Lumpy's Wall-e


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** More pics added 08/01/12 **

I spent the most of Saturday working on my Wall-E.

I did the typical carve out the bottom and added the servos.

Mounted the sonar.

For the arms I carved out slots for the mini servos. Screwed on the round servo horns. Then ground down the arm joints flat. Crazy glued them direct onto the servo horns.

I figured it's going to be a permanent install so I'm not too worried. I can always snap off and re-do if needed. The Mini servos seem to have enough juice to do the basic up/down.

I'll be adding a MP3 module with amp shortly.

The head seems to be the difficult part. Still working on a game plan for that.

Didn't take a whole lot of pictures but will take some more when I tear him down again.

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As Requested, some close up pics of my version of head mount. I still need to fill, finish sand and touch up the paint.

Wall-E at rest. I like the natural head tilt. Because his head is only attached on one side this causes the head to droop.

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Here is the neck. I did some extensive sanding down. This allows for clearance of the up/down movement. Glued a piece of styrene on top and shaped in. In the center is a 4-40 nut for the mounting screw.

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Just another angle.

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Here is the re-cycled Wall-E part mounted to the servo. servo horn is screwed on and crazy glued to prevent movement.

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Another angle.

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Servo fits perfectly in the eye. Hot glued. Only had to expand the existing opening slightly to accept the servo a head.

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There ya be.

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Almost finished.

I got the head completed. You can't even see the servo.

I have some more tweaking to do but I'll post pics tonight when I get home from work.

A quick vid for now.


were you able to keep the "eye tilt"

im working on a set up that allows for left and right up and down plus eye tilt.

also in my set up the left and right plus up and down all happen at the point where the neck and head meet....the neck stays itas all in the eyes they can also move up and down independently of each other.

i will post a video today after work.


Pics from the other day.

Both arms mounted to 9g servos.

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Closeup pic.

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Arm mounted.

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Servos mounted for track drive. Not perfect but works great.

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Head mount V.1. Ver. 2 is very similar but I did more mods to neck piece for clearance issues. 9g servo is completely hidden in eye.

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Czech Republic


Is it possible to show, or demonstrate moving mechanism of head for up and down direction? And also, how is the servo housed in the head and connected to neck. Thanks a lot of.



Amazing ! Congratz!


I'll fire some pics off tonight when I get home from work.

Czech Republic

Thanks a lot of :) , I am choosing how to connect head, your way seems more elegant. Petr


Ya, it worked out pretty slick. I'll pull him apart and snap a few detail pics.


Pics posted on Pg. 1. Hope it helps.

Czech Republic

Great thanks a lot of. Petr


Lumpy, ever get those details shots around the eyes and the head tilt? Would love to see how you pulled that off. Starting that part on my Wall-E.



Check out post # 1 been up for awhile.


Ah. Sorry. By the way it read, I thought there was more coming. No prob. Looks very cool. I'm struggling a bit with getting the head all apart. Any guidance on dealing with the center main pin? Or is it simply a matter of "remove every screw"?


It's a remove every screw type of deal. Remove all the screws from one side of the eye first. Crack her open and it will all make more sense.


All I can say is whomever designed the Wall-E must of had a cousin in China that sells screws. So overbuilt. ;-)


Had some time last night to work on Wall-E.

Added his camera to his eye. Usual mods (Removed USB, Switch, Antenna).

Re-mounted his antenna to a new location.

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That's really cool how you took different approach on the neck there:). I like it a lot, less work than me and looks good! Did you just run a normal wire for the antenna? I was wondering if you need like a coaxial type cable that's used for antenna and not just a normal electrical wire. I used normal wires, not sure if it will affect the signal or weaken it.



I just used regular wire. It seems to work fine for range. I did try to keep the wires as short as possible.

Searched the garage for the part your needing. Couldn't find the second one.

If your not in a huge panic, I'm tearing into Wall-E #2 probably this weekend.

I can mail it out next week sometime?


Really you probably didn't even need the ducky antenna if. You had 4 to 6 inches connected. Plain wire can be a short range antenna.


Lumpy, That's great to know. I did the same, in fact i also left the antenna unplugged and to my surprise the range didn't reduce any, only when out of sight.

I'm in no rush, so next week is great, just let me know how much it cost to ship. I'll send you my address in your email. I really appreciate it:)


Finally got some of my electronics finalized for mounting positions within Wall-E.

Here we have :

  • EZ-B
  • MP3 Module
  • Audio Amp

All mounted. I just have to finish up the wiring harness for the MP3 module.

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Just need to loom up the head wires and add a permanent battery pack and he's good to go.


That's really neat, i still need to hook my MP3 module up, still testing using ARC soundboard. Mine is a mess though, too many inputs. I'm going to run a 3000mah 7.4v Lipo, what are you using?


I've been looking at batteries as of late.

Not sure if I'm ready for LiPo. I keep hearing horror stories.

I carved out the back panel of Wall-E tonight. That should give me a better idea of size to cram in there.

I'll see. I need to look at batteries for (2) Wall-E's (1) Hasbro R2 and (3) Omnibots.

So I'm going to need a good multi-charger too.