Country: Germany
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2014-12-28 - joined Synthiam
2014-12-28 - connected ARC to the cloud
2015-12-13 - joined your first forum discussion
2015-12-13 - created a custom avatar
2015-12-15 - created first new question
2015-12-15 - shared your first video in the forum
2016-03-01 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
2016-03-07 - shared your first photo in the forum
2019-11-25 - answered a forum question
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Question For Power Supply Requirement
Hey guys, I am looking into how to build a bigger servo actuator at the moment... Its nothing like a full blown project at the moment, I am just...question

Experiments With Google Just Launched Teachable Machine 2.0
Go over to their website to check the new features!! https://teachablemachine.withgoogle.com/...question

Something To Try Out One Day?
Hey, so I had to choose a hardware...my printer is not listed, but I run Octopi on a Rasperry Pi connected to my printer so this seems to be a good pick! But...question

Found This One Very Interesting
Did you guys see this...it is a telepresence robot on steroids!! Supercool right?question

Found This Nice One And Thought Its Worth Sharing
Did anyone see this already, I thought it is beautiful how such a reduced build can produce this emotional impact. And it...question

Dynamixel With Ezbpi Server
I am trying to control my Dynamixel AX-12a with the EZBPi, but when I try to connect ARC it disconnects shortly after... Is there a wiring schematic or a tutorial on...question

Immersive Vr Telepresence
Hey guys...I stumbled upon UVL the other day, and it seems to provide a very stable high fps solution for telepresence! I am trying to set it up to work with Unity, but...question

Food For Thought
Hey guys...two interesting topics to keep an eye on!question

Tensor Flow Is Googles Open Source Machine Learning Api
Hey, I am not a Japanese cucumber farmer...only a German robot enthusiast, but I though maybe some of you...question

Roboscratch Element Blocks Missing
Hey guys, no need to rush it...but I just checked into the RoboScratch workspace and realized that a lot of the element blocks are missing! I do not...question

Interesting Ted Talk On Ai
Just sharing this for everyones pleasure!question

Speaker On Ez-B Iotiny
Hey guys...I just found out how organized the Requiring Technical Assistance section got! Really tight! Also the tutorials got so detailed, its kind of cool that you are...question

Replika Ai Might Be A Fun Thing To Check
Hey guys, I just stumbled upon this...its also being talked about in the WIRED clip I linked, check it out, enjoy! https://replika.ai/question

Emotion Recognition
Just stumbled across this one here...Apple acquired Emotient! Might not be great news, but emotion recognition seems to be only a few steps from being deployed in everyday life! This...question

Camera Interference With Servo Movement?
Hey guys, I was trying to script some animation for my robot...trying to figure out how to make smooth animations which will run correctly...question

Jittery Servo Movement
Hey there, I am having an issue with my robots movement here. I build a litte Lego robot consisting of 10 micro servos, they are supposed to have a 4.8Volts input....question

3Ds Max
Hey there, I just got my ez-robot developers kit today and would to like starting on my project which involves building a robot in a 3d application, printing it and transferring the robots movement out for...No general conversations. Click here to start a conversation.
No robot skills. Click here to view the Robot Skill Store.

Mickey666mauss UNITY LINK / ARC
This is aimed towards anyone interested in how to link a 3D environment to the ARC software package... This example shows how to extract servo positions from...robot

Mickey666mauss BLDC Control Odrive-For-ARC
This is the setup for my Tarot 6S 4108 KV:380 BLDC motor to be used like any other servo in ARC... It is just MY PERSONAL setup and...robot

Mickey666mauss Cycloidal Reducer 40:1
This is a WIP of a cycloidal gearbox with a reduction ratio of 40:1. It is driven by a Tarot 4108 brushless motor, in theory it should have almost...robot

Mickey666mauss ZOE : A Machine That Resembles A Living Creature In Being Capable Of Moving Independently
Since my...robot

Mickey666mauss Face Mask Detection With ARC
I had this in my head for some time now, and finally found some nice datasets to turn this into a project... Just follow me on the...robot

Mickey666mauss ARC And Windows On Raspberry Pi 4
I guess with the rise of ARM, Microsoft will have to commit itself now to the new era!! This is just meant to be...robot

Mickey666mauss Oled Animated Eyes For ARC Pro And ARC Free
To set the project up, the following hardware is needed: 1x https://www.adafruit.com/product/3800 2 x...robot

Mickey666mauss Spot Mini On Steroids
Hey, still looking for a propper way to share stuff here on the forum... This is mindblowing!!robot

Mickey666mauss Hey Guys...This Adafruit 16-Ch
Hey guys...this Adafruit 16-channel PWM/Servo Shield integrates seamlessly to ARC now... So if you are having one sitting on the...No live robot hacking sessions. Click here to view the past live robot hacks.
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feature request

GPT-2 Text Generator With Api...
Hey I found this...it is not really a feature request, but I thought it might be interesting for you guys to try? Its also an attempt to not open a thread...feature request