
Found This One Very Interesting
Did you guys see this...it is a telepresence robot on steroids!! Supercool right?
Related Hardware Telepresence Robot
Oh and btw, it is kind of weird having to pick a hardware for this topic, and soon I will have to pick someone that resolved the question... Actually I will be picking the bot now! So it is done!! But a separate section for posts like this would be an awesome improvement for the forum!
Oh and also now I am having to do another post to mark it as resolved!! So here it comes...
Thank you so much for resolving my question dear AI Support Bot!
Fabulous, amazing technology
thanks for sharing
I watched the video, also I went to Haptx, Shadow websites, the future is amazing
I am sure many people in this forum will be interested in this, some may know already.
Well I have seen DJ demonstrate doing something similar with the Kinect camera and controlling the large Inmoov robot and now with all the VR plugins and camera controls this is no big deal for EZB users,only the tactile feeling in the glove finger tips is a bit more cutting edge I guess. I will be doing the same with my Large Cylon I am building .I am modifying the old V2 arms I have,extending them so I can control all the wrist joints,finger grasping,elbow movements with my Oculus Go and the EZB, I will see if I can make the hands strong enough to handle beers and hand them out to people in VR to real life.
Dont use the Oculus Go, use the Quest...the Quest has two controllers!
I used the WiiMote to do that, as well as the kinect. But the kinect version wasn't great. If you modified the source code for the virtual reality robot control to take the htc vive controller inputs and assign to servos, you have the same thing but with cameras. They're using HTC vive, you can see the controller attached to the glove. The only part i find impressive about that is they're doing what our software has been able to do for a few years...
Right on DJ using the cameras is what I am interested in as the new 360 HD cameras can be bought cheap now and let you see any area around in a 360 degree view,looks impressive in VR headsets. Tried the 360 video of the Canada Wonderland Roller Coaster ride and I just about puked it felt so real. I can just imagine now taking control of my 6 foot robot outside and moving the arms to pick up stuff or meet and greet people,very cool what the ARC can do these days!
Amazing technology, I can't wait where our future brings us. I hope games would soon adapt this technology.
I totally agree that telepresence and live control is no problem with ARC, I am using it on my Quest for quiet some time now... It is really great to remotely control your robot to interact with you audience or with the environment!
But the haptic feedback is something that has not been accomplished with ARC...so who is willing to accept the challenge?
I know how to use the xbox 360 Kinect, the wiiRemote to move arms etc.
Where can we get an affordable hand / fingers to use?
Their hands are similar to the inmoov with strings and servos in the wrists. You can 3d print the inmoov hands
At this point, I do not own a 3d printer, maybe one day.
I can imagine you are very busy.
Have you ever seen this hand? Seems doable for me.
Please tell me your thoughts on this , when you get a chance, no rush.
thanks again
Looks quite a bit heavy to be on the end of a servo powered arm. Unless you were to use some pretty big servos with good power. For that price, you could get yourself a chinese 3d printer if you're buying two of those hands
hi EZang you need sensors for avery finger.to be able to grip something without burning the servo. also use the micro servo's from ez robot to get good control over the servo's. the link you got is a building kit.its cheaper on banggood.com
hand kit
Thanks for everyone help
Maybe it is time research a 3d printer
My thoughts came from watching Mickey666Maus video above.
Here is my practice hand / fingers from the past, I put this together today, using 3 small servos, a hobby hand I picked up, Ex- builder, auto-position and voice.
I did get this hand, figures working with the Xbox 360 Kinect also, very cool, that I need to fine tune, :-)
I guess I can do this with any hand
The fingers is what I am interested in, I will research.
for now here is a short video:
I loved it
there's comes a new robot out with smart grippers as they called. seems this gripper can feel what he's gripping.also the aelos pro, has alot of sensors .
aelos lite smart gripper
Yes, the fingers, grippers are loaded with sensors. I would like to have one, lol
The video that Mickey666Maus presented was great technology.
Those companies are in a different market, they don't have a product to sell to you and me they said. I emailed them.
I just do tests with inexpensive pieces. Some of the technology is a little to pricey to play around with.
However, I am very excited in the all this technology and advancement we explore.
DJ said they are they're using HTC vive, you can see the controller attached to the glove.
I also used ARC with the WiiMote and the Microsoft 360 Kinect can do some of that.
The finger are a different story.
sorry I wrote so much, I will end here for now.
there is an aelos pro and aelos s on sale on ebay. aelos pro
I will check, thanks
your link takes me to EUR 1.499,00
yep for the pro version.the lite is not yet availeble.
here is the aelos S version.half prized.
aelos S
i have an alpha 2 still in box complete.i dont use.if your interested send me a mail. also a metal robot with hands.
I see, still 600.00
here's an alpha 1S low prize. alpha 1s
is it programable?
What's the difference between that and a JD robot?
A JD robot that can do many things
the alpha 1s or pro is an empty robot.you can make some poses thats all. it doesn have a camera.just a small app. you cant beat a jd robot.a jd robot has all. i have a few jd's laying here,that i dont use.bouth to much,lol.
lol, can't beat JD robot, ha, ha...
I also have a lot of pieces around, :-(
Nomad, here is a video. I think you will like- https://youtu.be/1urL_X_vp7w
did you see the figure robot on the box? its a alpha mini .very cute robot.
no, I will look it up, I just looked it up, very cute