Hey All,
I've been getting R2 out a little bit more lately to promote our local Maker Faire.
I didn't get to plug EZ-Robot but there is (2) V4's and (1) camera in him.
(Click...then scroll down)
By Lumpy
— Last update
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That is one beautiful R2 you have built congrats
Hey Lumpy. Welcome back and thanks for sharing. That's so cool. You must be very proud. Nice work.
Thanks everyone!
@Dave I've still been around, I just don't post much these days.
I'm doing a re-work of all my EZ-Robot programming for R2. Trying to slim down my code and tweak and optimize as much as I can.
It's all good!
Oh, a lurker. I see. LOL. Good to know you're there in the background.
Good luck with the coding!