

Lol I got stuck working the machine today. Im not sure if I control it or it controls me. It was reading my mind today. Please dont sue me DJ for...


Mike Sennas completed Wall-E. Mike is like the gifted godfather of the R2 builders group. ;-) I could see so many things that could be automated and scripted with an EZ-B kit.


Hey All, Just wanted to drop a quick introduction. My name is Kris and Im an R2 builder here in Alberta. My R2 is basically complete and Ive been debating on different control systems for it. Met DJ at the Calgary Expo this weekend and really like the EZ-B setup. Wife picked me up a kit for my birthday! Ill be adding some pics shortly as I attempt...
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Lumpys R2: The Droid You Are Looking For (Red Deer, Ab - Article)

Hey All, Ive been getting R2 out a little bit more lately to promote our local Maker Faire. I didnt get to plug EZ-Robot but there is (2) V4s and (1) camera in him. Enjoy (Click...then scroll down)
Lumpy's Lumpy's - R2-D2 Build Two-Two's

Lumpys Lumpys - R2-D2 Build Two-Twos

Hello Again, Ive been asked to post some pics of my R2 build. Ill toss them up. This has been approx. a 3 year project for me. I chose to go the...
Lumpy's Lumpy's Robosapien

Lumpys Lumpys Robosapien

I was motivated tonight so I decided to EZ-B my Robosapien. Took about 20min total. Hes up and running via Wii remote. Im running the EZ-B on an external battery for now...
Lumpy's Lumpy's Hasbro R2-D2

Lumpys Lumpys Hasbro R2-D2

Hey All! Finally got some time out in the garage. Sorry that thing called Life got in the way! ;-) Some pics. (Sorry I didnt have my fancy camera with me) Hasbro R2 in...
Lumpy's Lumpy's Roomba Rover

Lumpys Lumpys Roomba Rover

Hey All! Picked up one of those cheapy arduino wheeled platforms. It came with those cheesy yellow motors and yellow rimmed wheels. The wheels did not spin very...
Lumpy's Lumpy's Wall-E

Lumpys Lumpys Wall-E

** More pics added 08/01/12 ** I spent the most of Saturday working on my Wall-E. I did the typical carve out the bottom and added the servos. Mounted the sonar. For the arms I...
Lumpy's Lumpy's Omnibot(S) - Spy Vs Spy

Lumpys Lumpys Omnibot(S) - Spy Vs Spy

Hello All! Omnibot #1 arrived today. Im still waiting on Omnibot #2 to arrive. Soon hopefully. Going with a Black / White Spy vs Spy theme. The...
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